15M, Porn Sex And Real Sex?

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by EuniceSLange, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. EuniceSLange

    EuniceSLange Members

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    I have been masturbating for a while now, and it's pretty weird. I know porn is nothing like real life sex (or at least that's what I'm told), so I want to know what its like in real life. How common is oral sex? How long does it take? How many times do women climax? Everything is so confusing.

    EDIT: Thank you so much for everyone's feedback <3

  2. TheOrchardist

    TheOrchardist Member

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    Good advice from Jess. Sex is always unique to your relationship. Best not to create unrealistic ideas of what it is and just enjoy it.
  3. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    pretty much never. just like any sex.
  4. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    ^ especially if your name is Eunice
  5. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    The answer to every question you asked is "it depends on the woman and the man and their relationship"


    There's no "template" for sex. Your sex will not be like my sex. Some guys never get oral, some guys get a blowjob a day. Some couples have 5 minute sex sessions twice a day, other couples have 2 hour sex session twice a week. Some women cannot climax, at all, ever, and other women climax several times a day.

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