4 aco dmt

Discussion in 'Synthetic Drugs' started by pbjube3, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. pbjube3

    pbjube3 Cock Blaster

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    well i got to try it my first time last week, and i have to say i really enjoyed it, it felt like really strong mushrooms or a prolonged (weaker) dmt trip. Colors were vivid, the body rushes kinda came in waves. Music sounded awesome, things were funny. I had 20mg that was dissolved in say 5ml of ethanol. I enjoyed it over mushrooms because it was easier to stomach (although that ethanol is bitter as fuck) and the onset was quicker, and i liked the way it absorbed into my body almost similar to liquid lsd, i could feel it working its way into my body from the moment it went in my mouth. Im suppose to be gettin .5g of it soon, going to try a bit of a higher dose maybe 35-40mg. OR possibly mixing a low dose with a low-moderate dose of mushrooms. Will report back!
  2. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    I don't recommend mixing it with mushrooms. Stick with this one compound and keep increasing dose. 40mg is wildly different from 20mg. I've worked a 9-5 sales job on 20mg (really dumb idea, but survivable, like being on a strong hit of ecstasy in terms of impairment. it was still hard enough that i had to ask my coworker for a cigarette to calm myself down [i dont smoke]). 40mg has consistently brought dramatically profound psychedelic experiences, both incredibly positive and beautiful, and distressing, revolting and tortuous. The best piece of advice I can give you for this compound is to never, ever, take it lightly. Always respect 4-aco-dmt and take it when the time is right, at the right dose, in the right place. This compound has given me one of the closest glimpses of insanity I've ever received, tread lightly :)
  3. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    yeah i would increase dose before i went mixing it with other things. for me, 25 mg gives me a mild trip (i seem to need a little more than some other people). it takes about 35 mg for a solid trip, while 45 mg produced one of the strongest trips of my life.

    it really does feel like an extended but weaker dmt trip. weaker than dmt is still pretty damn strong though ;)
  4. felix4life

    felix4life Member

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    Really good advice. 35mg can be worlds different than 25mg. Make sure you weigh and weigh again.
  5. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    If I was to make a dosage recommendation, it would be 50mg, but I'm not gonna make such a recommendation, so as to avoid getting flamed(the usual result of my dosage recommendations). lol

    I do agree that you shouldn't combine it with other substances though; at least, not until you've further explored it on it's own.
  6. felix4life

    felix4life Member

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    That is an excellent dosage recommedation if people want to visit the hospital.

  7. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I had a great trip on 50 mgs 4-aco-dmt... No doubt really intense, but it felt as physically safe as other doses I've explored.

    Recently, I tripped on psilcybe allenii mushrooms which reminded me quite a bit of 4-aco-dmt in terms of duration and the pace of the trip. The alleni seemed to have a quicker comeup than I recall from Cubensis and then all those other factors mentioned in the op, although they did have a slight bit of the mushroom queasiness and a more organic feel.
  8. pbjube3

    pbjube3 Cock Blaster

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    Thanks for all the stories and insight guys! think im gonna go for 40mg next time i do it. Has any one insufflate the powder or do you always mix it with a liquid?
  9. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    every time i've read about someone snorting 4-aco-dmt...they pretty much said you should just eat it.

    if you eat 35 or 40 mg, it's gonna be A LOT stronger than 20 mg was.

    seems like 4-subbed tryptamines aren't THAT much stronger when snorted, as opposed to 2cx, which is like 2 or 3 times stronger when snorted (but still more of a "shallow" trip, some say).
  10. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    lolwut? 50mg was my first dosage with 4-AcO-DMT and it produced a wonderful experience. I've even dosed ~150mg and loved it. It's actually a pretty safe chemical, as long as you're physically healthy and your mind can handle it. It definitely shouldn't be underestimated though, because it's also very powerful.
  11. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    Yeah, 50mg is probably the perfect dose, imo. The only thing I really noticed from taking higher doses was a slightly increased heartrate, but nothing serious.
  12. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Just going to add here, for all the strangers on the internet who find this thread and don't know who TopNotchStoner is, that he eats 10mg Xanax for a buzz and generally he requires extremely large doses of substances.

    In no circumstance is 150mg of 4-aco-dmt a safe idea or a smart idea. Even 50mg would be considered, by 99% of people who regularly take psychedelic substances, a heroic dose. A massive dose.

    TNS, please remember that not everybody who reads threads like these knows your personal background and your unique position with drug dosages. There will come a day when someone who just bought a chemical is trying to decide how much to take, and they will read a post of yours TNS, and they will dose based on what you recommended, and they will suffer greatly for it. Please keep other people in mind when you authoritatively suggest doses that are fine for you, but not fine for anybody else on hipforums, much less someone who is new to all this and looking for a safe, interesting dose.

    I am appealing to your compassion here. Think of the possible consequences of your actions on others.
  13. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    Believe it or not, I agree with you. I almost always forget to add that these chemicals affect everyone differently and that some people are more sensitive to them. I should probably include a disclaimer in my signature. lol
  14. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I took a 120mg of ice tea mix with a high tolerance, all it did was set off my hypoglycemia. I dont like it.
    mipt,homet are the only two I really geta thrill from..
  15. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    what was the result of that? did you pass out or have a "seizure" type event?

    and do you mean that you didn't like 120 mg or that you don't like 4-aco-dmt period?

    my friend fell to the ground and seized a little bit after taking ~30 mg 4-aco-dmt (after taking LSD 9 hours prior, and drinking alcohol all day). one cause that we considered was that he had low blood sugar.


    after looking on wikipedia for all of 10 seconds, i just saw that one common cause of hypoglycemia is alcohol. we also didn't eat very much that day either, so hopefully the 4-aco-dmt didn't have much to do with it. that's what i try to tell myself anyways.

    when i took 45 mg, it had me shaking kinda violently at times. it was kinda like excess energy or shivering. but it was intense. i'd never take more than 45 mg personally, for fear of having a seizure.

    i get tremors from 4-ho-mipt too, but they don't seem as menacing. maybe that's because i haven't dosed miprocin higher than 25 mg. i might not need to go higher with that one. seems much more potent than my 4-aces.
  16. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I get shaky like [​IMG] with teh hypoglycemia. I know how to fix it pretty fast, but if im not around food source I could get kinda violent trying to locate food or get it without someone getting in my way..

    I wouldnt suggest anyone do 120mg of ice tea mix. that could easy be a hospital visit.
    I notice with real mushrooms , i dont get that, maybe because the shrooms have some substance to them, not chemically in the belly.

    lower doses of ice tea also triggers my hypoglycemia.. but not as much as the tolerance dose. I felt so hungry , but Im like to eat anyways..
  17. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    So did u mean that u didn't like 120mg or u dont like the. Chemical period?
  18. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    yeah, I dont like that chem.. makes me jumpy and hungry. not really good for something to increase my hunger more than cannabis. which is kinda negative after all these years.

    even cocaine makes me hungry.. but dont trigger my hypoglycemia ..

    probably did the ice tea around 6times, each those made me nervous and hungry, which I automatically associate with my sugar index.
  19. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    I've been thinking about giving it another go. Haven't had any since my bachelor party and I think I've only taken it 4 or 5 times. It'll be interesting to see how it compares to miprocin since I've now tried that a few times..with my memories of 4 aces not so fresh in my mind
  20. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    I've only tried it in combination with ethocin. I recommend in the sense that once the trip levels out, they go nicely with each other, but I don't in the sense that at first you can definitely feel something going up and down against each other.

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