Rupert Murdoch is a very, very bad boy

Discussion in 'Globalization' started by AannaSolo, Aug 27, 2005.

  1. AannaSolo

    AannaSolo Member

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    Examines the reasons why rupert Murdoch became one of the most powerful and corrupt businessmen in the world ​

    Just how did Rupert Murdoch, from such a small insignificant country such as Australia, become one of the most ruthless, powerful and corrupt businessmen in the world.
    Many in the worldwide New Age movement now say it was Murdoch's support from very high up through the United States Governments' secret 50 year deal with grey aliens.
    This secret deal between the Grey aliens and the American Government was called the Plato Pact. It is now extremely well documented.
    The United States Government had a secret grey alien base in the middle of Australia called Pine Gap.
    Only in recent years has this base been "de-alienised" because the little grey aliens have been told to go by another group of benevolent aliens from an organisation called the Galactic Federation.
    Australia was such as important bit of property to the entire corrupt alien deal between the USA Government that Murdoch was used as a decoy.
    A plan had been hatched as early as the early 1980s to let Murdoch get control on the Australian media, which he did by 1986 with the corrupt control of the Herald and Weekly Times media group.
    Prior to this Murdoch had a huge rise to power in the western world (as part of this plan), mainly at the hands of the Illuminati, the rich billionaire families of the world such as the Rockefellers and Rocthchilds who own huge amounts of the world's capital assets, who have used Murdoch as their promoter.
    How did this little Australia dirty digger get control of some of the most important western newspapers in the entire world such as the London Times and others.
    There is only one answer and one reason - through the association of the USA Government and the Illuminati's deal with these grey aliens.
    There are over 550,000 websites on the Internet about grey aliens so the tens of thousands of journalists writing about this agenda, couldn't all be mad.
    Thousands of alien journalists claim that the United States Government did a deal with these grey aliens shortly after the famous Roswell crash in 1947 where three alien craft were captured. This is extremely well documented with many leaked top secret "above presidental level" information now out in the open.
    In America the famous Disclosure Project headed by Dr Steven Greer has 400 generals, former CIA spies, soldiers and other personal who have publicly given testified information to their direct involvement with grey aliens.
    In 2001 more than 5000 journalists from around the world crammed into the Washington Press Club to hear the former generals, CIA spies and soldiers who talked openly and publicly about their contact with these little grey aliens.
    Conservative newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington Post ran front page stories at the time. CNN and other major networks also ran prominent stories about the Disclosure project... and then... there was complete silence from these utterly corrupt "mainstream" corporate spy riddled media outlets in America.
    Thus, the so-called "mainstream" media in the West is full of lies, deceit, cover-ups on this big issue.
    And the reason why these corrupt newspapers never say anything is this. The United States Government has placed a "non-disclosure" ORDER on all the western media not to mention this or virtually anything to do with aliens, which they dutyfully adhere to.
    Of course other countries around the world are not so obliging such as the Mexican Government which has recently exposed how its Airforce is constantly followed by UFOs from the Galactic Federation. The Mexican Government's full exposure of this rated front page headline news in most of the world media such as the China Daily newspaper, which ran the story every day on the front page for 10 days.
    The Brazilian Government has done the same and has exposed widely how its government and military jets are followed by alien UFOs from other star systems. It beggars belief, that such an important story, is now again never mentioned in the virtually crypto-fascist media of the western world.
    Of course the alternative and New Age media in the western world is competely full of this. An enormous culture war has been going on now for a long time.
    Rupert Murdoch of course is the key to this culture war. His latest film Star Wars keeps the disinformation going. His opposition uses Tom Cruise in War of the Worlds to keep the disinformation going. The disinformation says it's all fiction, which is what the Illuminati want you to believe.
    Thus, the evil, bizarre and utterly demonic rise of Murdoch involved aliens. The entire alien agenda involved the rise of Murdoch. The Pine Gap American base in the middle of Australia was vital to the evil Grey alien secret deal with the Americans. AND Murdoch was their man. Murdoch, now, of course is a spent force because the Greys have been ditched and so will Murdoch very shortly.
    The western Murdoch type media surely must think everyone is stupid when the situation is very much the opposite. People now know the truth about this terrible cover-up.
    Yet the question remains. How did this little Australian man called Rupert Murdoch get so much power?
    The key families involved with the Illuminati are the Rockefeller and Rothchild families.
    Murdoch was payrolled in the early days throughout the 1960s by these two very powerful families, who own billions of dollars of capital assets around the world. The Rockefellers own the Chase Manhatten Bank and Exxon Oil and many New Age commentators believe this family and others have been behind the war in Iraq and Afghanistan - and were in fact behind the September 11 tragedy. World famous spiritual channellers have all pointed their fingers at these families as the cause behind alQuida. Western spy organisations of course are now following this very closely as well.
    Murdoch has had close links with both the Rockefeller family and the Rothchild family.
    In fact one of the senior Rothchilds is on the board of a Murdoch company in England.
    Also, Murdoch has done most of his banking with the Rockefeller owned Chase Manhatten banking corporation.
    David Rockefeller, who died recently, and who was one of the richest men in the world, before the rise of the the so-called computer giants such as Bill Gates, was at the first meeting of the American government and the grey aliens.
    Rockefeller poured countless dollars into the entire alien agenda. He even established alien front organisations such as the Council of Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group.
    Rockefeller was behind the rise of Murdoch. In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s virtually all the Murdoch newspapers were awash with Rockefeller supported political campaigns. Everywhere the Illuminati went, Rupert Murdoch went as well.
    Little did people know in those days that Murdoch would help and destroy Australia's fragile democratic structure by illegally taking control of 80 per cent of ALL the country's metropolitan and suburban newspapers.
    In those days Australia represented the summer haze of late '60s radicalism and beach culture.
    Just how did Murdoch gain access to some of the highest politicians in the world. The answer is simple. News Corporation was used by the Illuminati to push their agenda of extreme right wing politics.
    The Illuminati along with the USA Government had a top secret agenda of working with these very evil grey aliens who provided terrible technology such as psychotronic weapons, which the American base at Pine Gap, Australia, has used against Japan. In 1994 this Pine Gap base used scalor psychotronic weapons in Kobe, and thus caused the Kobe earthquake. More than 50,000 people died from that quake, caused from Australian soil and probably with Australian knowledge.
    Aliens from an organisation called the Galactic Federation have confirmed that the Pine Gap base did this.
    Rupert Murdoch has always been a thorn in the side of socialist democracy anywhere in the world. Murdoch has launched ruthless campaigns of disinformation on any group or individual who dares tell the truth.
    Another very important aspect of the entire Murdoch supported assault on Australia involved the destruction and sacking of the Whitlam Government. Whitlam was sacked and destabilised by the CIA and American Government in 1974. This happened because Whitlam's Deputy Prime Minister Jim Cairns wanted to end all the American bases in Australia, especially Pine Gap.
    You could imagine what this meant to the Americans and the evil grey aliens. It would mean the end of their deadly base. Thus, a very strong campaign started to finish Whitlam and his government. John Pilger says in his book A Secret Country that Whitlam was sacked by the CIA because if was too socialist. This was not the main reason. It was because of the grey alien base.
    During this time the Murdoch press utterly destroyed any credibility that Whitlam had. Murdoch was being true to the Illuminati cause.
    Australians really should wake up in that country and realise what really happened.
    Countless New Age and UFO writers have exposed the truth about what happened on the entire alien saga.
    Some of the more well known include David Icke who has published many books about aliens and the entire secret ET saga involving greys and reptoids.
    Some of his books have described another breed of alien called Reptoids who in fact controlled the greys.
    The reptoids were said to have had a base on the moon for much of the 20th century directing some sort of terror campaign on earth by using psychotronic weaponry (mind control weapons) against humanity. The reptoids were behind the rise of Hitler and fascism using a massive psychotronic weapons base from the moon. They were behind the fall of the Soviet Union again using psychotronic weapons. The reptoids had an agenda of using the Illuminati as their minions on earth. And their game plan was to destroy socialism, cause disharmony, descredit socialism in China and the former Soviet Union as a means of enslaving humanity.
    The reptoids used the greys as a decoy to befriend the USA Government.
    The greys were used by the reptoids to enforce this secret war in a friendly gesture with the USA Government.
    How much the Illuminati of families knew and their own deal with aliens is open to debate. Some say these rich familes had absolutely close deals with Reptoids.
    New Age leaders say that in the Year 2000 another alien organisation called the Galactic Federation destroyed the reptoid base on the moon and kicked out all the Reptoids, despite the fact there were still 200 left on Earth, some of whom ran the Rothchild family. Reptoids are said to be able to shapeshift into human form and New Age journalist David Icke and others say memebers of the Rothchild family have been seen to shapeshift into reptoids, who look like lizards in their generic form, between 6 and 7 feet tall.
    The Galactic Federation is said to be made up of 60 per cent galactic humans and that we were orginally from this clan, with Earth's previous civilisations of Atlantis and Lemuria destroyed by war with reptoids. Thus, New Age leaders say we come from other stars and travelled in spaceships through the speed of light using super energy, or energy faster than light.
    In quantum physics the world leaders have been saying for 40 years Mind produces matter which is a form of philosophical Idealism.
    The academic world is full of corruption with some Catholic philosophers working closely with the corrupt aspects of the Vatican in Rome to stop any of this new research and have even failed top physicists to keep a lid on this new research.
    But the research has now been well and truly documented. Post quantum theory is now being widely examined by many different countries, and the cat is now out of the bag.
    Rupert Murdoch has destroyed Australia. He owns 80 per cent of all the metropolitan and suburban newspapers in Australia which is a terrible human rights abuse. He has lied to the world virtually about everything and launches terrible campaigns on anyone who deceives him.
    The terrible alien saga just will not go away for the last desperate cabal who through George Bush have killed nearly a million people in the past few years in Iraq and Afghanistan and other countries. The Illuminati is behind this. Rupert Murdoch's newspapers keep the lies coming out every day, adherring closely to all the old Illuminati tricks of the trade.
    But it is too late for this old fascist and his family. The game is up.
    China and India are going to take control of world politics shortly whether the old Illuminati fascists like it or not. The Galactic Federation is surrounding this planet now in spaceships ready to finally destroy the Illuminati.
    Thus, the Galactic Federation can protect China and India from any nuclear attacks by an Illuminati controlled USA. And that's what the Galactic Federation wants - a world socialist government of openness and compassion led by China, India and the Third World with a reconstituted western world.
  2. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    I have seen a couple of your posts and i share a lot of your opinions, but you really should stop making people who are into conspiracy based research look like a bunch of UFO reptillian believers, I mean if you want to believe them fine, but don't come on here and post an article about rupert murdoch being involved with aliens when you have no proof of it...hell maybe it is true but you have nothing to back it up and it makes other people look bad who post stuff that is related to things you post
  3. Lodui

    Lodui One Man Orgy

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    Whoa. [​IMG]

    Wow, I was wrong about you Aannasolo, you kick ass.
  4. Soulless||Chaos

    Soulless||Chaos SelfInducedExistence

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    With a name like that, you'd be evil too. :rolleyes:
  5. AannaSolo

    AannaSolo Member

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  6. wrat

    wrat Member

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  7. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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  8. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    I find the idea that conspiracy theorists have to hide their more wacko theories to project a more acceptable public image quite amusing.
  9. AannaSolo

    AannaSolo Member

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    The only ones who like to shoot down conspiry theorists are the very ones who like to brainwash people anyway.
  10. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    Pointbreak, how about you shut the fuck up...i believe in government conspiracies that have evidence and a clear motive, I don't believe Murdoch is working with aliens and that Bush is an alien reptile...and the fact that you are claiming that I do and am just trying to cover it up to appear more acceptable in the public is horseshit so shut the fuck up
  11. RapIlluminati

    RapIlluminati Guest

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    In light of recent news and events regarding Rupert Murdoch (CEO of News Corporation) who is the second most powerful media giant in the world (Behind Walt Disney) I came across this thread. I know it's old as fuck, but it brought me here anyway and I wanted to give a shout out to the OP for providing this wealth of information that's still being looked up on the internet today.

    The American people need to understand that the news media is owned by powerful families and corporations who push one political agenda or another. News Corp is no different. I believe 90% of what I read in the original post, but then again, I've done months of research into all of the varying conspiracy theories and what I've gathered is that it takes an ENORMOUS amount of research and information gathering, but once you really start to do some in depth research, you can start putting all of the pieces of the puzzle together.

    Angel Headed Hipster's rant isn't going to stop people from seeking the truth. The thing about conspiracy theories is that they don't need to have facts and evidence to back them up, although that would be wonderful, but it would DEFEAT THE PURPOSE OF IT BEING CALLED A CONSPIRACY THEORY, not wouldn't it. :) They are conspiracies because the facts and evidence as presented either doesn't add up, or has been purposely kept from those who seek the truth.

    If you were a real political activist, you'd research his research instead of making foul comments about shit you don't believe in just for the sake of seeing yourself type.

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