Although overall only 29% of Americans could imagine a situation in which they would support the military seizing control of the federal government, while 41% could not imagine such a situation. However, The proportion of the country that would support a military takeover increases when people are asked whether they would hypothetically support the military stepping in to take control from a civilian government which is beginning to violate the constitution. 43% of Americans would support the military stepping in while 29% would be opposed. (i should warn that this is only based on 1000 people asked) The thing is there is a precedence from the 1930’s with the so called ‘Business Plot’ against FDR.
Taking into account that the military spent $500 million training five Syrian rebels, I doubt the military could stage a coup. The local police would probably be able to put it down. And the branches of the military would probably be fighting each other the way cons and libs do in congress. I don't think they would all go along with the coup. But 45% of cons willing to overthrow their own government shows that ISIS and Al Qaeda are not what we need to be worried about. Home grown terrorism is far more dangerous. We have met the enemy, and they are the ones that want to destroy their own country.
I wonder how this could have been better examined. If I am to "imagine" a scenario, is it for a factual consideration? Or is it someone test-marketing a futuristic film plot? As for a military coup, so far the US hasn't really seen one. The civil war was as close as I think it gets. It brings the 2nd amendment into focus when you consider that the stated provision is for the civilians and militia to be the mechanism for tossing out tyrants in office. The US is run by people who are willing to destroy the lives of others to keep their place or advance. At some point the greater population would be expected to react. But we don't have a unified American population. And it's being driven even further apart by aft-facing baggage.
I'd imagine that it's because they have so many guns and not enough people to legally shoot. They would never admit it, but right wingers are always the first people to condone 'righteous' killing... I suspect it's because they secretly get off on it. Here's an interesting article about right-wing terrorists and how they have killed more Americans than jihadists: The right is too influenced by lunatics like Alex Jones who seriously think that the only reason the government would want to prevent lunatics from owning guns is because they're going to enslave on the American public, and the only way to prevent this is to buy as many guns as you can and wait for them to try it... unless of course you feel like striking first, which the right would never condone publicly but is effectively inciting with its absurd talking points.
How can you begin to violate the Constitution? You either do or you don't. Don't forget the plans for a military coup to dispose Roosevelt in 1933. This was a plan developed by eight businessmen to recruit General Smedley Butler to lead the coup. No one was ever prosecuted.