Tip Of The Day

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by jimandjan, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    i wanted to change a dripping outdoor faucet. I figured a small task. But after I turned the shut off valve back on it leaked like crazy. Meaning tearing into sweat copper to replace the shut off.

    had I just used a few drops of oil or even opened and closed the valve every so often. I could have saved my self a lot of work. Lucky I'm still able to do things like that my self, or I would have had to hire a plumber. So I plan to oil all the shut offs on supply lines to sinks and stool.

    Clerk tried to get me to use Shark bite connector. Which I guess are good, But I had all the parts except new shut off. So did it the old fashion way

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