Who designs the side pictures? is it somebody from the UK forum because there are 16 UK ones and only 1 american one. Or are we just getting the attention we deserve
Charlotte designed them for the old forums, I'm not sure if she's signed up for the new ones yet. She was originally from the US, but has lived in Dorset for some time, so did some UK versions of her avatars. Also, we rock!
I drew the cosmic_forest avatar, the sufi avatar and put a spliff in Sal's tokin avatar's mouth. I haven't done any for a while - my spare time is taken up with all sorts of stuff now!
I was just about to answer that question, thinking it was a new thread. Now I find I'd already answered it and that my past self actually knew far more than I do. You just have to wonder don't you - whether all that seemingly irrelevant information I gave might actually come in handy later on in the film, eh Garth?
I love these little avatars. They're well cute. When I first joined the forums it took me hours to decide which one to use.