the most hated celebs

Discussion in 'The Media' started by Interactivemonodrama, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. Interactivemonodrama

    Interactivemonodrama Member

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    Hello everyone!

    My question goes about the most hated celebs.

    Celebs like Justin Bieber, or Rebecca Black, became famous trough negative comments.For example I did not know who they were until, it was written all over on youtube.

    Why does everybody think that it is cool bashing celebs with lame comments, which only makes them more famous than they are?
  2. Zorba The Grape

    Zorba The Grape Gavagai?

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    We live in a society of spectacle. It doesn't matter whether something is good or enjoyable, as long as it provokes a response. Positive and negative responses can be enjoyed alike.
  3. LoneDeranger

    LoneDeranger Trying to pay attention.

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    There's a few reasons, I think. Some people are just mean-spirited and enjoy knocking those who have achieved a level of success. Others may be jealous. Others think if the mainstream media says something or somebody is popular -- they have to go against it to maintain their counter-culture cool quotient.
  4. lovelyxmalia

    lovelyxmalia Banana Hammock Lifetime Supporter

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    People always will be mean.

    I think a lot of the teen population that insults these celebs do it because of jealousy. And adults follow suit to insult these celebs to try and "prove a point" about how the youth that follows these celebs aren't anywhere near where they were "at that age."

    It'll always be a constant battle when new musicians come out that are targeted toward a younger age group. People did it with the Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, Brittany Spears, etc. when they were popular.
  5. stonk

    stonk Member

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    it doesnt matter anymore whether there is any talent behind a persons fame, people are either famous or they are not.
    Fame is simply media manipulation, that is all fame amounts to really. You can be the most talented singer on earth but if you dont have people around you that are willing to get you noticed in the media then you are really not going to be as famous as some spotty little oik whose parents have some good connections in the entertainments and media business.
    there are many many absolutely 1st rate singers that most people have never heard of, and who dont want the level of fame others have got. Infact they hate the idea of becoming world famous or even nationally famous in the national or world media.
    Rebecca black will be famous for being famous, she is as talented as a sack of potatoes and yet she is famous or infamous depending on how you see it, and same for justin beiber. He isnt all that talented but he has a good media crew working for him
  6. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Spotty little oik! WTF--that's funny.
  7. apiratelooksat35

    apiratelooksat35 Member

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    Well Bieber didn't become popular because of negative comments. Those comments came when he became popular. My problem with some of these people is they are not talented. They prefab, contrived, corporate made caricatures. Thanks to Auto-tune, everyone's a singer these days.
  8. Amyoxl

    Amyoxl Member

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    My question is a little different, actually a lot different. Why do we worship celebrities? They are people just like you and me. Why live your life vicariously through them? Celebrate real life instead.
  9. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    "Helllo!" (Falco's voice from "Vienna Calling")

    Jealousy. Vanity. Greed. Selfish. You see, people that speak poorly of them have no cause for such statements. They are, well, jealous. The people they talk poorly off, like Justin, he had a skill and he took advantage of the opportunity to turn it into something. Rebecca, same thing. If people thought they had the same skills, let them take advantage of the opportunities to make something of them. But they don't. Who knows why. I bet if they did, they'd love themselves more, and then find they love others just as much and in the end would have nothing poor to say of others.
  10. apiratelooksat35

    apiratelooksat35 Member

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    You know what an autotune is right? There's no skill in "Rebecca's" singing. She's singing through an autotune.
  11. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    So? People still like it enough to make her money.
  12. prana

    prana Member

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    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  13. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I think the problem is not that these celebrities are hated, but that they are loved. People love them even though they really offer no talent or originality to the world. People who demand talent from their artists then get annoyed that these people are famous because of media manipulation, and start making negative comments.
  14. Rugor

    Rugor Senior Member

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    because if you get 5 million views and some guy who want a commercial for his company to be viewed 5million times. then he offers a sign a deal for this much money with whoever owns the video.
  15. Voice of Truth

    Voice of Truth Member

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    The Internet has its "own personality" And sadly that is a negative personality. There is no doubt that there are "nice areas" on the net. But for the most part it isn't really a nice place.

    Leading me to voice the only conspiracy theroy that I have. And that is the Internet was created a social engineering project by a bunch of neocons and neonazis.

  16. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    The Internet was invented by a bunch of pot smoking, LSD dropping hippies who were able to think out-of-the-box, and come up with a completely new way to communicate.

    Since its invention of course, the US gov't has learned that it can be used to spy on people, to gather databases of information about you and everyone, to manipulate the masses to revolt against their gov'ts (but not the US gov't of course).

    What has been co-opted by the US gov't are the following companies:
    All the major Cellphone carriers & ISPs
    and many other companies we don't know about yet.

    Their latest co-opting is the ubiquitous "Cloud" which allows the gov't access to corporate and individual data, without warrants or even anyone's knowledge.

    All these new features coming out are simply the result of the gov't wanting to get at info it currently can't.

    Every new innovation is a double-edged sword, on the one hand offering new features to naive users, on the other hand, allowing the gov't and corporations to view and track your behaviors in ever more detail.

    And the naive younger generations who can't imagine the new possibilities this creates for ever more gov't control over you and society will reap the results one day very soon.

    We see revolutions occurring in other countries every day now, but it can never happen here because our gov't has more info on us than any other. Likewise our gov't has control over the US Internet and will shutdown any part that causes a problem, as fast as you can say "The People United Will Never Be Defeated!"
  17. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    This is very true, and it has bothered me a lot recently. For instance I like to visit the Huffington Post as they are one of the more liberal news sites out there. However it always pisses me off when I go to the politics page to see nothing but stories about what Conservatives have said. You see story after story about Trump, Boener, Huckabee, McCain, etc. All of them are negative stories of course, but think about what this does to the liberal reader. It just pushes our buttons, attempting to get an emotional response.

    Rather than stories about the good things dems are doing, they focus solely on the republicans and their trips. And when it comes to Sarah Palin, that useless piece of shit, they usually plaster six stories about her on one page! She's not even running for anything! But here's a case where negative stories keep her a popular figure, even among Liberals. It's disgusting!
  18. Nebacanezer

    Nebacanezer Member

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    Yessir Skip.

    Just wait until everyone has RFID chips in their identification and currency in physical form is phased out to a computerized "currency card". Once everyone can be physically located and shut out of their assets with the push of a button, all will be lost.
  19. Voice of Truth

    Voice of Truth Member

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    There is only 1 solution to this problem.

    Turn it all off.

  20. Amyoxl

    Amyoxl Member

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