Monsanto Multinational

Discussion in 'Globalization' started by LeftLeftRightLeft, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. LeftLeftRightLeft

    LeftLeftRightLeft Member

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    Has anyone here ever walked through a Home Depot and saw a product called "Roundup" Herbicide? Well that product is owned by a company called Monsanto, a multinational which is eventually going to own all of the world's food crops. They make seeds (started with soy) are compatible with this roundup herbicide. They genetically modify the DNA of the plant with (a protein I think it is) from some strain of bacteria so that they can spray the crops to kill weeds but leave the plant unharmed. The implications of this are amazing... I mean this is a marvel of modern engineering being able to make farming so easy... but the problems lies in the crops which are damaging to us and other animals, as well as the fact that they flood third world markets with their products making it the only one available placing farmers in a dangerous cycle of dependance.

    This is the documentary... check it out, it kept me up one night just thinking about it...
  2. HawaiianEye

    HawaiianEye Member

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    I don't know much about them,but I've heard alot of bad things about Monsanto.Some of these big American companies and multinational companies scare me and many other people alot more than something like terrorists.Actually the threat of terorism is a distraction.The 'real' terrorists of the worst kind are companies like Monsanto.
  3. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    When a so-called documentary has a picture of a person in a bio-hazardous suite, I have to wonder if it is none partisan.

    Really. Seriously, if you are coming at this based on this "documentary" I'd do some more research, if you do you will find out this isn't completely fair.

    How so?

    This isn't true.
  4. Istar

    Istar Member

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    They are finally starting to loose ground here in the U.S. Products are now starting to sport labeling against the chemicals and hormones that monsanto has been trying to enforce to the farmers here.

    It just took a dam long time for enought support to trickle into the court cases the organization was trying to make to to enforce those who farm groups that did not want part of it. Nice to go into a Wawa or a shoprite and see the choice now.

    As for them gaining ground overseas in retrospect ? Its going to be along battle. Canada has refused them.. China and japan wants nothing to do with them. and most of europe has organizations banning such chems used. Which is sickening that companies such as Mcdonalds are blatantly against the stuff over seas, while in the U.S all thier food is injected with it.

    Now just hope we can gain more ground in getting them off of the seed monopoly they have atm.
  5. yovo

    yovo Member

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    Hmm? Round up ready corn and soy is all over the place up here mate, infact it's pretty much the norm on any cash crop operation.

    And I can't for the life of me see why your'e being so contrarian oden, these are pure evil fuckers who's corporate agenda is nothing less then a declaration of war on the earths natural systems.
  6. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    I'll change my mind if you have any valid evidence to the contrary to what I said.

    ...and I would like some evidence for this: "who's corporate agenda is nothing less then a declaration of war on the earths natural systems."

    I apologise for asking questions and not agreeing with the sentiments with out any evidence to support it.
  7. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Not real current but,
    I thought this was an interesting example of a Monsanto controversy...

    India - In July 1998, protests erupted across India when the government announced plans to import 1 million tons of US soybeans to be used as oil seeds. Critics complained that there was no guarantee that these shipments would not be contaminated with genetically engineered (GE) soybeans. Besides, the Agriculture Ministry argued, the imports were unnecessary: India already had an abundant source of edible oils right here at home - mustard seed oil.

    "Sarson" (mustard) is central to our Indian culture. The yellow mustard flower is the symbol of spring. Songs on the theme of sarson are an integral part of folk culture. Mustard oil is the olive oil of Bihar, Bengal, Orissa and East Uttar Pradesh and is used for flavoring and cooking.

    Mustard is not just an edible oil. It is an important medicine in the indigenous Ayurvedic system of healthcare. It is used for therapeutic massages, muscular and joint problems. Oil with garlic and turmeric is used for rheumatism and joint pains. Mustard oil is also used as a mosquito repellent.

    Mustard seed can be processed locally, making it available to the poor at low cost. It is an integral part of India's food economy, having been integrated into cropping patterns over the centuries. Clearly, as long as India had mustard seed, there was no market for US soybeans.

    The "Mustard Oil Tragedy"
    In early August an unparalleled mass-poisoning tragedy began to unfold in Delhi. The authorities determined the illnesses were caused by the adulteration of mustard oil with seeds of a weed called Argemone mexicana - as well as diesel oil and industrial wastes.

    The symptoms included swelling of the feet, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal swelling, liver toxicity, kidney damage, breathlessness due to retention of fluids in the lungs and death due to heart failure. By early September, the official death toll was 41, and 2,300 people had been affected.

    On August 27, 1998 the government announced that it was banning the sale of mustard seed oil. It simultaneously announced a policy to import foreign soybeans free of protective trade tariffs. The justification was the mustard oil tragedy.

    On September 4, the government banned the sale of all unpackaged edible oils, thus ensuring that all household and community level processing of edible oils was stopped. With this edict, edible oil became fully industrialized. This in effect was the total destruction of the food culture of India and the food economy of the poor who depend on unpackaged oil since it is cheaper and they can buy it in small quantities.



  8. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    You need to post the outcome.
    What actually occured afterwards?
    What were the repurcusions if any?
    Dragging up 11 year old controversy isn't fair.
  9. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Oh shit Odon, I figured you of all people would have been the one to come up with this one...:eek: :)
    Well ok, If I remember right,( skipping the details) Monsanto is now not only helping develop better strains of mustard for oil production in India, but last I heard they had released the genetic code map for soy, so others may help develop it.

    ...That information then will be freely available to U.S. soybean breeders and geneticists on federal databases and in scientific journals, creating the first publicly available map of its kind.

    Pretty cool of Monsanto huh? Mabey they aren't such monsters after all...:toetap05:

  10. yovo

    yovo Member

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    When your corporate agenda includes buying up the worlds seed banks for the purpose of destroying them and then genetically altering the few remaining seed strains so that the seeds are infertile and 'round up ready' (as in they won't grown without it and you have to buy new seed every growing season) then I would say you have declared war on the earth's natural living systems. You have taken a self sustaining system, genetically dismanteld the NATURAL cycle and tried to claim ownership over life itself.

    I don't read reports and waste my time with paper trails looking for 'evidence', I talk to folks, farmers in this case, and use my own damn eyes to see what's growing out in the fields. The verdict, the farmers arn't happy with the shit they're more or less being forced to grow so they can pay off thier debts to the bank.

    My 'sentiments' stem from my instincts, my gut feelings, having grown up in rural (FARMING) Canada. I've watched as, over the years, farms have gone bankrupt, land has been consolodated, and family farming has been replaced by destructive, bottom line, agri-business. I don't know much about monsantos to be honest, just what I've heard, but I sure as hell can tell ya it does fit the big scary picture that I can see with my own damn eyes.
  11. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    No. Not so bad after all. ;)
  12. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    You say you do not read reports...but where did you read this?

    Lol. It helps.
  13. Mellow Yellow

    Mellow Yellow Electrical Banana

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    Thank you, this was the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread. I've also read that in some places they have imposed legal restrictions requiring farmers to buy only their seeds, suing farmers who don't because their crops interfere with the genetic "order" by "contaminating" their genetically modified strains with natural ones, since seeds can migrate in the wind. It seems to me this is a disturbing precedent.

    Fortunately, there are still natural organically produced sources of food, and there has become a grass roots resistance to the genetically modified shit that Monsanto produces.

    Another disturbing thing to consider is that genetically modified crops become food for live stock, which is then sold as meat.

    Who knows what the long term repercussions could be? Generations from now we could see a number of health conditions and diseases as a result, and I sure don't trust the FDA to make that call.
  14. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    In ALL cases.
    Read their website.


    Then eat them not GM. Simple.

    You have shown your cards, sir.
    You are not going to be fair and balanced are you?
    We should be sharing information not prejudices.

    It's a good job they are not the only ones making that call then.
  15. yovo

    yovo Member

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    That particular point about buying up the seed banks is pretty common knowledge 'round here. I've heard it countless times in conversation with others, read of it in a few farming journals and heard it on cbc radio (our version of the bbc). Can I say definitively that it's 100% true and verifyable? No. However does it fit the big picture? You bet your ass it does.

    And does it really help? (wasting my time with paper trails that is) I mean, by all means bud, have fun with that, kind of reminds me of a dog chasing it's tail though. I'm more concerned with the shit that acutally matters, like learning how to work the land, grow my own damn food and build stuff so I don't have to rely on the comodified world these greedy corporate fuckers have cooked up for us.

    What I don't get is why your being so smug and contrarian about all this. Your sittin there, on the other side of the ocean, trying to tell me I don't know what's goin on in my own back yard. Give me a break.
  16. yovo

    yovo Member

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    Yup, met a guy this summer who's on the verge of loosing his farm from the legal fees incured by trying to duke it out with them in court. Billion dollar corporation pickin' on a hard working farmer, real classy. If he would agree to plant thier seed for his crop they'd drop the case. Talk about balls though, my hat goes off to the guy.

    But hey, Oden, keep goin on about them nice folks at monsantos, how bout you post up some more links to thier helpfull propaganda.
  17. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    Wouldn't it be a good idea to see if it is 100% true or not?
    Who's "Big picture" critics? Yours? Who's?

    You are in a thread about Monsanto and are arguing against them.
    If you do not have any dealings with Monsanto...don't plan on having any dealings with them...
    If you are wishing to: "learn how to work the land, grow my own damn food and build stuff so I don't have to rely on the comodified world"...
    Then why don't you bugger off and do that?
    There are many forums here that are filled with knowledgeable people..eager to converse with you.

    I'm not wishing to be smug, neither be a contrarian.
    Sorry if it comes across like that.

    No I am not.
    You seem to be criticising Monsanto, who are GLOBAL business.

    I'm just asking are they really doing this:
    "buying up the worlds seed banks for the purpose of destroying them and then genetically altering the few remaining seed strains so that the seeds are infertile and 'round up ready' "
    "tried to claim ownership over life itself"

    But you say:
    "I don't know much about monsantos to be honest"

    ..and you end with:
    "Can I say definitively that it's 100% true and verifyable? No."

    That's bizarre to me.
    I'd like to know if it IS 100% true...
    I'd like to learn more about Monsanto...if I were you.
  18. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    I don't know the specifics of the case. Do you?

    My first could be considered it shows not in SOME cases they impose legal restrictions requiring farmers to buy only their seeds (If they have signed a contract with them)...but in ALL cases.

    My second shows it isn't just the FDA who look into these issues.

    Yeah, propaganda. NOT. :confused:
  19. Mellow Yellow

    Mellow Yellow Electrical Banana

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    I'm with you there. It takes balls to fight the big boys, but someone's gotta do it. From what I hear, they're pulling that shit in South America as well, economic bullying with the goal of world agricultural domination. It's hard to believe they get away with it in the courts, but big money buys influence.

    Not that all Monsanto produces is evil. I use Roundup for poison ivy 'cause it's the only effective solution I can find, but I don't use much, and I sure as hell won't buy any of their other products if I can help it.
  20. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    I'm not a troll.
    Is providing some evidence you are not fully correct, me being a troll?
    Wow...better not do that then. :rolleyes:
    I'm not questioning your convictions.
    I'm questioning what you said...don't like it, fine.
    Don't insult me, though. Thanks.

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