“We are in great danger”: Ex-banker details how mega-banks destroyed America"

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Carlfloydfan, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    It is all coming out now. I think many people have known, or at the very least, suspected this for a long time. The interview, of course, barely touches the tip of the iceberg in regards to this issue and I have learned more from some of the books I have read. None the less, we are seeing this more and more from more and more sources. I post this not because it is new, it is not. But it serves as an intro. Any way, bankers themselves are starting to admit it more openly, (in other words, admiting who truly runs the world). The article even looks into who funded major wars like WW1 and WW2:

  2. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Well, she mentions the increase in derivatives as one of the triggers for what happened 2008 and beyond, allthough the GFC wasnt really global. Also one of the reasons she opted out and is now working for a think tank rather than Goldman Sachs. Stuff is way too complex for anyone to understand anymore

    She mentioned the George Bush I era, probably the golden days of banking, if anything they've lost their strangehold since then

    And what she says about WW1 and 2, is from a finance perspective, I think she undersetimates that fear of communism from the end of WW2 and beyond. We kind of ended up with Hitler because of the Great Depression which came from much of the finance world not having a clue.

    And WW1 was so prolonged cos no one had a clue about modern warfare, wouldnt have mattered who financed who, they just would have been stalemated in trenches for longer

    The future is a global economy of crypto currencies, ever more complex and numerous derivatives, tech stocks that arent worth anything but worth $50 Billion at the same time and pension funds cos everyone in the first world is getting older
  3. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    There's elements of truth in the article I suspect. (I haven't read it yet).

    If we look at America, I think there are several problems:-
    1)Iraq and Agh have probably blasted 2 trn or more. With rather little payback, unless you are a director Halliburton, Lockheed-Martin or whoever.
    2)China etc. Exporting your jobs and skills and not replacing them will just export your wealth. And fuck you up.
    3)Obsession with fiscal capital and ignoring human/intellectual/scientific capital.
    Any economist who tells you it makes sense to have skilled people doing unskilled shitty jobs is just talking out of his arse. Yet plenty of these pricks claim that.
    4)There isn't much inherently wrong with the idea of the financial system. Its the vermin that run a number of these organisations. And the fact the regln vs abuses is so pitifully weak.

    There's nothing inherently wrong with steak-knives. But you shouldn't let some escaped looney Hannibal Lecter wannabee run round the streets brandishing one.

    If you are guilty of financial fraud/manipulating the political system you should be locked up for a long time. A little 500m fine isn't even a slap on the wrists for the big banks.

    5)You can't keep invading/giving shit to places that choose to dump the $ as the World's single reserve currency. You might be able to fuck up Nicaragua or some pisspot. But you won't live very long trying to invade Russia or China.

    Just my views.
  4. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    Cue PR coming in to talk about the Rothschild's.
  5. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    Yah, I do not think the goal was payback for most. Just a few.

    I think in any system, real (past or present) or even imagined (even a "utopia) has the potential to be reigned in by a few, greed will rear its ugly head any time.

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