50 years tomorrow martin luther kin jr made the I have a dream speech Whats your throughts and opinions?
i think that black people forget that mlk jr said that it was ok to judge based on content of character... i love mlk.. one of my favorite inspirations. i like the fact that he was open to other religions. everyone knows that Gandhi was one of his inspirations, but he was also inspired by, and even friends (or at least acquainted with) a notable zen master and Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh whom mlk nominated for a nobel peace prize.
He inspired so many. It's a horrible tragedy that he was killed. I would have loved to have heard more out of Dr. King.
interesting article about the often unremembered activist who helped that speech come into existence. http://www.queerty.com/bayard-rustin-the-gay-dreamer-behind-dr-kings-i-have-a-dream-speech-20130828/
Conspiracy theorists now have a new target, it not the Jew who directs the course of human events, it the homosexuals who are pulling the strings Hotwater
In the meanwhile just outside of Atlanta a 4 year old preschooler was found with a loaded gun in his backpack, I guess back then he would have sided with the Black Panther Party (as would I) :2thumbsup: Hotwater
The world could really use a strong leader like MLK now. Also, Hotwater, explain your line of thought please. How on earth do you relate a preschooler packing heat to the black panther party?
i'm not hotwater, but i'll take a stab. probably because atlanta is where mlk is from so ppl from his own neighborhood aren't practicing what the man preached.. non violence.
of course. Nice to see a black kid bringing a gun to school. Its usually the whities, giving my people a bad name.