Fucking With My Spirit Guide

Published by zengizmo in the blog zengizmo's drunken rants. Views: 725

A couple nights ago I wrote a facebook PM to Deanna asking her why she thinks she can block me any time she wants. I asked her, "Is it because you think you have some kind of power over me? What if I blocked you? Would you still love me, as I have tried to love you in spite of all the nasty shit you have done to me?"

And then I blocked her. :)

She still had my cell #, of course. If she wanted to talk to me, she could call me or text me.

Same conditions she imposed on me for a long time... Fair is fair! :)

Cuz I just wondered how she would react...or if she would react at all...

Of course, she is always telepathically with me. ;) And she was humble...and loving...in my mind after I blocked her. So...this might have been interesting...OR it might have been boring. ;) I had to wait and see. :)

AND of course...Deanna ain't no dummy. She can EASILY look at my timeline any time she wants, whether I block her or not.

She and I both know this.

I could have looked at her timeline also, when she was blocking me. The thing is, tho: I just didn't give a shit. :)

So it is all just a symbolic kinda thang, innit?

After I blocked Deanna, I sent her a text message saying, "You still have my phone number, tho! :) "

Late the next afternoon Deanna sent me a reply to my text: "Yes - true!"

I replied: "Lol"

She then called me a goofball. :)

And then some ridiculous exchanges followed. ;) Anyway I figured I would unblock her in due time...maybe the next night.

I love her.

And I see that she loves me too. ;) Nice to see it in the material world on occasion, of course.

So: The next night I unblocked Deanna. :) Facebook warned me major big-time...pointed out that Deanna could do all KINDS of shit to me if I unblocked her, and I would be unable to block her again for 48 hours. :)

Maybe deep in my soul, I WANT her to do shit to me...weird thought, innit...

I have tried to block her telepathically from my mind on a few occasions, when I was fed up with her shit. It never lasted for more than a minute, tho.

Usually way less than a minute.

Maybe all this seems kinda silly to you. :) You need to remember tho: Deanna got me fired from my job in late 2003 for trying to have "fun" with her...similar to what I am doing now. She totally fucked my life to hell. I have never recovered financially from the shit she did to me as a result of trying to have fun with her.

So ya hafta axe yerself: Why would I try this kinda shit with her AGAIN, after what she has done to me in the past? :)

Well...it is all about spiritual paths, innit? About what my spirit guide Deanna is trying to teach my soul. She is making me stronger...see?

Late-breaking news addendum: Deanna just phoned me, and we had a long talk. Life is hard...and so are we. ;) Think about it. ;)
  • zengizmo
  • zengizmo
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