thoughts and opinions on Prop. 8

Discussion in 'Activism' started by sam71865, May 27, 2009.

  1. sam71865

    sam71865 Member

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    I do support prop. 8 for marriage is between a man and woman. I do support legal union between same sex couples. I do have gay friends and they support prop. 8.
  2. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    could you elaborate on why exactly your gay friends support prop 8? you've got me curious.
  3. sam71865

    sam71865 Member

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    They are the type that don't make a big deal out of this, they would like a legal union, different saying, but meaning the same thing.

    There are some people that are just looking for a fight, just making me think that people like this love wars too.
  4. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    you and they don't think that not allowing gays the right to be legally considered "married" is a civil rights issue?
  5. wally m

    wally m 14

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    well if it means the same thing why can't they just use the same words.
  6. sam71865

    sam71865 Member

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    You can never please everyone
  7. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    i'm probably being presumptuous here but it sounds to me like they just don't want the publicity.
    <--thinks it's a civil rights issue and in 100 years, it'll be looked at in the same light as women's rights and african american rights
  8. sam71865

    sam71865 Member

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    Prop. 8 Decision Upholds California Gay Marriage Amendment: What Next?

    By Javier Lavagnino on May 26, 2009 11:43 AM | No TrackBacks

    The California Supreme Court today upheld Proposition 8, the voter-approved constitutional amendment limiting marriages to those occuring between a man and a woman. Despite the legal setback for gay marriage advocates, gay couples who were married before the election (reportedly as many as 18,000) got good news in the opinion because the court found that the amendment did not apply to them.
    The court's conclusion, in its own words, was as follows:
    "Proposition 8 constitutes a permissible constitutional amendment (rather than an impermissible constitutional revision), does not violate the separation of powers doctrine, and is not invalid under the "inalienable rights" theory proffered by the Attorney General. We further conclude that Proposition 8 does not apply retroactively and therefore that the marriages of same-sex couples performed prior to the effective date of Proposition 8 remain valid. "
    Acknowledging that although the "designation of 'marriage'" is very important to both sides in the debate, the court went to great lengths to emphasize the breadth of constitutional protections that remain for same-sex couples despite Prop 8. Still, considering that this is likely to be small consolation to gay marriage proponents, there's probably quite a few people wondering, "what next"?

    Well, the California Supreme Court is most likely the end of the line as far as legal challenges to Prop 8 go. Instead, as noted by the court itself, future changes in the constitution and laws with respect to gay marriage will probably have to be aimed at the ballot box as opposed to courtrooms.
    Lastly, because the court found that the language of Proposition 8 was not targeted at eliminating pre-existing gay marriages, there might be some wondering whether separate legal measures could be taken to invalidate existing gay couples' marriages. Although it would arguably be possible to do so, the court appeared to be skeptical about the legality of having previously existing, legally valid marriages suddenly wiped out, even if it were explicitly intended to do so by voters.
  9. RainbowUnicorn

    RainbowUnicorn Member

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    Well, I believe that Prop. 8 should be repealed because no matter what a person's sexual orientation is, I think that everyone should have the right to get married!
  10. LostOne

    LostOne Member

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    Mariage is a man made institution with man made laws to structure what marriage entails. The union between two people has nothing to do with court systems, judges, or the law. That, it seems to me, is where the issue lies. Not so much in the legality of the issue, but in the society and the people of that society who believe that another man's permission and authority is required to join two people togeter as one. Regardless of the sex. Wake Up!
  11. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Everyone deserves to get married. Period. To the people who argue its a religious thing, fine; they don't have to get married in your church. But if the courts and law recognize marriage as a legal thing, then EVERYONE has the right. Not letting homosexual couples get married is wrong and discriminating.
  12. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I just can't understand why people care so much what about other people want to do with their lives.How in the world does gay folks getting married affect me?Or anyone else,for that matter?People should tend to their own business and quit forcing unwanted beliefs on those that don't want them.Legal matters are legal matters and affairs of the heart are another thing.
  13. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    And what lost one said.
  14. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    and even if you personally find it weird or disgusting, does the government have a right to tell you who you can and cannot marry>
  15. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    No,the bastards.

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