
Discussion in 'Salvia Divinorum' started by o0child_at_nature0o, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. o0child_at_nature0o

    o0child_at_nature0o Member

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    so i've tried this stuff before but only had a few hit's and just laughed and felt pretty wierd.i'm thinking of getting some for leeds festival (as they sell it there) but i hear it can be pretty intence and don't wont to fuck up the weekend but also at the same time i'm very exsited about expearnceing(sorry i cant spell for shit) this durg at a higher level.so can someone mybe tell me about the full effects of this drug and how much i should take to get nice but not too nice? (any questions about my spelling and what the hell i'm going on about are aslo welcomed sometimes when i read my posts back there just make no sence at all) peace.
  2. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    1. you'll want at LEAST 5X or 10X strength extract if you're smoking it, lower isn't worth much for the vast majority of people

    2. you need to take the entire dose in one hit, hopefully in a dark place with no noise distractions, and immediately lay down and close your eyes

    3. hold in the smoke as long as you can. you shouldn't notice exhaling too much. it should be starting as you blow it out, if not before.

    4. some people say you need to smoke it in a waterpipe with a torch lighter for it to work. in my experience this isn't the case. your mileage may vary.

    5. it is an intensely powerful psychedelic which can take you to realms of existance that you never thought possible. contact with or visions of deities (i've seen angels and come in contact with and worshipped the sage goddess herself.....are they real? i don't know. it really makes me question my concept of what is and isn't reality...but this stuff, if you have a full blown experience, can really twist your mind) is not unheard of or even too uncommon. out of body experiences, inhabiting another life form's body, etc. has been known to occur. most likely though there will be a somewhat milder experience than that. but expect full blown visuals and a strange feeling in your body. though i've never experienced a DMT trip, my experiences with salvia tend to mimick the many, many descriptions of DMT i've read in a number of ways. however it is unlike all other psychedelics. the entities you may come in contact with aren't the same as those people report from DMT. it also lasts for a period of 5-15 minutes, whereas to my understanding DMT tends to last more around 10-30 minutes.

    6. don't open your eyes or move around until it wears off if you can help it. i once abused salvia by smoking it with a friend while watching a movie. everything became very alien and frightening and i nearly broke my expensive glass bong. i got really paranoid and my dad was in the TV talking to me....i got the panic of a lifetime and got what i deserved. you MUST treat this with respect if you want it to be rewarding.

    7. if you feel uncomfortable remember it will be over soon.

    8. never do it at concerts or festivals or parties. this is for quiet and careful exploration at home or another safe, calm place.
  3. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    yeah save it for home its not fun in front of a bunch of people its good if your with a couple firends but anymore gets to be to much and definitly use a bong, torch lighter doesnt realy matter,try and take alest 2 or 3 good hit befor it kicks in,hold them in for 20-30 secounds leaves are fine man ive had very good effects with leaves nothing like 10x-20x but still awesome
  4. Hikaru Zero

    Hikaru Zero Sylvan Paladin

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    *doesn't have much to add*

  5. o0child_at_nature0o

    o0child_at_nature0o Member

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    thanks alot poeple,i'll put ur teachnies to practice but i did have my heart set on doing it at the festival.mybe and night in my tent ? much thanks
  6. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    actuly that might be fun tripping in a tent ahaha
  7. Schlüßelberg

    Schlüßelberg Member

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    I do. It's NOT a drug, it's a Sacrament. It is being outlawed everywhere because the teenyboppers are seeking it out as a "high." They have, once again, ruined a scene and made yet another sacrament illegal because they just are incapable of keeping their mouths shut, being circumspect, and paying their just respects to the herb.

    Exactly what happened with LSD.

    Ppeople, if you don't know why these things are now illegal, look in the mirror.
  8. mellow

    mellow Eased

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    ^^^i agree
  9. o0child_at_nature0o

    o0child_at_nature0o Member

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    I hear what you're saying but i only wanted to know what the real effects where and if i should be doing it at a festival.where did all this come from? i dont see how asking this question makes me teenybopper just seeking it out as a high.My age i'm guessing do you think i'm too young to be doing it? i understand i'm not every 'up' on these things but theres ur chance to fill me in, i just did'nt fully understand how i aroused that statement.
  10. earthfluff

    earthfluff Member

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    perhaps where he's coming from with it is that when teenagers do things like this at festivals or parties or whatever, inevitably someone always gets busted and more often than not that person likely has also been drinking, maybe smoking pot, maybe even doing coke or something else.... it's not so much what you ARE doing with salvia, it's the PERCEPTION of what you're doing with it. Folks sitting at home watching the news simply hear that 'kids' are using a new drug, and being busted at parties or what-have-you. If people were using it responsibly at home/in private or within small circles than it wouldn't be a problem...once it makes it's way into the view of the public, and into the 'party' scene, than it becomes no different than other drugs used for their 'high'. And of course, that's when the witchhunt begins, the media loves to demonize substances they don't understand. Just be smart, be discreet.

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