The Psychedelic Revolution

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by Desos, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    You just restated without giving definition. What do you mean by the cause of the issue? What if I said conception is the root of all cause?
    This statement is self contradictory. An end product, does not last nor give way. Lasting or gives way to more, are continuations, not ends. Further how do you measure "benefit to the whole?"
  2. autumnbreeze

    autumnbreeze Member

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    An end product can last. I spend time on a task of making something. At the end of the task, I have made something. That something is the end product. It lasts beyond the task of making it.
  3. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    What indelible thing have you made?
  4. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    your looking for definiton where there is none thedope. you can't blindly account for the varying intricacies of the human experience.
  5. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    That is my point desos. The definitions you give are not definitions. Therefore the premises that arise from these supposed definitions, or descriptions of the way things are, are meaningless for purposes of instruction.
    Your most outstanding effort to "change the world" will produce only temporary conditions for yourself. What you may have considered good one day will, in your own estimation. change to bad the next.
    Think of growth as from the center out, not from past to future.
  6. autumnbreeze

    autumnbreeze Member

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    Something need not be indelible to last for a time. For something to be lasting, to last past the end of the act of creation, does not mean it must last forever. Only that it will last for a time. And by that notion, I've created many lasting things. Many of which have ceased to be, others which remain but will cease to be in time.

    The fact that all things end does not mean the act of creation is meaningless. The fact that social change will change again does not make social action pointless. Creation is continuous. We live on an island that is constantly sinking into the sea. If we wish the island to remain, we must constantly build higher, or be swept away by the tide.

    Some might call this an exercise in futility, I see it as a labor of love.
  7. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    This is a point we could consider the consequences of more deeply. I cannot overemphasize the point that there are no idle thoughts. It seems to us that we are of varied consequence but even a fleeting thought is unleashed in a creative matrix. All apparently durable choices are choices made time after time in the emerging moment. That is, each moment is a maximal expression, each moment a new creation.
  8. autumnbreeze

    autumnbreeze Member

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    Perhaps you are correct. But all evidence I have available says that I am also a being that exists within -time-. Perhaps the continuous flow from one moment to the next, and the consistent thread of causality is simply my imagination. Such has been suggested by many a mystic. But this is not what my senses tell me.

    Each moment may be maximal expression, but it is maximal expression of what has been. The thoughts that have been, the actions taken, the things that occurred. The present is the maximal expression of the past.

    And there are thoughts within this system that are not mine. This much has been made abundantly clear to me, in my search. That I am -not- alone, that all the universe is -not- my doing. Rather a collaborative effort between me and at least one other. At least one that is distinctly and on every possibly meaningful level not me.

    And in this space it seems there are actions I can take that are productive, that work toward greater accord, greater harmony, and other actions I can take that move away from this. And it seems to me to worthy to move toward. This might be vain effort, it could be that this is only the inhale, and that I will later exhale. But in this state, whatever causes it, I find moving toward more harmonious living with the Other(s) to be meaningful to me.
  9. autumnbreeze

    autumnbreeze Member

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    My point on continuous creation, and effort toward something that will naturally dissolve is this: Why wash dishes? There are just going to be more to clean tomorrow. They aren't going to stay clean, so why bother? There will never be that point, where I will have washed enough dishes that it causes them all to be washed forever. And yet, it still feels of value to clean dishes.
  10. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Your senses are informed in this regard by the mental conception of time. You may well exist within time, but the concept of time itself can be reconstructed.
    My senses tell me that the past does not occur before present emergence. Things do not become the past until they emerge in the present. The past as well as the future are artifacts of the present
    I more see, a common mind, we share our thoughts.
    How do you measure greater accord or less accord. Is it by the measure of comfort you experience?
  11. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    I suppose it would not be meaningful to suggest that dishes are not required.
    The answer to why wash dishes is to preserve the status quo. Many would say that a novel approach is impractical, but practical is that which you practice.
    From my perspective we create new time and space with each moment.
  12. autumnbreeze

    autumnbreeze Member

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    I used to feel this way. Much less so as I gained more of what seems to me as insight. Shrug. Now I feel differently. It seems that the structure of time is an integral element of this experience we call reality. Changing it would end reality, completely. We can change how we choose to interpret our perception of time, but this does not appear to affect it's functioning at all.

    That is how -you- choose to interpret your experience of time. I do not find this to be an accurate depiction.

    I am not completely certain of anything at all. But the single notion that I am more certain of then anything, bar none, is that this is -not- true. I have had clear and for me indisputable evidence that I am not alone in this experience, even within my own mind.

    And the degree of the comfort the Other(s) inform me it/they are experiencing, yes. Not sure comfort is the absolute best word, but it works.
  13. autumnbreeze

    autumnbreeze Member

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    Unless the status quo is one where the dishes are left perpetually in a state of half done. In which case doing the dishes is an act of moving in the direction of one state(all dishes clean) and away from another state(all dishes dirty). Which seems a good metaphor for how I see reality, and the task of learning to be better at being.

    Had a friend that referred to reality as 'Grandmother Spider's Academy for Young Gods'. Like that a lot.

    Edit: Also, it doesn't appear that all reality is destroyed and recreated whole and separate each moment. It appears that reality is a homeostatic feedback loop, with some loose controls. Each moment is an echo of the previous, with slight alteration. There's a feedback loop/echo pattern. If you leave your hands off the controls, reality will just follow the pattern. If you touch the controls, the pattern slowly morphs.
  14. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't mean to suggest that reality is destroyed and then recreated, I mean it is continually restated and there is a way of transcending the apparent perceptual gap around, this moment
    I like this, reality just following the pattern I liken to traffic control. As far as touching the controls, I think we always are, though not in a conscious or decided manner. Many people are not even aware they have any kind of control at all, but believe that the world at large is responsible for discomfort.
  15. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Time as we perceive it is a borrowed spectrum. We cannot change the temporal order, but we can save time. Certain things learned can save years of unnecessary trial and error. As you say, suffering in time is tragic, but in eternity it occurs not at all.

    Out of respect for your view, I said, my senses tell me.

    What is it that you consider not true. The statement is we share our thoughts. You say you are not alone, "even in your own mind".
    I agree, and I also agree there is collaboration. As far as mind, it is a common "energy field", so to speak through which we interface with our environment and each other.
  16. LysergicAcid

    LysergicAcid Member

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    this person is a scammer dont her/him money, they told me they where in ireland and scammed £100 from me and then had the cheeck to demand more and refuse to give me the drugs or cash back... full of bull S..

    07979227725 is her phone number

    RBS MR F MUNRO - S 300000000008724589 02JUN11 13:03


    Bank details as follows.,

    Rbs. Mr f munro. Sc: 831602. Acc: 00229390.

    please some one ban this idiot
  17. Voice of Truth

    Voice of Truth Member

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    At 74 pages of conversation, allow me to ask for forgivness of not reading everything and just commenting on the first message.

    Loving without conditions is difficult. Especially when there are so many lost souls and sick greedy people that are on the warpath each and every day against love.

    But it can be done and it must start with a commitment to love everyone and everything regardless of the pain, regardless of the cost. Then you must teach it to your children and share it with everyone that will listen.

    But therein rests our problems.

    Today, most people are incapable of making a decision therefore making it impossible to commit to anything. And no one is listening or learning. Instead they're "drugged out" on mass media and social networking.

    So peace to you and alll the love I have in my soul for you.

    But what we need to do is start ignoring government and start talking about how we are going to rehibilitate several generations of chilldren and others wasted on the propoganda of today. Because there exists so few of us and so many of them. Thereby making our task very very difficult.
  18. LysergicAcid

    LysergicAcid Member

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    this person is trying to scam people out of money by promising drugs or trade...
  19. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Well that was pretty dumb of you, wasn't it?
  20. ChinaCatSunflower02

    ChinaCatSunflower02 Senior Member

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    Anyone remember this classic thread?

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