this guy is nearly 100 years older than me, but he looks more youthful than me!!
wow! he's lookin' great maura and what an amazing acheivement in life longetivity. now thats a book i wanta read. godbless him.
I happen to know someone who is 238 years old. (Un)conveniently they didn't keep any birth records back then.
Pressed rat roamy thinks all the commenters on the independent website are all white people. It doesn't really have anything to do with it however, sometimes people are more likely to believe things told to them by someone that has same skin colour as them. Maybe they 'relate' more. That is a very backwards way of thinking but I have personally witnessed people acting like that. IMO I don't believe dude is that old just cause it blows the last confirmed oldest person out the water by a solid 31+ years. And the French lady was already a good few steps ahead of other 'oldest people' regardless I hope there is a way to confirm and good on the bloke if he is that old. Evenif he is 100 he still looking decent
It's the sort of thing that you never know whether it's true or false until there's sufficient evidence to prove one way or another. Sure, we can immediately jump to conclusions that it's a load of bull and the guy is pulling everyone's leg but at the same time, how do we know that that's the case? We don't. If it is true, then he's certainly lived a prosperous life and a long one. With no birth certificates or records to indicate just how old he is, though, the process (if any takes place), might take some time.
I'd bet on him not being 160... however, he IS Ethiopian, and studies HAVE shown that calorie restricted diets may prolong life drastically. I still don't buy it, though.
exactly. which dose'nt make any sense why all the commentors just automatically think it can't be you 's as just as possibly true as probably not true.
It sounds like they're only going from what the man is tellin them. Such as, “When Italy [first] invaded Ethiopia [in 1895], I had two wives and my son was old enough to herd cattle," I've met all kinds of old folks that would tell you all sorts of crap if they thought someone was listening. And are you really going to trust the sharp memory of anyone over 100? Kinda reminds me of grandpa simpson