4 Dallas Police Officers Shot And Killed

Discussion in 'Politics' started by r0llinstoned, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    So there was a demonstration tonight about the two black guys killed this week in Minnesota and Louisiana and to get back at police they shot 11 of them, killing 4 of them. Really sad to hear.. Really? That is how you protest something? It was also really sad those two guys were killed earlier this week but come on.. An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind

  2. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    I didnt see there was already a thread about this until just now, sorry.
  3. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I’ve been glued to CNN All-night watching all of this mayhem - WOW!

    This is nuts and it’s sad to see race relations in our country have been reduced to open warfare

  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    gimmedats what pathetic ideology and belief system you all have. right in line with ISIS ideology .. its your way or no way at all. go riot and burn down your communities now..
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Too crazy....I am saddened about the cops that lost their lives last night, as well, as for the African Americans that lost theirs and the many before that that did, too, in senseless shootings by BAD cops....and that is what some are.....but there are alot of good cops, too....as welll...as in every race, religion....etc....good and bad....remember that.

    This crazy lunatic last night did not help matters for himself or anyone else...prosecute the damn cops that kill innocent people for nothing and let them serve jail time just like everyone else, who do not have zillions of dollars to buy the best lawyers, that is......Get to the root of the damn problems.

    Black lives matter
    gay lives matter
    this life matters that life matters....and on and on...let's get divided some more...How about LIFE MATTERS...period.
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  6. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Thing is that although all lives should matter in many societies some lives seem to matter more than others.

    I mean if all lives have equal worth, then everyone should in as far as its possible be equal and have equality of opportunity and choices. Nobody should be born into advantage or disadvantage.

    But that isn’t the case and its one of the things Black lives Matter is i think trying to highlight.

    The US need unity what it already seem to have is division.
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  7. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You might be referring to me with your question, Balbus, so let me clarify......

    First of all my saying is LIFE MATTERS.....and that includes all life...human, fauna, flora, fish....everything....from the tiniest ant....and people who know me know that is my philosophy at heart. It does not discriminate against anything.

    Second of all, a friend of mine here is an African American , who is gorgoeus BTW....People think she is a model, but that is besides the point.....After listening to hours of her rantings...i have adopted her attitude about this somewhat...She does not like the Black Lives Matter slogan. She says that just separates her from the rest of the human population some more.......She also hates to see that many crimes are committed by the African community population with each other...and does not have nice things to say about many of them.....She thinks....make something of yourself and stop bitching and fighting and thinking the world owes you something...because it does not for anyone......She makes a lot of sense......I don't even go down that road about them....as i think many have suffered too long....so many people have suffered too long.....including all colors, races, religions....etc.....I am a bit more sympathetic than she is.....
    When I first met her, I did not see color...i saw a human being, who I got to know as an individual....and that is the way it should be.
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  8. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Well fine but I still think it was a good idea to eradicate the smallpox virus and I still want my local council to carry on keeping down the rat population and I’m not going to stop worming my cat. :)

    I’m a supporter of the Green Party and a lapsed member of Greenpeace (I ran a marathon for them) and have been involved in a number of environmental campaigns but this is mainly focused on Dallas and Black Lives Matter.

    And as to divisions within a political system sometimes it’s needed a demand for unity can often be a tool by some to manipulate the agenda in their favour, those that wish to exploit (people and the environment) often bemoan the ‘splitters’ who oppose them. Many beneficial political, social and economic changes have come about because of differing and divisive views.

    Well that’s fine but I’m not sure why I mean I’m white and support ‘Black lives matter’ it’s like the African American Civil Rights movement you didn’t have to be black to be part of it you just didn’t have to be bigoted. And from what I’ve seen of BLM demonstrations there does seem to be many white people in the crowd.

    I’ve heard many on the right expressing the same sentiments and they always seem to me to have a hint of Social Darwinism about them, the idea that if you are doing well in a society you are ‘worthy’ but if you don’t you are ‘unworthy’. But if you are living in a unequal society then some will be born into advantage and others into disadvantage, so the game of making something of yourself is rigged in favour of the advantaged in which case I think a certain amount annoyance and bitching at how the game is rigged is needed for things to improve.

    People fought and campaigned to get, civil rights, workers rights, better living conditions and environmental protections, without bitching about things that seemed wrong or against injustice those thing would never have happened.

    Yes I’ve know some people imply that this is because they are black rather than due to socio-economic factors, again the hint of Social Darwinism.

    I think this is also something the BLM campaign is trying to address.


    There is a common conservative narrative that indicates the disproportionate incarceration of black people is not the result of systemic racism, but rather of shortcomings within the black community.

    It is also common to hear the supposedly neutral statement that “black people commit more crimes than white people.” This “fact” is used to justify a belief that black people have a natural criminal propensity, or that a “culture of violence” is to blame for problems faced by black people in America.

    Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population, and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as many white people as black people in this country, blacks and whites are incarcerated in equal numbers. But the fact that black people are incarcerated five times as frequently as white people does not mean black people commit five times as many crimes. Here’s why:

    (1) If a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed.
    (2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
    (3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.

  9. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    13 people shot last night Mon 7/11/16 in Chicago ..

    Yeah BLM really cares about their communities ..

    5 people shot at vigil in west Baltimore. 7/11/16


    BLM is so far,, well more like a LOOOOOOOONG time ignoring the behaviors of the black race insurgents /aka THUG LIFE: And fully supports it as a way of life.

    I'm sorry it is not.

    It is a fantasy, an idea, make believe, role playing, designed by Hollywood and the Music Industry to make money.. It is fully operational due to the war on drugs. And wouldn't have the flair without it.

    If BLM put that much energy into fighting against the war on drugs, which fuels the violence and gang killings over money and ho's. Maybe police presence wouldn't be saturating Hoodtown and Ghettoville.. Maybe the police wouldnt be so on edge when drugs no longer have any value and ghetto thugs might actually have to pick up brooms, rakes, shovels, tools, and text books to make a living.. just a thought.
  10. deleted

    deleted Visitor

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