I still swear by it. One to two 24-hour fasts per week is my thing. I feel incredible and have tons of energy during the fast. Lots of mental clarity as well. Fasting also allows a person to indulge 1-2 days a week without having to worry about gaining too much weight, considering you eat healthy and in moderation on other days. Almost 20 hours into my fast now and I feel like running a couple miles or lifting some really heavy weight. I highly encourage people to try 24-hour fasting at least once a week if you are looking to lose weight, lower blood pressure, lower blood glucose and increase insulin sensitivity, and lower cholesterol, or just improve your health while increasing your overall longevity. It may be difficult at first, but once you get past that hurdle it becomes well worth it.
Yeah, the counting calories thing, then the counting carbs when that became a thing Just a lot easier if you just dont bother eating Lately I have been doing it every second day though
I used to do that fasting thing back in the days for prayer and spiritual reasons .. and i gave up already . .don't know if some day i would return ..
It’s definitely a good idea. I just struggle at doing it for a full day. I’ll have small servings of walnuts or carrots. But that’s about it. So I can’t say I’ve ever pulled off a real 24-hour fast
As I understand this principle correctly you could feast perfectly fine on other days Unless one would primarily do this for some of the examples named in the OP, like losing weight or lowering blood pressure or cholesterol. Three things that for the last few years are the opposite for me. I have standard low blood pressure it seems. And I have to watch my calory intake for the opposite reasons than most people in western society I also have some insight in my cholesterol levels but really, it will sound like im boasting I should get more physical exercise though. Happily spring is nearing!
Me only when I was really sick once. Yeah, if I'm doing stuff I can't do a 24 hour fast. I really need some fuel even if I generally take slightly too less in the first half of the day. But what I ingest then really shouldn't be skipped. I don't feel I get clear headed or more energetic on an empty stomach. Well, maybe if I don't spend energy at all it could be experienced different
I have tried the 24 hour fast, but it never really agrees with me. Towards the end, my thinking gets muddled, and I become prone to black outs and/or vomit once I try and eat again. Really unpleasant.
It's in your head if you think this helps with weight loss. If you don't eat your body assumes you are starving and holds onto fat more then eating. It's better to eat and not exercise than to not eat and exercise if you want to loose weight. I might not eat for a while if I plan to use a psychedelic otherwise I always eat. I have 4% body fat though. Never had to worry.
I think it can differ per bodytype. Metabolism, how and on what energy is spended most, etc. What food exactly a body is accustomed to live on. Obviously what works superb for one person doesn't always work for another
You are wrong. Your body only holds on to fat when you allow your metabolism to drop with prolonged low-calorie dieting. Intermittent fasting does NOT pose this issue with most people.
i can go about 8 hours before i become useless. i can't imagine going a full day. i also am not particularly interested in any of the benefits listed in the OP, since i'm already in the ideal range for all of those.
Different body sizes despite a consistent diet are evidence that metabolism is not the same for everyone. It's possible 24 hours is longer for some people. Like how long is "prolonged"?
You are correct, the body only holds onto fat when you are near starvation and fat is retained to lubricate joints and insulate vital organs. With a healthy person this trips in after around 10 days without food and is fully in operation after 20 days. I am not so sure about one day a week without food though. Their may be a tendency to overeat on the previous and following days. It could also be dangerous for anyone with a diabetic condition. Due to less activity following retirement, I have put on a few pounds and I started to feel a decline in overall health. I have started reducing portions and eating more salads. I consume very little sugar, since I do not use it in tea and I never drink fizzy drinks. We use minimal heating in the house and turn it off overnight, so if I miss my main meal, I start to become lethargic and feel cold,
If everybody had the same metabolism and digestive rate then there wouldn't be 100 diets out there designed for certain individuals, but there is, because everybody is different so I really find it difficult to take anybodies dietry advice too seriously because what works for them, probably won't work for me, as documented through my life with irritable and inflammatory conditions present in my digestive system.
Welcome to the club with "digestive issues". I have dealt with this crap for years and I eat extremely healthy. I do not believe food is the issue, at least with me. My thinking after numerous Dr.'s and numerous tests, it just may be auto-immune.
I could see this happening. We evolved with food scarcity, so I think we tend to binge after a long time without eating, since the body is somewhat unsure when it will have access to food again. As others have said, different bodies are different. I can see this being a good system for those who tend to overeat, or who prefer to eat unhealthy foods without too much guilt.