2 minutes to midnight

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Gone and forgotten, Feb 26, 2019.

  1. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

    Current Time - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

    I’ve been watching this thing for years. It goes from 2 minutes to 3minutes to four minutes to two minutes for years

    “We argued that world leaders not only failed to deal adequately with nuclear and climate threats, they increased them “through a variety of provocative statements and actions, including careless rhetoric about the use of nuclear weapons and the wanton defiance of scientific truths.” Two years later, it has become even clearer that “the intentional corruption of the information ecosystem” threatens to undermine the rational discourse needed to address such challenges. The 2019 statement therefore goes on to provide a framework for how citizens can begin to organize themselves and respond”

    Ha ha video

    Ha ha Iron Maiden
    Put them in the Iron Maiden

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2019
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    we need one of those kind of 'clocks' for the eco-pocalypse.
  3. Scientists it appears are very concerned about political actions. Seems serious
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    long term environmental damage; half as entertaining and five times as deadly.
    true it will take 12 years to do what nukes can do in 17 minuets,
    but unlike nukes, which don't happen unless somebody pushes a button,
    we've already passed too many tipping points to avoid eco-pocalypse entirely.
    what we choose now, is whether anything human well be left to emerge after it passes.

    how long before the oceans rise how far, to be followed by how universal famine and disease,
    remains indeterminate, but once the latter really gets rolling, a decade and i little bit,
    ought to be long enough to wipe out more then 95% of humanity,
    just as thoroughly as any nuclear exchange.

    not saying they can't both happen.
    just that preppers, are mostly prepping for the less probable of the two scenarios.
  5. Which scientists notice the nuclear threats between countries.
    The environmental issues are definitely noticed by scientific ways. They can see and scientifically prove that mankind is ruining the earth. With its pollution mostly. With no effort to clean it up or reduce. You see small advances such as electric cars but the batteries need to be disposed so that’s another problem. With nuclear energy you see that these sites have limited time and eventually will have to be done away with. And there lies another problem

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