If you had 25 minutes to go what would you do? Would you have beans for your last meal? I'd probably have a nice veggie lasagne. Then I think I'd write a poem. I suppose the youf of today might spend their last 25 minutes playing GTA or something. Or checking their phones. That wouldn't make for such a good song though.
I'd Sit On My Back Verandah...... With A Glass Of Champagne......Surrounded By My Cats...... Cheers Glen.
I'd go swimming in the ocean. The feeling of being surrounded and held by it would make the twenty five minutes seem like forever. Which it sort of would be.
I'd sulk because 25 minutes isn't enough time to get to Washington DC with my weapons of mass destruction.
that ain't long enough to be worth trying to leave the house. pretty sure i'd do the best think i could do, which is to lay down and close my eyes, and do some meditation stuff, the kind that turns the imagination loose in a good way.
At Your Age It Would Take 24 Minutes To Undo Your Belt......That Leaves 1 Minute To "Find It"...... Methinks Kylie Will Remain Perfectly Safe...... Cheers Glen.
Well if we're getting into that sort of territory I wouldn't mind taking a quick dip with Louise Wener.
Sounds like the classic Freudian defence mechanism of 'projection' Glen Psychological projection - Wikipedia
Note To Joshua Tree.......This Coming Xmas Eve......Don't Bother Checking Your Mail Box For The Usual Xmas Card From GLEN......Just A Few Spider Webs And Some Junk Mail Will Be Your Seasons Greetings For 2019...... Cheers Glen.
Hold The Presses.......GLEN Just May Have To Print A "Retraction" Re His Last Post...... Cheers Glen.