Happiness Is Born Out Of Sensation, And Bliss Is Born Out Of Non-Sensation...

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Ajay0, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    From these sayings of Osho and Jiddu Krishnamurti, we can understand the temporary nature of all material pleasures and sensations, which promises joy in the beginning , though suffering and misery later on.

    One expends much time, effort and resources in procuring material pleasures which however starts becoming boring and limited, and one starts seeking new stimulus's in the name of happiness which has the same end result. All intellectual and sensory gratification, leaves one yearning for more, leaving one empty and unfulfilled. And there is no seeming end to the process.

    Spiritual bliss and joy on the other hand is inexpensive and more of a permanent nature, leaving one content and fulfilled.

    Modern man , due to the craze of materialistic possessions and consumerism which he thinks is synonymous with happiness, harbors an endless number of desires, the fulfillment of which is disproportionate to his or her means. And this results in an imbalance in the human system due to the limited nature of senses, resources and the unlimited nature of desires.

    Once we understand the folly of seeking happiness in outside stimuli alone, and work on developing spiritual bliss as well, this would result in a more balanced approach and attitude to life. And better economics and a more just allocation of resources.

    As Mahatma Gandhi stated, "The world has enough to satisfy everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed."

    If every person on earth wants his or her own fleet of expensive cars or private jet or mansion, it is bound to create chaos on earth. It is the false belief set of modern humanity in believing that happiness and fulfilment lies in material abundance that is setting huge pressure on the planet's natural resources with wildlife getting the worst part of it.

    Thus all nature conservation efforts also needs a shift in man's philosophy , for any effect to be substantial and positive.
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  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    what...you are not chasing that next thrill like the majority of what I read on this forum?
    I ask why should there be a paradise after death, when people cannot even take responsibility for this one...there should be another one?
    Some kind of reward for what exactly?

    Yes, I am not in the best of moods after watching Monsters and Mysteries Unsolved Animal Apocalypse....Series 1 episode 10 today.....Birds falling out of the sky due to Fourth of July firework display...man's thrill...bees dieing and disappearing at an alarming rate...bats have a fungus eating them....and it is only going to get worse.....
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Life's a scam.
    Do what you want.
    Live how you feel fit.
    Don't let anyone tell you what you're doing isn't worth doing.
    You aren't getting out of this world alive, make it count. :)
  4. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I am peaceful and happy with myself.....and find I am better off alone somewhere. It is other people's bull shit that makes me unhappy.
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  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I get the alone space for sure. I've always said that I am my own best friend and can function so happily while on my lonesome.
  6. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Like Osho?

    Actually though I agree with your general point here. True happiness has to come from within. The more one depends on externals to be happy, the less secure happiness is.

    quote from William Blake:

    "He who binds himself to a joy, doth the winged life destroy. He who catches a joy as it flies lives in Eternity's sunrise"
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  7. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Osho had 365 Rolls Royces, one for each day of the year. His purpose was to make a statement that being rich is not a vice as some were conditioned to believe and hence harbor a guilty complex on that account . He had also expressed it as a publicity stunt to attract people to his philosophy of Zorba the Buddha, of being both spiritually and materially wealthy.

    Here is an interview of his with respect to his 365 rolls royces.

  8. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    If you believe the lack of sensation is bliss, then death may be the only real blessing you'll ever know.

    Sensations come and go and, without contentment which comes at no cost, any sensation is merely sensationalism.
  9. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I agree with many of the principles in OP's opening statements.....
    Money can't buy you love....not really.....or happiness....it only fills the void until then next day and on and on....
    You have to find all of that within.....and loving something or someone is its own reward.
  10. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    We live in a fast food, fast moving, fast paced society....throw away society....it is the..... next....... society...., as in NEXT....Nothing has any value any more for many.....
  11. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I'm not really interested to read what he had to say in self justification. In a world where millions live in abject poverty, I think maybe the rich should feel guilty about hoarding their wealth.
    365 rollers seems to me like an unjustifiable excess no matter how you wrap it up. To a poor person who was looking for light, it might seem like an insult even. And despite all he may have said, one is left with the suspicion that he was actually quite attached to both his wealth and his (to my mind) undeserved status.

    Did the great spiritual masters of the past rely on flashy displays of wealth to attract people? I'm trying to think of one who did, but I can't. And actually, some of the one's who have the greatest resonance lived poor and simple lives.Christ, Francis of Assisi, Sri Ramakrishna for example. I suppose both Krishna and Rama were holders of great wealth - but that was in another epoch, and is probably mythic anyway.

    On top of that, I would really hate to see the size of Osho's carbon footprint...............
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  12. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Habits are the end of honesty and compassion, the beginning of total confusion! However, there is only so confused an entire culture can become before they start to try what they never would have thought of before. The turning point is coming soon.
  13. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    "The turning point is coming soon..."
    What do you mean?...and how do you know?
  14. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    "After a time of decay comes the turning point. The powerful light that has been banished returns. There is movement, but it is not brought about by force. The upper trigram K'un is characterized by devotion; thus the movement is natural, arising spontaneously. For this reason the transformation of the old becomes easy. The old is discarded and the new is introduced. Both measures accord with the time; therefore no harm results. Societies of people sharing the same views are formed. But since these groups come together in full public knowledge and are in harmony with the time, all selfish separatist tendencies are excluded, and no mistake is made. The idea of Return is based on the course of nature. The movement is cyclic, and the course completes itself. Therefore it is not necessary to hasten anything artificially. Everything comes of itself at the appointed time. This is the meaning of heaven and earth. All movements are accomplished in six stages, and the seventh brings return. Thus the winter solstice, with which the decline of the year begins, comes in the seventh month after the summer solstice; so too sunrise comes in the seventh double hour after sunset. Therefore seven is the number of the young light, and it arises when six, the number of the great darkness, is increased by one. In this way the state of rest gives place to movement."

    You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. The earth cannot sustain much more of the abuse that modern science has empowered, while a Theory of Everything is coming and not a moment too soon. Within twenty years, at most, computers will be powerful enough to reveal the mathematical foundations of such a theory. My own guess, is sometimes within three years the first full scale quantum computers will be produced capable of crunching the numbers which, also happens to be when I should be finished writing the book that can never be written. There are other signs but, suffice it to say, the greater truth we all share is progressively being revealed and humanity will never be the same again.

    How do I know? Because I mastered the Tao Te Ching and am just a bit ahead of the curve that way. Not that I'm terribly unique in that regard, but time is not merely a linear machine as classical physics has implied. Over half the planet has been waiting for this day to arrive. If you have no faith in anything else, have faith that the greater truth is eternally triumphant in the end.
  15. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Golly gosh - master of Tao Te Ching. We'd all better remember that in future.
  16. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    No need, I'm writing what is known as "The Book That Can Never Be Written". So far I have some 300 pages of poetry extrapolated from the Tao Te Ching. Its 185 poems out of the 430 required for a reasonable representation of the mathematics and philosophy. Soon enough, computers will master the mathematics of the text and spit out all the rest. The conventional civilized Taoists decided to convert the text into religious mysticism and contemplate their own belly button lint, but it was the primitive tribes who wrote the original text as a pragmatic philosophy who will have the last laugh.
  17. archenemy

    archenemy Members

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    This is how i think, too! Other peoples BS bothers me, also..
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  18. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    gratification is born of engagement in a personally gratifying process.
    in their specifics, these are unique to each of us as individuals.
    in their over all shape and form, they involve one or more of the following three:
    creating, exploring, or premeditated generosity.
  19. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Intellectual and sensory pleasures are gratifying, and are also of a temporary nature, leaving one discontent and unfulfilled in their absence or when they get saturated.

    Bliss can be experienced in present life as well, and also in death of the physical body, provided one knows how to stay conscious during the event.

    Where there is the craving for sensation, there is bound to be no contentment as well. I would say that both are mutually exclusive. But the content can enjoy pleasant sensations in the moment without developing cravings for it later on.
  20. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Janaka has been mentioned in the ancient Rig Veda to be an enlightened king, and his discourses with sages at that time has been recorded, such as with Gargeyi and Ashtavakra. The Ashtavakra Gita is famous for the discussions between Janaka and the sage Ashtavakra.

    In recent times we had Lahiri Mahasaya, spiritual grandmaster of Yogananda, and who was enlightened and at the same time worked as an accountant till his retirement in the railway department.

    Dr. Frederick Lenz was a professor in english literature, software engineer, and wealthy music producer, who was an enlightened master at the same time. Here are some sayings of his on career success.

    Sri Vasudeva, Brahmarshi Prem Nirmal who are both engineers and management experts are also examples of enlightened masters who are wealthy as well.

    Osho used one car at a time, not all 365 cars at the same time. Also he died way back in 1990 when global warming was not much of an issue as it is now. To his credit, he had however talked about the subject in his books and tapes, and helped create awareness on this more than a quarter of a century back.

    Here is a sample...

    If you have any personal grievances and issues against Osho's wealth and royalties from his books, put it in an another thread. But please stay focussed on the op and do not derail this thread as you did in Jiddu Krishnamurti on the true artist. indulging in character assassination of Osho. Thank you for your consideration. :) :smoke out:

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