Stupid People Smoke Pot

Discussion in 'Cannabis Activism' started by WishIWasAHippie, May 9, 2006.

  1. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    I like how people still keep posting, "I am smart, I smoke weed..."

    Apparently you're not smart enough to read an entire thread.

    Of course there's going to be exceptions to the rules, it's that way in everything, I could tell you, "People who go to college do better in life." and you'll reply, "What is your measurement of 'better'..." or "I know a guy..." or "I didn't go to college.." but you need to face the facts...there will be exceptions to everything, and people of lower intelligence are more likely to smoke...because people of lower intelligence tend to have lower incomes...and people of lower incomes tend to become involved in drugs.

    Now I don't care if you know an entire fucking state championship math club at your school that smokes a pound of pot a day, that's just the facts. I don't care if your entire AP class smokes ganj and only half of the "regular" class students smoke...I'm basing this off of SOMETHING A PERSON OUTSIDE OF OUR LITTLE POTHEAD BUBBLE WORLDS WOULD SEE IT AS.

    I don't care if your entire city smokes pot, THERE ARE LESS PEOPLE WHO SMOKE POT THAN PEOPLE WHO DO NOT SMOKE POT. And being that there's less who smoke, anything involves those who do is considered "abnormal" now from a "normal" persons point of view...dumb people smoke pot.

    Now my theory was DISPROVING that it's the POT that makes the PERSON DUMB...

    So in other words...YOU'RE ALL TELLING ME YOU'RE SMART...and I'm telling you...DUMB PEOPLE SMOKE TOO.

    So you're all agreeing....

    Now...can we just realize this...and move on?
  2. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    you aren't getting my argument
    you don't have a good view of the overall situation, you can not decide what is normal and what is exceptional fairly
  3. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    You are right, I cannot decide what is normal and what is exceptional.

    But I can decide what the majority of people would determine as high school success.
  4. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    but you still can't determine where the majority of stoners compare to that
    I mean, if if you are just talking american stoners, in my school like everyone smokes weed
    drop outs
    A students
    I even know of teachers that do it
  5. smokindude

    smokindude Senior Member

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    There are no such thing as dumb people on this earth, just people who make wrong decisons in life..
  6. Yoseff

    Yoseff Music Addict

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    That's bull

    There are stupid people on the planet.
  7. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    I believe that all people are stupid to their own degrees
  8. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    Haha no. Some people could be slapped in the face with an answer to their DUMB question (they do exist) and rephrase the same dumb question, and/or say "me's dont get it." I work in support for huge ass enterprise servers, and even some of the poeplw ho make six figures are fuckin dumbasses. You figure if they were working with something for years they might know a little bit about it or understand how it works. No. Then you tell them the answer clear as day, they fuck it up again, and call back. I deal with stupid people a LOT everyday, it takes its toll on your mind lol. When I was a kid I loved computers. Now, fuck em, I wanna smash a 30,000 dollar hp server then piss on it while it's on, then launch it through the window of some assfuck admin's car.

    These people, do not smoke pot. They are too stupid to figure out how to inhale.
  9. napalm_life

    napalm_life Member

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    maybe, just maybe the clever kids keep it on the low, clever really
  10. rainbowedskylover

    rainbowedskylover Senior Member

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    nice theory (sorry for the spam above hahaha)
  11. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    I know how you feel, I have to try to help people with computers everyday (I got 4th in state in Florida so that means that everytime someone has a computer problem...they bother me...) I get so frustrated because people are so braindead..." WHAT?"...for Chirst sakes, it's windows it's not fucking rocket science.
  12. WhisperingWoods

    WhisperingWoods too far gone

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    lol same.

    I agree with the OP. It's a good theory as to why people tend to smoke or not smoke.
  13. young_hippy_4:20

    young_hippy_4:20 Member

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    that makes me a dumbass
    just look at my sig.
  14. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    i think a huge major big point that was missed (or maybe mentioned by one person but not picked up on) is the difference between smoking on the weekends, or being open to smoking pot, and smoking habitually, being a stoner.

    of all the people i know, teh more academic ones overall smoke when meeting up with friends and stuff or maybe save a bit for home, and the stoners overall are pretty shit at school.

    this is not just my school but schools all over my city.

    if i never smoked weed (at least the extent i did), i probably would have got better grades at school. but no one can say.
  15. ssreetnulov

    ssreetnulov Member

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    I'll go the way every other pothead goes:

    "How about we smoke a bowl, then debate the facts of this argument."

    Yes, dumb people smoke weed. Oh well.
  16. ssreetnulov

    ssreetnulov Member

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    I like how you tell people their views are not right.
  17. sniffmagikmarkrs

    sniffmagikmarkrs Senior Member

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    i completely agree with you. I am one of the honors class smokers, but i have come to realize that the majority of potheads that i know were idiots before they started smoking. I smoke everyday and people don't even believe it because i get A's in every single one of my honors classes and this proves that people believe in the stereotype that pot makes you stupid. I am so glad that stupid people smoke pot. I've been trying to convince my friends of this for a while and they seem to have a hard time grasping the concept.

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