It's not pitiful. This is actually a really great place for people to meet and share ideas. I know people always act like it's not "really personal," because it's the internet, but it ''really is." I can tell you I get personally affronted all the time. I just wish you would post more. To me, you're one of the more interesting ones.
No, just some vodka. It's kind of funny that you thought I hated you. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I don't hate anyone. Ever. I just try my best to get by, and it seems like the whole world caves in on me. But I certainly don't hate anyone. Not even woo. Or guerillabedlam. I just wish people wouldn't get mad at me. I think you are awesome!
^^ Now this tolerant man truly despises me. What has not yet been disclosed is that he is actually my dad.
I've been coming to this site for some years now. I remember when things were much different, let's say that much. Even though this site still keeps pretty darn active. But I can remember a whole slew of different members, even though I didn't get that involved in those days. These days are my most involved moment.
It would have gotten you accolades, and fascinating conversation, and it would have all been as empty as everything else.
This site was pretty cool back in the day.... like pre 2008-09. Then there was this purge where we lost most of our best members. I, too, was temporarily banned but allowed to come back. But back then the internet was still somewhat new and exciting. Since social media has taken over, really nothing is the same. Not in a good way, but a bad way. A very bad way.
Not much has changed with me. I am a very simple man. My detractors might even say a simpleton. I am just here for that "ride" that Bill Hicks spoke of.