Why Do You Like Drugs?

Discussion in 'Mind Trips' started by WonderlostVW73, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i neither like nor dislike,
    i just don't need them,
    because i don't deny my natural imagination.

    people are brainwashed as children, into denying its their imagination that makes them human.
    that is why people turn to mind altering substances as a replacement for it.
    and that's what keeps the recreational substance industry, both legal and otherwise, going.

    oh and of course forbidding it to children only makes it forbidden fruit, that makes it a 'must have' when they come of age.
    do people actually find pleasure in what recreational substances do to them?
    some apparently do.

    but real and lasting gratification only come from creating and exploring.

    i have no idea what's good or bad for anyone else, and i'm not saying that i do.
    but like? sorry.

    for myself i have too many other things i already do like a very great deal more then any mind altering substance i have ever consumed.
    and if anyone wants to call that childish, this is their problem, not mine.

    if you wonder why i ever even come to hip forums, its because i care about the kind of world we all have to live in,
    and the sequences of social causality that create what, how and why, we experience about it, the way that it is,
    how it could be better, and how we can make it so.
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I have decided that I don't truly like them anymore. I used to be a big druggie. Maybe I'm finally growing up. I think I'd be worried to even take a shot of tequila at this point. I've been sober off of all things except marijuana edibles for several years. Only several because I was drinking heavily then I knocked that off I don't remember when. So alcohol for several years. When I was about 20 I stopped using speed which I'd started in my late teens along with lots and lots of acid and shrooms. I did other things during that time in my life, but not nearly as frequently. So I felt compelled to stop doing acid first. Then speed. Finally alcohol... and lastly marijuana edibles. Been off edibles since April.
  3. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    Really? In Turkey, drug users dont go to prison. Drug dealers go to prison. However, if you are caught with high amount of drug with you, you will be charged as a drug dealer, not a user.
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I find in sober life, it's hard for me to express myself the way I really am, whereas drugs lemme come out of that shell and it doesn't have to be hard drugs, shiiiat, a quick bong rip to skull softens all burdens, I feel more normal when stoned. I come up with bizarre shit when I'm sober then get stoned and mellowed out like wtf was I thinking then? :tearsofjoy:

    Its not that I "like" drugs, it's just.. I'm comfortable with what I take and how I take it. I don't consider myself a druggie. I may endulge a few weeks in a row on mdma and yeah fine I'll admit I'm a fucken bong head :tearsofjoy: but I'm relatively healthy and I ain't hurtin' no one.
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Without alcohol, modern civilization would be impossible and, without pot, it would be unbearable.
  6. sobersofaking

    sobersofaking Members

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    Opiates don't feel like sex as movies would have you believe. No, it feels like the mother you always wanted is hugging your 10 yr old self, the ultimate warmth and security. I did it for that feeling. Self medication is all it is, but I was tired of being cold and alone in my head. Now I'm stuck
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i didn't come here for love of mind altering substances. i came here for love of caring more about the kind of world we all have to live in then what others think of us individually as persons.
    that's what i remember believing hippie was all about at the time in the 60s and 70s i was living it.
    i still think the whole drug thing is something media slapped on when it was on the side of status quo to discredit those who applied consideration to logic.
    Toker likes this.
  8. GeorgeCarlinFan

    GeorgeCarlinFan Members

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    When times are so bad, you hope that the benign joint you smoke before some stand-up comedy special will make you laugh once or twice to pour some endorphins on the misery.
  9. poukepse

    poukepse Members

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    Had to learn this one the hard way, time and time and time again!
    Toker likes this.
  10. BossBabe2900

    BossBabe2900 Newbie

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    The drugs made me feel happy at first I had energy I wasn't depressed I felt like that was what normal people felt like. I was wrong the drugs just turned of my emotions and distracted me from the mental pain and heart break. I eventually destroyed my whole life and went to jail. The drugs changed me in to a monster that didn't care about anything or anyone. I was running from the pain of losing my mom. And all I knew was I didnt want to hurt emotional anymore so I had to stay high. It's a place I'll never go back to.
    poukepse likes this.
  11. Enk1du

    Enk1du Members

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    Before I tried recreational drugs l was severely depressed. I'd often fantasize about it all being over. I wasn't remotely able to look at my past traumas.

    I'd like to say recreational drugs fixed it all. Nope. But what it did do was give me a reason to believe that I could make it through the remainder of my time here as a living being.. provided that an adequate escape/boost/experience could always be around the bend. Drugs have served me well, overall, even with a few examples of really tough addiction issues.

    They still provide a service to me.

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