Moral, Immoral, or Morally Ambigious?? How do you see yourself?

Discussion in 'Ethics' started by Xboxoneandsports32490, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Xboxoneandsports32490

    Xboxoneandsports32490 Members

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    Maybe kinda like a character question: If you had to judge yourself as a “moral person/does right by everybody”, “Immoral Person/Does not care how others feel/does not want to make friends or do right by others.” Or “Morally Ambigious/Neutral morals”?? Or in other words, you don’t see yourself as “Good Person” or “Bad person”; But in between both? Where do you think you would fall as far as “Moral/Immoral Scale”???

    Maybe another way to ask or put it: If you were a movie character: Would you see yourself as a “Good Hero”, “A Bad Villian”, or “neutral character”??
  2. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Moral with struggles.
    scratcho and kinulpture like this.
  3. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    It can be difficult at times. I always put myself out to help people who need help and use constructive criticism, but that can be difficult when a person is behaving like an idiot. Occasionally I let sarcasm get the better of me. Take a look at my reply here and tell me whether I am immoral LOL Hi
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Without metaethics, morality is just another reality TV marketing buzz word. In a world hell bent on killing themselves and each other, merely having a survival instinct makes you morally superior.
  5. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I believe in social equity, monetary equity, political equity and / but. I also get angry at people that act like DJT I get quite angry finding out daily about crooked companies and their machinations. I feel that I ( and most other people) dislike the actions of people like DJT. I think that makes me somewhat on the moral side . However , along the way in my life, I have had moral failings and some may call me immoral for my opinion on capital punishment, which I believe should be done in circumstances that entail the murder and / or rape or torture of children and in most cases adults who wantonly kill.
  6. wrat1

    wrat1 Members

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    whose morals and ethics? yours may not be the same as mine, is everyone worth respect and trust or should it be earned?
  7. Etherea

    Etherea Members

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    I do my best to do the right thing by others but I do not suffer fools gladly which at times makes me a bit judgemental. I do believe l have a moral responsibility to be truthful even if it is not what someone may want to hear. My daughter summed me up perfectly by telling someone to ask my advice. She said it would be perfectly honest, good advice, but could be brutal.
    Rightly or wrongly l don't care what people think about me as long as they respect, not necessarily agree with, what I say.
    Am I moral? Yes.
    scratcho likes this.
  8. Xboxoneandsports32490

    Xboxoneandsports32490 Members

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    I try to do right by people too: But I do have a “Forgiveness” problem: I know Bible/Jesus Christ preaches “forgive those who do you wrong”: I just can’t bring myself to doing that?? If you wrong me: I’m the kind that will hold a long and harsh grudge against you: Can’t just “Forgive them” and forget their “Crime/mistake” if that makes sense?
    Etherea likes this.
  9. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I’m not of that faith, but I learned long ago that forgiveness can be more for the grantor than the offender.
    wrat1 likes this.

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