Time Traveler

Discussion in 'The Future' started by ~AmyLeeLoo~, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. ~AmyLeeLoo~

    ~AmyLeeLoo~ Member

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    Although there is debate over the exact date it started, on November 02, 2000, a person calling themselves Timetravel_0, and later John Titor, started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036.

    One of the first things he did was post pictures of his time machine and its operations manual. As the weeks went by, more and more people began questioning him about why he was here, the physics of time travel and his thoughts about our time. He also posted on other forums including the now non-existent Art Bell site. In his posts John Titor entertained, angered, frightened and even belittled those who engaged him in conversation.

    On March 21, 2001, John Titor told us he would be leaving our time and returning to 2036. After that, he was never heard from again. Speculation and investigation about who John Titor was and why he was online continues to this day.

    Although it may be easy to dismiss all this as science fiction, most people who read his posts agree that there is something very haunting about John Titor and what he said. In addition, and open to more debate, he also made a series of predictions and comments that eerily seem to be coming true.

    Unfortunately, I never spoke directly to John Titor but there are many out there who have and continue to wonder about their experience. As you get deeper and deeper into the story, you will find his posts, links to other sites about him, downloads and speculative information attributed to him after he left. I have taken the posts and organized them by date and subject. My editorial work is copyrighted but the unedited posts and the people who experienced it are in the public domain can be found on other sites listed inside.

    As you read, please try to keep two things in mind:

    1. John appeared to answer nearly every question that was asked of him over the 4-month period he was online. Because of that, many people neglected to read the previous posts and asked similar or exact questions he had already answered. It may offer a glimpse of what a time traveler goes through when having the same conversation again and again.

    2. These posts were written before 9/11, the Discovery accident and the second gulf war. Many people believe John may have known of these events and dropped clues without actually referring to them. It's also widely agreed that he made several predictions about future physics discoveries that have materialized as he stated.
  2. ~AmyLeeLoo~

    ~AmyLeeLoo~ Member

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    You really mean that?
    Im glad!
    I knew about this for a long time but never found a place to post it, not a lot of people
    know about this John Titor guy, and even tho is kinda weird and probably not true it's
    still facinating.
  3. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    there was a thread with links and everthing about this very topic and person more then a year ago. right here in this very spot.

    i don't know if the threads from that far back have survived but if they have and you scroll back that far you would find it.

  4. ~AmyLeeLoo~

    ~AmyLeeLoo~ Member

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    oh that's great, thanks a lot i'll search for it. I would really want to know what people
    thinks about this since no one has posted thoughts on this.
  5. ~AmyLeeLoo~

    ~AmyLeeLoo~ Member

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    well i've been reading a lot today and its actually proved to be a hoax.
    Some scientist did the whole prank... he's kinda nuts by the way he actually studies
    the possibility of making a time machine.

    I seriously think that's probably impossible..... but still... facinating.
  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well it may not be impossible but it may not be a very good idea either. too many time travellers mucking about could be how a lot of things that are messed up got that way in the first place. like the fall of minoen crete and the rise of rome among others.

  7. Ironcore

    Ironcore Member

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    Each individual reality is separate, so things world only unfold differently in that reality. Nothing would change in the reality that the traveller left from.

    Theoretically, at least.
  8. verseau_miracle

    verseau_miracle Banned

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    The idea of travelling through time, i find acceptable, interesting, possible...

    The idea of doing it in a machine gives me the giggles.

    1 person likes this.
  9. ~AmyLeeLoo~

    ~AmyLeeLoo~ Member

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    what the hell was that all about
  10. ~AmyLeeLoo~

    ~AmyLeeLoo~ Member

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    the fact that John Titor was supposed to travel in a car! that totally
    freaks me out... the pictures of the supposed device he used to travel
    :S that really creeps me out.

    When i was reading about that stuff i was in my office all my myself and
    for some stupid reason i kept looking behind me lol
    as if i was reading something about ghosts or something ! lol

    i kept thinking he would appear (from the future) behind me saying
    what the heck are u reading there? lol

    how retarded.....
  11. Ironcore

    Ironcore Member

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    This is not a hoax. His predictions are coming true!

    I have found the following about the UNIX problem that occurs in 2038:



    The 2nd link states that the 2038 UNIX bug wasn't discovered until November 5th 2005 and that the information wasn’t released to the public until January 9th 2006.

    How could he know about this problem when he posted about it in Nov 2000 when it wasn't even discovered until Nov 2005?

    I hope there isn't a large occurrence in the next 6 days which prevents the 2006 Winter Olympic Games from being held as predicted in his posts.
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i can think of at least one way someone might easily have known about the unix bug before it came to public attention. and that is if they or someone they knew and heard tell of it, had knowing hacked the bug into the origeonal code!

    as for the olympics, i'm less worried about the're not occurring then what more of the same inanely fanatical politicians we're already plagued by, might make of it if they don't

  13. MattInVegas

    MattInVegas John Denver Mega-Fan

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    They DO survive. Skip, the Webmaster here Archives them for us to download.
    But you knew that. I do remember something from the Art Bell show. (Called "After Dark")
  14. hummblebee

    hummblebee hipstertist.

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    If anyone's into Richard Bach, his books (in particular, "One") go in depth into this theory. The way Titor describes the timelines is very similar to Bach's idea, also. In fact, Titor actually stated in all his writings that he doesn't know for sure this was HIS past, it being impossible to be exactly, anyway. He also said that he'd noticed minor inconsistencies from his history, but enogh similarities that he wanted to "warn us all" about "future possibilities".

    Personally, a part of me believes him, a part of me is totally skeptical, and my head mostly wants to explode when I think about it...
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well there's also dewey b larson's new light on time and space written back in the early 70s some time, which takes a somewhat 'dryer' approach, but none the less presents a perspective in which such matters become plausable, and not an unreasonable perspective at that.

    but what i opened this reply to mention was something else entierly that occured to me. the guy who invented virtual vicky, i forget his name, he has or had a web site, was really into time travell concepts and an avid dr who fan, along about back in the same time frame, late 90s, turn of the millinium.

    well maybe just coincidence. probably lots of people were and are.
    just something that poped into my mind coninciding with the time ...

    when i was in high school back in the early 60s there was a girl who got on at the
    same bus stop as myself who had a friend who claimed to have been from some future
    or other, she even showed me sketches he had made. well anyone who can sketch
    and has ever even heard of science fiction can of course create depictions of what
    might be, so i didn't really take this as any more then that. but i think he went on to
    have something to do with either jefferson airplane or one or more of the people in it

    just one of those small world things.
    which in all likely hood signify very little if anything.

  16. Ironcore

    Ironcore Member

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    Something to do with Grace Slick?
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    don't i wish. and i do wish her happiness wherever she is now.

    well she was living up in the grass valley/nevada city/north sanjuan area about the time i knew a bunch of people up there. i suppose she could have been one of them and i never knew it or something. however likely/unlikely that might have been.

  18. ~AmyLeeLoo~

    ~AmyLeeLoo~ Member

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    john titor "predicted" that something like a civil war was going to take place on the year
    2005, he mentioned this i dont know how many times, nothing happened. The only war
    that has been going on is the one in Iraq and such, so i dont entirely believe he was
    from the future.

    Its supposed to be a hoax and i read somewhere that the guilty ones were discovered
    with evidence and all.. some scientists and shit. i dont know... i want to think it was a
    hoax cause if not, it gives me the creeps.
  19. Occam

    Occam Old bag of dreams

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    Get real people.. Those in arctic regions live at a different 'time rate'
    Than those at the equator.

    This is demonstrable mathematical and physical fact.
    The apollo crews experienced 'slower time rate' tau factor differential.
    Than those on earth. [cesium clock comparison]

    Wakey wakey...time dilation is FACT.
    Nuclei vectored in cyclotrons to near light speed 'sloooowwwww down'
    in their inherent functions.

    Thus..'time' or 'inherent rate of motion' is a variable dependent on delta V
    Time travel is quite possible. We just need to move faster.
    We know how to go into the future.
    And possibly could do it if we wanted.

    However. To go into he past has been proposed theoretically
    As far as human science knows.
    Conditions that are way beyond anything we can arrange.
    A Tipler engine can theoretically sling mass backwards in time.
    But to build one we need to dismantle the sun and make it into something
    called a naked cylindrical singularity.
    [that rotates at 1/3 the speed of light.]
    a thing that we are not likely to see in nature
    Occam calls this a theory that can not be applied except by a
    being/race called 'god'

    If at all.. for the past does not exist.
    It was once the NOW.
    But is no longer and never will be.
    It is a state the present once had.
    but has no longer.

  20. mr.morrison

    mr.morrison Senior Member

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    i think it was bull shit. but first guns fired in the civil war would be in 2008 2005 will just be people bitching at each other. i found his fault wen he said the last olympics was 2004.....too bad they are on right now

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