25 hours barefoot today

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by Diane Rivera, Jul 19, 2024.

  1. Diane Rivera

    Diane Rivera Members

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    It's been really hot where I lived and it was my day off from work so I got to spend the day barefoot. It was nice to have socks and shoes off. Total it will be 40 hrs before I have to put shoes on again. I also was able to get my feet really dirty and I didn't bother washing them. The dirt felt so nice under my feet. I've been barefoot a lot since March and I really love to take my shoes and socks off so much so I sometimes smile when I do. It was the first time I got my feet so dirty and I definitely will do it again. I just love being barefoot now.

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  2. Barefoot Larry

    Barefoot Larry Members

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    Hi, Diane, I smile as well when I remove my shoes and I am barefoot most of the time.
    Have you been going into public places barefoot? Once you do it a few times comfort level goes up and you realize no one cares or at least they don’t bother you. Most of my public contacts have been positive.
  3. Diane Rivera

    Diane Rivera Members

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    The most public I've ever been was a library at school several years back and I only did that because my feet got really hot and I just wanted to let them air out for a bit with the cool air conditioning I've never been to a store but I'm sure the frozen food section is like heaven on a hot day
    Barefoot Rick and Barefoot Larry like this.
  4. Barefoot Larry

    Barefoot Larry Members

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    I found going into public places intimidating at first do to fear of the opinions of others, but now that fear is greatly reduced and I can within reason enjoy the barefoot experience.
    riverman18 and Barefoot Rick like this.
  5. Diane Rivera

    Diane Rivera Members

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    True I enjoy it
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  6. Barefoot Rick

    Barefoot Rick I love my dirty bare feet

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    I love the picture of your dirty barefoot keeping barefoot Diane

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