While we wait for legalization...

Discussion in 'Cannabis Activism' started by eternalrabbit, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. eternalrabbit

    eternalrabbit Member

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    Anti-marijuana infobooklet by the Foundation for a Drug Free World.
    These are the "facts" that are being taught in schools...to future voters.
  2. HazedrochronicKush

    HazedrochronicKush Member

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    bah.....someone wanna send this to them for me? lol I wrote it but then realized they dont accept messeges unless you give them your full name and number and shit.

    Hello, I'd like to start by saying that if nothing else I hope you do understand the intentions of this letter. While the cause is worthy and the objective is clear, this site in no way is going to help a person make a decision to stay off drugs for the simple fact that it is so misleading. While all of the dangers described in the "facts" section of this website are at least somewhat true, they do not give an accurate representation of where the real dangers exist and give no description of the desirable effects that cause people to use them. If I had no pre-existing knowledge of any drug and came to this website, I would be under the impression that all drugs were vile, unpleasant things that would only ever be force fed to me by sniveling criminals. This is far from the case. If a person were to read this first, and then later come in contact with the actual drug in it's environment and watch someone take it, if that person doesn't die, then the entire message is disregarded and thought of as fallacy. Also there are several instances where I can find no valid evidence to support your statements.

    Marijuana and hashish users build up a tolerance to the drugs, which can lead them to take more of it or experiment with stronger drugs to get the same effect.

    Long-term effects:
    Psychotic symptoms
    Growth disorders
    Lung damage
    Reduced ability to learn and retain information
    Heart damage
    Reduction of male sex hormones
    Reduced ability to fight lung infections and illness

    also, I found this particular article to be very ineffective.

    Cocaine is usually in powder form. It causes a short-lived, intense "high" that is immediately followed by depression, edginess and a craving for more.

    Short-term effects:
    Poor eating and sleeping
    Increased heart rate and breathing
    Muscle spasms and convulsions
    Paranoia, anxiety and hallucinations
    Severe depression and hostility

    Long-term effects:
    Severe tooth decay
    Destruction of tissues in nose if sniffed
    Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected
    Respiratory failure if smoked
    Irreversible damage to blood vessels in the brain and heart, leading to strokes, heart attacks and death
    Sleep deprivation, liver, kidney and lung damage, loss of appetite.
    Sexual dysfunction and reproductive damage and inferility.
    Frequency of risky behavior
    Delirium or psychosis

    aside from a pathetic attempt at listing street terms, this ^ is the only information provided on cocaine. In reading this I can find no reason why any human being would ever willingly ingest such a thing. however every year thousands of people purchase it, many of which are new users.

    My point is this, if you want to help children make the right decision to stay off drugs, the dangers need to be real, and the information needs to be accurate, because if you continue feeding people fallacies it completely diminishes the validity of your word.
  3. DdC

    DdC Member

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    They should be caged for not only lying, but hysterically crying fire in crowded theaters. Protecting their propaganda business, plea bargain rehabs and urine tests. Not to speak of Hemp for the message it might send the kids? AMA sprung a leak in their dyke today by publicly admitting Ganja has medicinal value and therefore doesn't belong as a schedule#1 narcotic. In the real world of logic and physics Hemp would have never been included. Hopefully sanity will last a little bit longer and remove it, the same as the other cousin Hops. Don't spread Gossip. These leeches and ticks can not survive. The corruption perpetuating this 72 year civil war is being exposed, and saner heads are starting to rule. Today Colorado courts overturned the Health Dept. placing obstacles on patients over wording of who represented a caregiver. Grassley's censorship ax is something to watch. A couple other censorship bills coming from different angles. Like Feinstein Hatch meth bill tacking on Hemp and Ganja, banning information on the internet. If that went through in 99, we would be back to a programmed TV, corporate Radio and bias Press. Some exceptions that the mainstream avoided. Administrated Education Deprevation keeps this nonsense going.

  4. YoMama

    YoMama Member

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    The biggest danger of smoking pot is the laws that govern it's use. Using it can put you in prison and :cuss: that is dangerous.
  5. SingingInTheSunshine

    SingingInTheSunshine Member

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  6. buttrfly)i(

    buttrfly)i( Member

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    wow. i cant believe what i just read. That has GOT to be a joke!
  7. buttrfly)i(

    buttrfly)i( Member

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    a drug free world....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  8. GregTheMagician

    GregTheMagician Senior Member

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    Foundation for a Drug Free World is payed for by the Church of Scientology
    :toetap05: what does that tell you?
  9. xcandykidx

    xcandykidx Member

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    They said alcohol only contains one thing: ethanol while marijuana contains over 400 chemicals and that somehow makes alcohol safer? I don't think the number of chemicals has anything to do with it. 1 type of cyanide is just as deadly as small amounts of 400 different types.

    For one thing, unless your drinking pure reagent grade ethanol, just about any alcoholic beverage is going to contain many other chemicals, most likely small amounts of methanol as well. Very small amounts but still there and last time I checked wood alcohol wasn't too good for you. And I'm pretty sure with marijuana theres no risk of destroying your liver.

    This is all bullshit propaganda that they're feeding the younger generation, trying to brainwash society.:toetap05: Little kids believe anything you tell them. You wouldnt believe how much this pisses me off.
  10. SG69

    SG69 Member

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    Cannabis comes from the hemp plant? Bahahahaha! Those morons can't even get the basics right, what a joke.
  11. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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    I haven't laughed so hard since when I first saw reefer madness.

    I wonder how many of the leaders in the church of scientology are major shareholders in the oil or pharmaceutical industries? Of course now there are even more asshats pushing things like wind turbine farms, although not such a bad plan if you cant find an effective source of bio-diesel.
  12. pushit

    pushit One jive Motha Fucka

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    WOT said that site is full of viruses so I didn't check it out...
  13. YoMama

    YoMama Member

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    Remember to use the POWER of your vote. Only vote for candidates who will legalize.
  14. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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    I hate to say it Yo, but if we were to really put faith in voting having any major impacts on the federal policies this nation has we would be in some deep shit. Hell, just look at the "Much Ado about nothing" legacy it's looking like Obama will leave us.

    They're all fucking shills, bought and paid for with the almighty dollars of our real leaders the corporate lobbyists. Dems and Pub's, hell even a 3rd party candidate would be bought out in short order or shot like Kennedy if they tried to really accomplish anything.

    If the past 150 years has taught us anything it's that peaceful protest solves nothing and voting is about as peaceful a protest as you can have.

    Any significant deviation in course of public policy has been brought about by violence. Race relations, Womens rights etc. all had ton's of protests that had to get bloody before the polichickens picked their heads up from the greenback feeding trough to see that something other than business as usual was afoot.

    Sorry, I've been feeling rather ranty as of late on the subject of politics.
  15. DdC

    DdC Member

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    The more corrupt a republic, the more laws.
    -- Tacitus, Annals III 27

    Nixon lied to schedule Ganja #1
    The CSA has no scientific reason to include cannabis.
    It has to be overturned or Incrimentalists will perpetuate as long as the drug worriers have. If we the people know the physics and properties of cannabis and only lies are keeping it off the market and prohibited. Then if there is any integrity, it will be removed for the people to use. RxGanja and Hemp and a safer alternative to the OTC and Booze products. If not, then the Ganjawar profits, including street prices will continue.

    Then I'd say we're a country of cowards and don't deserve Ganja or Hemp and should just stop whining about our kids getting Asthma and Cancer cause it is what it is not a Constitutional attempt at democracy. This greedy spoiled brat yuppie crap is not America. Banksers stealing are Bank robbers same as the crackhead with a gun that cost less than a bag of reefer. Pathological liars are not selective. It's reached Martha for christ sakes, if Congress and Biraq Obombo plead ignorance about Ganja and Hemp then they should not be paid tax dollars.

    Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg Rap About Pot Brownies

    Al Capone and Watergate were red herrings to divert the countries attention from the Fascist acts of eliminating competition. Booze or Ganja//Hemp. While GOPerverts and Demonkrats bicker over nonsense.

    Half the population can not vote. Half who can, do not register. Have registered don’t vote. The voters are split equally between the same WTO Neocon fascists. Meaning twice as many not registering and not voting could decide the outcome, but choose to be apathetic and keep the status weird in power.

    California Tax and Regulate
    Cannabis Initiative Suspends Signature Gathering
    Because They Have Enough Already!

    The AMA Medical Industrial Complex has permitted millions of Americans to suffer needless anxiety and physical harm from drug thugs for 40 years. They sat by while their Insurance and Pharmaceutical masters did the bidding for $Trillions in profits. Not once did they ever disclose the thousands of years of safe use. Now they say nothing, not a damn word different. They have no intention of allowing common working US peasants to have something for nothing, not something they can sell. Not Buyers Clubs or Homegrown. They haven't changed the status of smoked pot. Barthwell and Bayer are lurking in the Shadows ready to pounce on a lowering to schedule#2, requiring a triplicate and still outlawing vegetable matter ignitions. They outlaw research but still manage to obtain a patent for cannabinoids? Fool me once shame on you, try fooling me a thousand times and I come to expect it. I hope I'm wrong, but with their track record, I don't think so.

    AMA Calls For Ending Nixon's Lie?

    US Government Patents Medical Pot
    July 3rd, 2008 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director

    There's a Monopoly on Marijuana Growing & Research By Dave Stancliff
    CN Source: Times-Standard August 09, 2009 USA

  16. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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    And of the 12.5% remaining, at least 6.25% are guided simply by party name, the fashion sense of the candidates, or simply their general charisma exercised in public speaking events. That or of course theri perception of an effective media campaign of flashy slogans and catchy phrases.

    They're all fucking worthless liars or worthless liars in the making.

    **edit** Huckabee looked promising, but of course he didn't make the final cut...

    ***Editx2*** And I proved my own statement right there, "He looked promising".

    Even I need to check myself from time to time...
  17. March of the Meanies

    March of the Meanies Member

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  18. CannbisSouL

    CannbisSouL Smoke 'till you toke. Lifetime Supporter

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    I love the LSD booklet.. "LSD is 400x as potent as psilocybin, and 4000x as potent as mescaline".
    That may be so, but you can reach the same level of tripping when you take mushrooms as you can with LSD.. you just need a lower dose.

    And "Alcohol only contains ethanol, while marijuana contains 400 chemicals".
    Well THC contains only THC.. alcoholic beverages contain a lot more then 1 chemical, in the same way marijuana contains a lot more than 1 chemical.

  19. Maxwell95

    Maxwell95 Member

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    Man made whiskey god made pot. whiskey is legal marijuana is not.

    thanks for that interesting tidbit of info friend
  20. Lostthoughts

    Lostthoughts Thostloughts

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    "One lie told about drugs is that they help a person become more creative. The truth is quite different.

    Someone who is sad might use drugs to get a feeling of happiness, but it does not work. Drugs can lift a person into a fake kind of cheerfulness, but when the drug wears off, he or she crashes even lower than before. And each time, the emotional plunge is lower and lower. Eventually, drugs will completely destroy all the creativity a person has."

    rofl... That's not even logical. What does happieness have to do with creativity?

    I love how these sites talk about me like I'm dying inside and am trying to escape from my drepression using drugs.

    Did it ever occur to them that weed is just fun?

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