Now If You Will Just Repay Me The $50-00 You Borrowed Off Me 11 Years Ago Everything Will Be "Hunky Dory"...... Cheers Glen. PS:-....In Your Profile You List Your "Occupation" As "Gigolo".......At The Ripe Old Age Of 31 Methinks You May Have Outlived That Career.....
I remember he used to throw fits and tantrums and act like a real Mary whenever I didn't agree with him and rated down my posts, whatever they were, whenever he could. I mean you actually went out of your way to rate my profile down. Smh. In my HF era, he was basically the creation point for most lefties here now. So if you're on some rehab sorry shite, you can drop to your knees in front of me and beg for mercy. C'mon, lad. On your knees. Beg it.