SWIMs rents/people he lives with are going away for a weekend. So SWIM is getting 300ug of acid (3 100ug tabs), an amount SWIM is used to and comfortable with tripping on for one night, but SWIM is considering trying doing 1 tab on the friday night about 11pm, staying up to 3/4ish, sleeping, doing a tab when he wakes up, then doing another later that day. To give himself a light trip for a long amount of time, for the pure purpose of curiosity as to what it would be like? What are peoples thoughts? Is this a waste? Are there any dangers? Will it make my comedown feel even weirder, or better?
you can't trip for days by redosing LSD. and if you dose at 11pm you will not be sleeping at 3/4ish. oh but you've done LSD before so you already know that part. other than that though, have a good time.
LSD, like all psychedelics, produces very strong "tolerance". You will need a lot more LSD on day 2 just to get to the same level. It's a waste and not worth it, you'll barely feel it and wish you had saved them. Quality over quantity