never seen 11:11 pointed out but i heard to make a wish when the clock has all matching numbers.......
my girlfriend told me about how she sees it everyday 11:11 and 1:11. she sais it drives her nuts cuz she doesnt know whhat it means but ever since she pointed it out i tend to notice it everyday twice a day. not sure what it means though......... i see 4:20 everyday somehow my head just always turns to the clock when its 4:20 so i know what that means.......but this im still unsure of
Yeah..i've heard the make a wish thing..but i think that there is more to it than that...weird things happen to people everyday..and i think they are so jaded that they do not realize there is more to these occurences...i see the clock and say it says 11 11 and then i see it again at 12 12 and 1 11 and 2 22 and 3 33 and 4 44 and 5 55 it happens all day...that's isn't right! and for instance last friend kelly and i were talking about the horribleness of our h.s. years..and i was specifically talking about this looser that i used to date at 16 and how bad i was..and her phone rang..and it was a phone number that was 936 5698 and his number was 937 5698.....and it was one number off..and i thought it was strange that well i remembered this number..and that she had no idea who that was was a wrong number..but it was so close to his..also another thing that happend last night w/ kelly was the last time i was at her house we watched not another teen movie cuz it was on comedy central..well i got home from her house and it was that's weird to me too....things happen to me all the time..i don't know what it is..
my attentions always pulled to clocks too when weird number combinations are on, like just last night watching a movie i just got the urge to look up without thinking and it was 10:10, and just today i was talking with my mom about her new glasses and brought up laser surgery, then like 30 seconds later a commercial on the radio for laser surgery came on...
I see 12:34 almost every day, sometimes twice a day. And, right now it's 7:30, wow, that's amazing. It's just clocks people, and you notice because it's a weird number, they all look the same on the clock. That makes it memorable.
I notice 11:11 every now and again, I don't really pay attention to the rest though, 11:11 is the only one with all four digits the same, it's unique...
because there is always something deeper than what is on the surface.. don't walk around jaded...take the time to notice..
maybe our subconcious turns our head to look at the clock? haha my brother always calls out 11:11 to make a wish usually when i look at a clock and see something random its either 4:20(my subconcious is a pothead) or 1:38 cuz my friend used to blast that misfits( i think its misfits) song where they yell "we are 138"
It's funny, in sweden the magic number is 22:22, it is quite widely seen as a good/powerful number, they say it stands for "begining"