
Discussion in 'Flashbacks' started by WeatherReport74, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. WeatherReport74

    WeatherReport74 Member

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    hello heads young and old. although this message is for old heads only. did anybody see the dead at the catholic youth center in Scranton,PA? it was played on April 13,1971? any stories or left over memoriblia i want and will pay top dollar for. please help. i want to find out all i can about my hometown show.
  2. Tye Dye Jim

    Tye Dye Jim Member

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    The second set is available for download through The Live Music Archive.
  3. WeatherReport74

    WeatherReport74 Member

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    yeah i have 5 copies of it. i was able to find a cover for it too. which was cool. no pictures though. its cool because whenever i have a bad day i always drive to the catholic youth center and sit in the alleyway, right near the double doors where they probably loaded all the equipment in and WHERE JERRY MIGHT HAVE STOOD! oooo i get chills everytime a pass by there. it was even more chilling when i got to go in there. because the city of scranton bought it and there rebuiling the outside of it(removing spraypaint and shit) so i asked the demolition guys if i could go inside for a couple of minutes. they looked at me like why??? and asked me why there nobody in there. So started the story of when the grateful dead played in there and showed him the cd. and he just looked at me like You fuckin Dead Freak! i went inside a sat in the bleachers and listened to the cd. it was the greatest feeling in the world. i almost fuckin cryed. i walked out of the building with a huge smile on my face, as one of the workers muddered DAMN HIPPIES! the moral of the story. the best things in life are free,some need money or clothes or fancy cars to feel good, but all this deadhed needs is to walk into a building. hehe

    peace man, thanks for posting

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