Who Says Animals Aren't People Too?

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by Jimbee68, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    Who says animals aren't just like us, in many ways, and don't deserve many of the same rights? Certainly not me.

    I grew up with animals all my life. And I have been observing them all this time too. And I have to tell you, it is uncanny. Their behavior is almost human-like at times. And I am not just anthropomorphizing them. On the contrary, I have a very dispassionate view, and always have.

    I have seen every emotion, in animals we have had. Love. Hate. Compassion. Friendship. Antagonism even.

    We had these two dogs, Tiffany and Sandy. And they were the best of friends. When one dog left the room, the other dog would follow. Then Sandy died of a diabetic coma. Tiffany saw us take her limp body away. And she was devastated. It took her a couple of days even to wag her tail again. She was clearly affected.

    We had this cat, Fluffy (who I have already mentioned on these boards). He was vain, but in a very cute way. He used do anything and go any place we didn't want him to. He just figured, if we didn't want him there, there must be something good there lol. Sometimes he would go into our root cellar. And we would try to lure him out, but he would refuse. So we would just close the door, and leave him there for a couple of hours. Then we'd open the door, and he would be more than willing to come out by then. But as he left, he would give us a little "meow" of annoyance. No fooling.

    Then there was our beloved Siamese cat Jasmine. Pumpernickel was her boyfriend (even though they both we fixed--don't ask me to explain that one). Our dog Joy would tease Pumpernickel (even though she got along well with Jasmine, strangely [they would often kiss each other even]). So one day, to show Joy the cats were her friends, Jasmine ran up to her while she was relieving herself, grabbed her head, and kissed her, then ran away. Joy didn't like it much. But it did show planning and deliberation. Am I wrong?

    And then there was how Jasmine and Pumpernickel would sleep with their arms around each other. Here, I even have a picture of it: http://www.picturetrail.com/sfx/album/view/1000279/12842762 Try explaining that one critics, I dare you.

    In closing, we may have yet to communicate with our furry friends. But keen observers like me have already seen the complexity of their behavior.

    Am I wrong?

    :daisy: [​IMG] :daisy:
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  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes, they are and more so than a lot of people, every time I write passionately about this, my cat, spanky is all over me making it almost impossible to write trying to envelope me in his love. He does not do this when I am writing about other things.
    They know. They have an uncanniness.
    Your thread brought me back here today as I did not want to be here anymore. I do not want to know anyone or need anyone in my life that does not have respect for alll life and can just flippantly throw death sentences on any life
    whatever it is is like garbage. That kind of superiority complex angers and sickens me. I find it a very dangerous attitude to have and I can easily walk away with a good riddance feeling, but looking here today and seeing your thread. Has made me respond to you,

    Some people's superiority complexes over everything I just cannot deal with in any positive way.
  3. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I think that actually some other animals are far more sensitive in some ways than we are.

    I like the Native American idea that all living things are relatives. All have their place in the wider ecosystem. It's not a question of superior or inferior, just different.

    It's not only pets that show intelligence and emotions. I've seen it in some farm animals too, especially cows. A good reason why factory farms and similar 'production methods' should be banned forthwith.
    1 person likes this.
  4. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I agree, bbb.
    What we do to farm animals and all kinds of animals is just unfathomable to me.
    They all have feelings. They feel pain. They bleed. They hurt. They have every right to be here just as we do, and no, I hardly ever eat meat anymore. When I do, I feel depressed and guilty on the rare occasions i do.
    I cannot believe that dentist who killed that lion for its head has no charges and can still practice. People like that are a
    Blight on humanity.
    I heard someone say big deal he killed a lion that was old and should be killed anyway. I could say the same thing about that sob dentist and people like him.
    1 person likes this.
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    And then tell me about God, people while you read your bibles in one hand and hold your guns in the other hand.
    I am supposed to take you seriously?
    Talk to me about love.
    Yeah, right.
  6. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Animals are better people than most people....
    4 people like this.
  7. EleanorHernandez

    EleanorHernandez Members

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    I love my dog alot. She is just a best friend to me.
  8. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    They're not. I'd anyþumg, they're better than us, and to compare them to humans us only insulting them. You know what I mean?
  9. barefootconservative

    barefootconservative Barefoot for God

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    See, I eat meat for a few reasons:
    1. I was raised that way, and to change would be a complete overhaul of my lifestyle.
    2. If there's an industry that kills animals for meat, I may as well eat it and make sure it didn't for die in vain (besides, I didn't kill ot, I'm just making sure it doesn't go to waste)
    3. Other carnivores have to kill for food too, so if we were less barbaric about how we obtained meat, we'd be right as rain.

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