swim took 25mg 4-ho-mipt after taking 30mg 2ci without sleeping and just felt confused and half tripping, would this be due to sleep deprivation or cross tolerance? swim had not taken any other trippers in over a mounth before, ketamine alcohol and weed had also taken part, any ideas? (TL;DR didnt trip off shroom analogue and am wondering why) interesting chemical though (first thread yay)
Hi, We have a Synthetic Drugs forum where most questions on these chemicals go: http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/forumdisplay.php?f=126 Sleep Deprivation probably took some of your mindset out of it and tolerance very well may have factored in. Also the sensitivity to these chemicals can be quite varied from person to person.
Yeah sorry I wasnt sure as it is a very close shroom analogue, but it was strange because I bearly got any visuals at all
That could be the nature of the chemical. I have not taken it but many of these analogues are not as satisfying as the illegal drug they are based on. They are legal, that is their most appealing asset. But someone on the synthetic section will know better.