25i Long-term?

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by YoureMySatellite, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. YoureMySatellite

    YoureMySatellite Member

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    I've been doing a lot of 25i lately and i'm wondering if anyone knows about the long term effects of this?
    Does anyone know if it causes some kind of problem in the body or cancer?
  2. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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  3. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Considering the first human use of this was like, 3 years ago, no man :\ these are good questions to ask before you do a lot of a substance with no history of use and a troubling track record of death and delusion.

    i'm afraid to ask but how much is "a lot"?
  4. YoureMySatellite

    YoureMySatellite Member

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    I've done it once a weekend, for 4 weeks. Always around the same dose.
  5. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    That's not so much. It'd be good to take a break now though.
  6. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    yeah nobody knows about the long term effects from taking drugs like this. they haven't even been studies in animal models.

    if you choose to take 25i-nbome...you are the experiment.
  7. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    It's probably not going to cause cancer. The biggest risk with consistent use would be HPPD. There is not going to be research on NBOME though so it is hard to say though. There is just no reason to since science is not really interested in psychedelic drugs. Plus as soon as it gets too much attention it will become illegal and then there really will be no research.

    Even LSD which has been around decades longer has little to no research done for these reasons.
  8. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    There were around 40,000 living human beings who were given psychedelics under scientific study in the 1950's and 1960's alone; several dozen BOOKS were published along with innumerable scientific articles. Then we had a period of ignorance from around 1970-1990, and since then there has been a slow but steady reemergence of investigation. Scientific investigation into psychedelics is currently taking off quite nicely; just a few weeks ago Canada approved the first human MDMA-PTSD study.

    You should check out www.maps.org so you can happily learn that you're wrong :)

    Me searching for "Lysergic acid diethylamide" in just one generic academic search engine (EBSCO) results in 150 full length, peer reviewed research papers.
  9. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    hopefully there will soon be one more researcher in the field of "psychedelics"...
    i'm currently looking for jobs in the serotonin field for after i get my PhD in the spring/early summer.
  10. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Cool Pork, Shulgin would be proud. :2thumbsup:

    We need more people who are willing to study psychedelics. I think allot of scientists fear being ostracized by peers because it is "drugs". Plus even if you do there are all sorts of hoops to jump through because they are often illegal.
  11. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    So when you made this statement, was it perhaps you who did little to no research? :)

    not wanting to flame you, but very much wanting to snap you out of your haze :) things aren't true because they "feel" true, they aren't true because you heard it somewhere or your friends said it. They are true because you go and you do the hard work of finding out whether or not they are true. Please do this more with the things you believe and the things you say. This applies to outside this section of the forums if you know what I mean (fluoride, NWO, shadow people, pineal gland, extra-dimensional beings, etc) it makes life better and you get to learn things like just how much bullshit is out there in the world that people want you to believe. And if you think that the only people feeding you false knowledge is the Illuminati, then you don't understand just what kind of silly, stupid, unfounded shit people all around the world believe, for no good reason at all.
  12. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    As far as I can tell my statement was accurate. I said LITTLE to none because of stigma and laws and you point out there have been studies. I did not say no one has ever studied psychedelics. And I would still maintain that despite those studies there is allot to be learned about. I guess the phase a little can be open to interpretation.

    It's like I have said before I really don't want to fight with anyone (particularly a mod as I really enjoy the HF community). I try to present my experiences and opinions in a polite way and I am open to discussion. And also as I have said before online interaction can be difficult for some one mildly autistic like me. But honestly I am getting a very condescending vibe from this post. Am I right? If not please clarify.

    The things I post on the conspiracy forum have been discussed by you and I before and I don't think they really have any place in this topic. You can judge me and say I am a "haze" but to be fair you do not know me at all or the experiences and people I have known that would lead me to those conclusions. My posts on these topics have recieved both rep and PM's agreeing with me. So I am not the only one who looks into these things.

    I don't recall ever saying something was true simply because I felt it. I think that is an assumption you are making. Although I will admit I do not discount the power of the "gut feeling". But unlike a certain former president I do not use that above all else including the mind and logic. To trust the gut feeling would get into the sort of conspiracy/new age stuff you seem so intent to call me out on. Trusting my gut has saved my life before. But I do not ever post on a topic and use a gut feeling as my only source. If I am talking about something like the NWO I am citing facts from books or some other form of information on the topic.
  13. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    Writer to be honest I think you misunderstood what Unfocused said.

    This statement:
    is largely correct, since there is almost no research currently being done on LSD due to it's classification as schedule 1.

    If it read
    it wouldn't be valid.
  14. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Fair enough anakin I couldn't help making that comment. You shouldn't be unwilling to argue with me because I'm a mod; if I touch your posts due to disagreeing with you I myself would become banned. that would be a clear abuse of mod powers :) all i do around here is delete 1 post wonders from people asking for drugs or selling them :D

    I get reps and PMs too but that doesn't mean I'm right ;)

    I'll avoid such remarks in the future though, I have just been recently surprised by your opinions as you're a long time member here and I've only just learned about several of your viewpoints about these topics, which again surprise me. I'd love to see some credible sources on fluoride, pineal gland, and the top echelon of NWO that you speak of, but that's for another forum section :)
  15. YoureMySatellite

    YoureMySatellite Member

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    I've done quite a bit of 25i now, as well as 25c and would like to tell everyone what my experiences have been like and what problems i've encountered with it.

    When it comes to 25i, I really dislike the experience and have no desire to try it again after trying 25c. 25i has amazing visuals, but it always gave me an unusual amount of anxiety/paranoia as well as a cracked out amphetamine feeling. I would never do more than 1mg, and at 500mg it was still unpleasant when I came down. After doing 25i about 5 times, I noticed when I was sober I would have unusual experiences urinating. I would urinate more often, sometimes it would hurt, and my penis would do strange things. I don't know if I can connect this to 25i, but it started to happen after my frequent 25i use.

    25c is a completely different story, though I am not yet as experienced with it as 25i. 25c had a much calmer body load, no amphetamine like stimulation, and the visuals though not as intense as 25i were very mellow and very LSD like especially when cannabis was smoked. 25c left me with a somewhat sober head space but my friends and I could talk non sense and laugh about it for hours on end. So far I have just had amazing experiences with it and will continue to do it. The come down still left me with a taxed feeling on my body, but it was nothing I couldn't handle and NOTHING compared to the come down from 25i.

    I do have HPPD, when I stare off at one space things start to breathe and the hallucinations are very obvious, but it hasn't effected my day to day life in any way.

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