survivors of suicide

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by Samhain, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. MayQueen~420~

    MayQueen~420~ ♫♪♫♪

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    My mom tried it in March, but with no success. She od'd on her perscribed methadone. At the hospital they found Meth and high doses of muscle relaxers and her methadone. The day after she was rushed to the hospital my step dad found out that she had put them 10,000 dollars in debt. When she woke up three days later the first thing she said was, "where are my pills? I want my pills". After telling her what happened and showing my concern for her she tried to blame everything on me and my step dad. Which was not the case, she has taken advantage of everyone around her, she used me as a babysitter for 10 years, I didn't even have a childhood because she was to busy being a fucking meth head. So I told her the fuck off and have not seen her since don't want to either. My mother has fucked my head up so bad I don't think I will ever recover from it. So if you are thinking about suicide just know that it is not the way out, please turn to someone, talk to someone, you can even PM or e mail me if you want to or feel like you have no one. Just know that it hurts everyone around you A LOT. There is always hope <3
  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I'm sorry this happened to your mom, and I'm sorry that your mom made so much trouble for you. I think everybody's parents mess them up, it's just a matter of how much.
  3. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    glad you made it through this, brother.
  4. TheMistress

    TheMistress Senior Member

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    Courage my dear. sending you healing vibes
  5. Arlandis

    Arlandis Visitor

    I attempted it yesterday at about 1pm. Took a bunch of antidepressants, benzos, quetiapine, codeine, zopiclone, paracetemol. Plan was to then tape my mouth shut, cut my arm from wrist to elbow, and then slice the arteries on my thighs.

    After I'd taken the pills I felt the impending doom and freaked out, called 111, ambulance arrived within 5 minutes, next thing I know I'm awake the next morning feeling like shit.

    I got assessed by some psych person and then discharged a few hours ago.

    Dont know how to feel yet.
  6. CharlieBrown89

    CharlieBrown89 Member

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    Arlandis I'm sorry you feel like this and feel you have to do this to you're self. Are they giving you help now? And do u know what the root is to you feeling this way?
  7. JimiAllTheWay

    JimiAllTheWay Member

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    Well I tried about 3 times, but when I overdosed I got caught by 'worried' family so that's why I'm still here :p I'm glad, life is getting to the good part :D
  8. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    :( glad you are still here though :)
  9. CharlieBrown89

    CharlieBrown89 Member

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    I hope everyone who is feeling in this place really finds themselves.
  10. kevincoughlin

    kevincoughlin Member

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    I'm a survivor lol
    more like a big failer though
  11. CharlieBrown89

    CharlieBrown89 Member

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    Dont say that or you will create that.
  12. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

    Likes Received:
    failing to self-destruct is a virtue.

    hope everyone who is feeling this way can get treatment

    also, is a good place for on-line support
  13. CharlieBrown89

    CharlieBrown89 Member

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    I think everyone atleast once gets these thoughts in our life time.
  14. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

    Likes Received:
    correction to my post above it should be (no s)

    unfortunately, the link in the post above will take you to a dropped url scam
  15. CharlieBrown89

    CharlieBrown89 Member

    Likes Received:
  16. windy

    windy Member

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    removed post
  17. CharlieBrown89

    CharlieBrown89 Member

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  18. Arlandis

    Arlandis Visitor

    Ha, I forgot I had posted in here.

    Basically that attempt was the catalyst required to get my shit together.

    It set into motion a chain of events that has improved my life dramatically.
    So I am glad I tried it.

    Had I not I no doubt would still be as miserable as I was last year.

    I had to experience (a near) death to gain an appreciation of life.
  19. kevincoughlin

    kevincoughlin Member

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    I seriously had to post these. Go head, whine about em, but the message I bring is true.

  20. soapofthelotus

    soapofthelotus Member

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    well, i guess sometimes to fail is to succeed, i dont think life really ever ends, its kind of infinite, kind of a never began, so itll never end kind of deal

    ive been suicidal before though, pretty lucky, i guess, once i really decided to end it, so i jumped off a parking garage meditated a little bit before hand to clear my mind because i knew if you died with a clear mind you wouldn't reincarnate, i knew i was just done with life, everyone was acting so stupid, there was no reason for me to be here any longer, I felt like I was just totally enlightened, I just wanted to be with God, so I jumped, it was just three stories, and then the top rail thing, but still, I remember spinning around in the air, then I hit the ground, but not head on, flat on my face and stomach, there was this snow on the ground that wasn't just fallen but it wasn't totally hard saw some stars, like a little rainbow come up out of me and though I was dead maybe knocked out for 30 seconds or something, then I realized I wasn't going to die, then I got up and walked home, my eye was bleeding though and i couldn't really open them much and I hurt my neck, it seemed pretty bad, it was had to move my neck, on the way home I saw some guy and asked him to call an ambulance and he was just like I'm sorry, can't help you right now, so I got home and my mom saw me and called the ambulance as soon as she opened the door.

    I wasn't even really hurt, my eye stayed red for a few days, and my neck hurt for a while but in about a week it was all gone. It was wierd.

    I do feel like I died there in a way though, sometimes everything feels like heaven, but like I said I don't really believe the worlds are that seperate anymore, life and death, its all here, it doesn't really stop, the Spirit is immortal.

    love to all you guys!! life always suprises you...

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