Almost 5 years since I first became a member, does anyone remember or know me? Life flies by, I haven't been on much lately but hopefully I'll be contributing more. :daisy:
Yes and I can thankfully say HIPFORUMS is a wonderful site!!!! I know I have a friend in SKIP here........ I thought we were gonna lose this site to THE GARBAGE OF VB4,5 but SKIP listenend and looked @ VB4 himself and saw it was trash and did not put it here!!!! He put this IPB software here which is MUCH BETTER!!!!!!! I owe alot to Skip,I didnt lose this wonderful site to ugly garbage!! THANK YOU SKIP!!!!!!!
damd near 20 here. at least i know it was before the year 2000 when i found this place. must have been somewhere around 98 or 99. i remember i was surfing woodstock nostelgia when i landed on this place. i suppose that's longer ago then some people who are running the world now, have been alive.
16 years on Hipforums for me. Now top that, bitches. Been posting on HF since Spring of '99, before I even graduated high school. Of course back then it wasn't even called Hipforums, but Hippyland or something like that. There was maybe three forums, and they were the very old school bulletin board type forums where you didn't even need to register to post. But I've been over this already.
Ive been postng since 1874 Back tben it was just morse code over telegraph and you needed a pidgeon for friend requests
Tyrsonswood had a break during the spanish inquisition cos he made fun of of guy whose name sounded like chorizo, did post for a.hundred years as he was tied to a rack.
I'm not fully sure - I might have joined in '02. When the forums upgraded in 2004 we all got new join dates in that year.