So... The title says it all. I have an eyedropper vial I got in December, and I'm thinking about downing the whole thing. I'm no spring chicken; I've done it many, many times. But not like this. Advice?
No, you're insane enough to even think about doing this If you're lucky, they'll take you to the ER. I think they can give you an anti-psychotic drug to kill the trip
That's crazy. But if can, find some Thoizine or Seroquel. If you feel like you're gonna loose it, just pop one of them. It'll bring you down. If you can't find any before hand, just go to the ER. But I would resist the urge to down the entire bottle. I wish I could hang out and trip with you. I haven't had acid for about ten years.
I have taken bigger doses than this. You will be OK if you are in prepared but still this is a large dose. The ER is the worst possible place to be like this so it's probably obvious but resist any urge you have to go there if things get out of control. They will not let you leave once you come even when you calm down.
I like acid but it's not my favorite. Especially in high doses like this. Ive done close to this amount before and didn't like it as much as when I would take two or three hits. I do like larger amounts of mushrooms though. But my favorite was mescaline. But that's hard to come by around here.
Could you elaborate on why you didn't like significantly higher doses of Acid? I'm thinking It'd be difficult for me to justify ingesting a couple Hundred Dollars worth of Acid in one sitting but given the opportunity and if the stars aligned, I'd maybe like to try 10 hits or ~1 mg at some point.
Well I know a lot of people like acid better because they say it's more manageable. But I find mushrooms to be more manageable. That's just my experience. Like I said, I like acid in smaller doses. I find it very enjoyable. But when I talke higher doses I feel out of touch. Too mental. But I always get this "movie frame" effect that I like a lot. But with mushrooms, I always feel very happy, colors are amazing, body feels like it's vibrating with the frequency of the sun. Basically mushrooms feel more natural to me. Even when I eat a large amount.
Well, it was diluted. Old. I took the whole thing, it's giving me a normal trip. I'm still able to function. Best I got rid of it anyways, I was sitting on that thing for months. I had suspicions; I could drop a couple on a cube, it felt like a half. So I figured if I just took the whole thing, It could be gone, and I would have a good time either way. Thing is, I couldn't tell how much was in there. It could have been 25, but it feels like 4. And it's alright, I'm not disappointed. It's a hundred bucks I spent 4-5 months ago, should have done it sooner.
A lot of viles are weak. Very easy for someone to do that. In my experience you need to really know who gives it to you or just look for blotter. Don't forget to rinse the vile out too with some orange juice. You might be surprised at the strength of that trip.
I actually feel the same way in relative doses. Mushrooms are generally easier for me to sink into the trip and tend not to quite saturate and penetrate my mind as thoroughly and relentlessly as LSD. But 3 hits of potent LSD can get me to that level, I was just wondering if it's more of that type of stuff ramped up or if there is a qualitative difference when you dose an exponential amount like that.
You won't die. If you bold you'll make it through. It will be heaven! It will hell! Be ready to endure both. Its not a game. This is the heroes journey. The dive into the abyss. Your circuitry will be amplified to incredible altitudes. You will not remain the same. If done right you will enter the future. A state of consciousness so beyond what we call consciousness that reveal the very workings of life to you in its presence. This is only where the wild ones roam.
Its been so long since I have done a trip I forget what it is like. I remember the flashy part at the insomnia ending but the everything is fantastic part I really forget. I never took a whole lot at once but I ate up 3 blue unicorns one night to intensify a good trip that was already in effect.