Tips on repairing the psychological damage from a really bad salvia trip!

Discussion in 'Salvia Divinorum' started by Sativa82, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. dizz36

    dizz36 Member

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    Ive had a similar experince before with one bad roll on E.
    After that i tryed smoking&ihad panic attacks.
    when drinking alcohol id i have panic attacks eben coffe.
    it was horrible i mean i have always been a verry on edge kinda person but never to that extent.
    but what i relized is its all mind over matter.
    i just had to understand what my issue was on my bad roll&why it was so bad.
    you kinda just gotta make yourself understand that everything you were afraid of was unlogical.
    &the reason why people take mind altering substances is to alter your mind for a little bit. you have to remember it doesnt last forever.
    my bad roll was about 8months ago
    &id say that i was back to normal by 6th or 7th month i could smoke again
    i mean you gotta just kinda look at in a posotive light
    cause now you know something that your freaked out by when it comes to tripin&you can make yourself understand that it wasnt that bad
    &that yopur okkay.
    i mean hope you work this all out.
    &sorry if my thoughts are a little
    butt best of luck man!:)
  2. FreshDacre

    FreshDacre Senior Member

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    The only really scary part of the salvia trip is the peak of it, the evil never really "stuck' with me before. right after every one of my trips id be like AHHHH FINALLY BACK home sweet home reality lol, it makes you appreciate your sanity THAT much more :)
  3. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    also it would probably be a good idea to try to forgive your friends, even if you want to longer see them anymore. holding a grudge is never good, and in this case if you hold it against them it could in some way be connected to your panic attacks.
  4. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    I'm not sure.

    It seems a very poor idea to keep in touch with those people.

    You can understand that someone's a piece of shit without actively blaming them for something that you chose to do and that took place in your own head, however.

    There's a happy middle ground.
  5. Josh Ua

    Josh Ua Members

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    This is such a trip. this exact thing happened to me back in 2004. A friend passed me a bong saying it was this new fake weed he’s selling at his porn shop and I hit the bong at a sopranos season premiere party with a bunch of sober 30 year olds and literally went blind and lost my mind. 20x Extract.

    The experience was horrifying. All I can say was extreme panic and mental loss. I too was rocking in the driveway outside my brothers house saying to myself I’ll never be the same I’ll never be normal
    now looking back I feel as thou right then I reprogrammed my brain.

    the next day I tried smoking weed and went right back to that place and had my first panic attack. I didn’t know what it was I thought I was dying.
    Subsequently after than i had a mental collapse. And ended up at my moms house in her spare bedroom for 8 FUCKING MONTHS. Shit you not. Couldn’t walk in places with high ceilings as I was afraid I would float to the top and be stuck there just crazy shit. I had to literally retrain my brain to drive again walk again fly in planes rationalize my fears. It was incredibly hard and still now 2020 I have panic attacks and dissaociative reality issues. I’m extremely analytical person so I think that fucks with me.

    but my friends I’ve been looking for people that went thru this like I have for 16 years. And I finally found you.

    now I’m married with two kids and I’m hoping to possibly start a microdose regime to create new nueropathways and fix what I broke 16 years ago once and for all.
    Bless and much love my fellow Adventurers

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