It's that time again What do you hope to accomplish/what bad habits do you wish to break in 2020? If you arent one for New Years Resolutions, maybe instead of telling us you arent one for resolutions you could just tell us some general goals for the next year or so
As for me, New Years day is my favorite day of the year. I like definitive endings and beginnings. New Years Day always feels peaceful, quiet and transformative to me. I dont have any set goals for the upcoming year yet but I do plan to take a tech break in January - no tv, no smart phone, no internet or social media. I just want to spend January getting focused and living simply.
I think that is great but didn't you say the same a year ago about being online less? I don't really have any resolutions. My life is going in the exact direction it needs to go. I should be in panic mode looking for a job right now yet there is no worry or feelings about that.
Mine are to watch more television, spend more time on my smart phone and the internet. Keep up with the rest of my generation and open up an Instagram and a Snapchat. And spend January fixated in front of an LCD screen
I’m working on that myself, and starting ahead of the new year. I love to eat, now I’m trying to love working out again!
Mine has to do with being 180 pounds, but there's a catch.... I have trouble with discipline and self control such; I don't wanna stop doing what I'm doing to lose the weight. I still want to eat out. Got to figure out a way to do that before I actually am going to get anywhere. Otherwise I just lose like 5 or so pounds, get bored and begin eating normally again. Then I gain 5 pounds, get tired of that and begin dieting again. It's a weird cycle. But I weigh in above average (198 lbs or 89.8113 in kilograms or something around there) at present and something must be done!
I would like to read more, and get out and enjoy nature a little more. I spend a lot of time online, when I could be reading some good books. I’ve also been thinking about doing some writing.
Yeah, I would not consider online reading to be good reading hehe. I was even trying to make my dad the other day understand the algorithms behind what you actually get to read on facebook and how those algorithms further divide people. I think he understands now.
Audiobooks are great for long commutes and for walks (not good when running or walks outside though). I'm hooked on audiobooks now. Sometimes I take the long way home from work now, while listening to my books.
I try to listen to audiobooks sometimes but I'm not the best listener, I'm more of a visual learner. I usually end up losing the plot or not hearing when certain characters are introduced then I'm lost the rest of the book. I just gave up on an audiobook i was listening to at work because I have no idea who half the characters are
I'm going to get back into kendo training. I hurt myself this summer and then again in the fall and used it as an excuse to fall off. 2020 I will finally test for my san dan rank. Unfortunately I will have to wait 12 months to do it
I don't think I could keep up with a lot of characters either. Most of my books aren't complicated in that way, so they're easy to keep up with. I still hit the 30 second rewind a lot...with the screen on my phone in car mode.
I'm too fucking lazy to learn German. So I'm going to add to my Spanish vocabulary (currently at 100 words). I'm going to shed some blubber, but I've been doing that for a year already. But now, I'm going to embrace the kale and kombucha. In 2020 I think we should all resolve to literally force ourselves to engage alternative or even opposing points of view. I admit I'm very rigid about being in the middle, but I clearly cherry pick the policies I like from each party. But I'm just as rigid about the extreme sides (like justifying changes in the law because of a lawmaker's faith or literally cheering and celebrating abortions), I have no time for them. For 2020 I hope to step up on side gigs. While I write really boring shit for corporations, plenty of smaller operations need policies, procedures and training materials of similar quality (I steal the BEST HR documentation from New Zealand). I'd also like to do video ads for small businesses. I have great footage of my drone crashing into an oven. The same drone that went down a 500' exhaust stack in Holiday Florida. I don't plan to drink any less, as this rambling surely indicates. In fact, I have been switching to a better quality of beer and feeling just great. Guinness extra stout is easier on my system than Michelob. Go figure. So I reduce my carbs everywhere else so I can keep my beer habit alive at a respectable level. Keep in mind that I used to have a raging scotch habit (then I discovered that "Whiskey Dick" is a real thing). After all of the addictive episodes I have had over the years, if they cause me sexual issues, out the door they go. Finally, I'm going to rework the garden and remove a few of the God forsaken Sweey Ghum trees. They make hard round seed pods that are like walking on ball bearings. They hurt when your ass hits them too. Oh, and I'm considering a web radio station to have a legitimate side to the pirate station I have been running for the last decade. So I may be on iHeart (but I doubt it, I play The Regrettes and ICP after all).
The only audiobook I listen to was insane Clown Posse where one of the clowns brothers did the Audio Book. It was actually really cool with sound effects and just his way of talking made it funny. Like it wasn't a serious audio book but it was still an audio book of stories about their lives. But with scary noises and sound effects lol.