Due to the fact that Leeds is a 9 hour bus journey away from wonderful aberdeen, I'm gonna be stuck on a bus for a good 18 hours this week. On my own. I need amusing suggestions of wat i shood do to entertain myself on a bus for so long. Please help!! All suggesions welcome (within reason )
You could... knit fruit Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down amusing place names for us Make origarmi swans Befriend a random stranger Talk to yourself untill someone asks you if you are ok day dream write a letter listen to Def Leppard The possibilities are endless
find a mate and then see how much stuff you can knick off the bus during the journey, obviously breaking up the time with other amusing shit, but the person at the end with the biggest hord without getting caught wins! gauranteed bus trip fun!
Yeah, mess with people's heads. Like stare at someone until they look at you, then ask them what the fuck they're looking at. Then be all apologetic for being rude and when they say they don't mind tell them to fuck off. Then tell them you have tourettes syndrome. Then tell them that you're lying and that actually you don't have it at all. Then start to cry and say that your dog died yesterday and you've been in a weird mood ever since. Then, if they show you any sympathy headbutt them and laugh. Abruptly ask them if they're male or female. When they answer laugh hysterically. Then start mumbling about fires and death. Then pretend to have an epileptic fit. Try this on several different people. Note the reactions. Note how long it takes English people to show that they're offended. If they call the police tell them it was all a social experiment. When the police have gone, start mumbling about death and fires again. If that fails to be amusing you could try reading a book. But try the other stuff first.
That is by far the best thing i have ever read. Good sir, you are a genius and should be rewarded with a knighthood. I want to run outside and do this to the first person i see walking down the street....infact..i might just go do that....hahaha
Thank you all for your suggestions, they should hopefully keep me amused. Valis, i particularly like ur idea but im not so sure id have the guts to pull it off. I shall try my best tho. Only 2 days till i leave! YAY!!
pre-roll yourself lots of cigs...that would save doing them later... listen to that cd i made you... invent the rubix cube... draw on sleeping peoples faces...
also, carry a gun with you, if the bus driver is going to slow, simply threaten to blow his head off. I'm sure he would then hurry up and drive you directly to Josie.
if you're really desperate...you could always do some revision... and on the way back you'll have all the greatness of squee to read...and more music to listen to...
Or...tell the bus driver that there is a bomb that will go off if he does less than 50 mph. You might need Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock to pull this one off to full effect...