Theresa May On The Way To #10 Downing Street

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by ZenKarma, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Today the shocking news came out, the latest bombshell from Brexit: Theresa May is to be the new Prime Minister this Wednesday evening. David Cameron will tender his resignation to the Queen at that time. Gather he's already had the packers in and moving trucks ready to go. Bet he can't wait to escape to somewhere pleasant he can enjoy the riches he amassed, and the favors he is owed after guarding the city so well these many years.

    Theresa May launches her Conservative party leadership campaign at the IET events venue in Birmingham Getty image.​
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  2. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    At least it wasn't Johnson or Gove.
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  3. astaesh420

    astaesh420 Visitor

    i cannot belive this racist far right pedo protecting nazi is about to become prime minister without the british public ever voting for her. very worrying times indeed.
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  4. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Well astaesh you are in London... what's happening on the streets? In the pubs?
  5. Love89

    Love89 Members

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    What's she going to achieve except letting migrants rule the country. We should riot like London did before, burn 10 Downing Street. All she will do is get ill when there is a cold spell and then we have to have a new election anyway or someone will speed it up and she will end up like JFK
  6. astaesh420

    astaesh420 Visitor

    well depends where you go. but most dont want the eton brigade in power and expecally dont want may. the trouble is there is so much progerganda against corbyn and against the left in general that things are very dangerious. but people are united and marching. all we can hope is that we can keep on informing the public about whats really goning on. i can sense a change comming but i just dont know what way. we are facing a very difficult and scary time. to the likes of which i never seen. and i fear where england is heading but i will fight all the way. viva la revoultion
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  7. astaesh420

    astaesh420 Visitor

    actually i think your find she is anti migrant and has braught and past several laws to stop migrantion. not to mention she is the mastermind of the snoopers laws. in which british people would be subject to costant servallance. she is all up to her neck in the cover up of pedophile politicans and went out of her way to block several investagations. so to answer your question. i would be quiet worried if she was pm.
  8. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Not a fan of May, but probably she's less obnoxious than Cameron or the other contenders for the job. Leadsom would have been much worse. At least she's not one of the Eaton club. At least she supported remaining in the EU.

    Be interesting to see who she appoints to the cabinet.

    I think probably an election should be called, but if it is I think all that will happen is another Tory victory, given that the opposition are in complete turmoil.
    2 people like this.
  9. astaesh420

    astaesh420 Visitor

    she is part of the eton club. she hasnt opossed any of the goverments campagins against working people or the disabled. yeah she voted to remain in the EU so did cameroon. they are play people like fools. and she will be just as bad as johnson or glover. She actually said and i could be wrong but im sure i am not that she would deport all non uk citzens. i dont trust any of the tory party. though i dont trust the majority of MPS. but this lesser of the two evils is complete crap. and i hope people are not going to full for it and having an election to elect her isnt about weather their is a point or not. it is about having a democracy and not a leader that nobody voted for. lets not forget it is may who wants to spy on every citzens.
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  10. Love89

    Love89 Members

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    Think she should just be put down
  11. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I don't like her - thought I'd said that. I have been anti-Tory since I was a teenager.

    She's not a member of the Eaton club as she wasn't privately educated. She certainly shares their agenda though.

    I don't trust the current political establishment at all, hence I'm a member of the Green Party. As for her being an unelected leader - I think that there should be an election, but I don't think the outcome would change anything, as the Tories would easily win.
  12. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    That's Maggie Thatchers initials in reverse
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  13. astaesh420

    astaesh420 Visitor

    no i agree i just saying there has to be one. i am a green party too, though i do like corbyn. i just dont think he is a leader. hope i am wrong
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  14. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Corbyn is OK in my opinion. But probably discussing him and the problems of Labour would be off topic here.
  15. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Your country "invented" the westminister system

    Most of the Civil service stay put no matter who is in government, they do most of the leg work

    Most legislation is really nutted out in the senate.

    Most of the public have no clue who those civil servants are and pay little attention to those politicians in the senate

    I think the vast majority of Britons have no clue how their government works

    No one ever actually votes for the Prime minister, you know that right?
  16. astaesh420

    astaesh420 Visitor

    and that what a lot of people including myself are trying to inform people about but they dont really care, we are led to belive our voting and goverment system is the best. but the reality is it isnt. but that going of topic
  17. Love89

    Love89 Members

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    Just shoot the bitch
  18. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Jeremy Corbyn has the same initials as Jesus Christ - but I don't think too much should be read into that.
  19. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Actually, Britain doesn't have a senate. The closest we have would be the House of Lords. Legislation is generally done by the House of Commons, the Lords really only have an advisory role.

    I agree that many Brits have little clue as to how the government here works (and I'm pretty sure the government prefer to keep it that way). I also wonder how many non Brits have much of a clue.
  20. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    60 defeats, amend/reject to bills in the last financial year in the House of Lords (Your Senate)

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