Looking For A Spiritual Guru

Discussion in 'Gurus' started by dixie_pixy, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    I wish I could find a guru (or more like a friend) that I could talk to about my spiritual journey. Someone who is enlightened. Someone who can help me reach my enlightenment. Like a therapist for my soul.

    I don't want to follow someone famous (I have twitter for that). I just want someone I can depend on, to help me nourish my soul!
  2. freethinkingcpl

    freethinkingcpl Member

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    I am also on a spiritual journey. I have been working on cleansing my soul using nature. I am seeing a little bit of a differance in myself, but i still have a long way to go. I would like to wish you happiness and peace on your journey.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    The teacher will be there when the student is ready...
  4. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    Ooooh, fancy saying there Ty!

    I feel like I've been ready all my life. But I also believe the future has a lot to teach me.
    If I had a guru, a spiritual assistant, they would be able to help me understand better, when I come to those "interesting" portions of life!
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  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I feel like I've been ready for most of my life too...

    Apparently I'm not.
  6. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    Maybe that's just you Ty!

    Just because you've never been ready doesn't mean some of us aren't!
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  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I didn't make up that saying...
  8. Ranger

    Ranger Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    There are teachers everywhere. When you are truely ready to listen you will hear them.
  9. Shivaya

    Shivaya Y'a rien de trop beau pour la classe ouvrière.

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    What he said. EVERYONE has a teacher. You may never meet in this life, but know that he is there and that he loves you. Alternatively, if you meet your teacher you will know right away. Don't go looking for a guru or forcing things. don't give anyone any money. If you are meant to find each other, you will, and their will be no doubt in your mind.

    I recommend reading ''Be Here Now'' by Baba Ram Dass. His account of his relationship with his Guru is truly beautiful.
  10. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    Well said, I guess I never looked at it that way. I would never pay money for spiritual advice (a psychic maybe) but I guess I have been "looking". I just don't want to leave this life not knowing all there is to know. I need to practice my patients more!
  11. Shivaya

    Shivaya Y'a rien de trop beau pour la classe ouvrière.

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    It may be a good idea to work on accepting that you will never know all there is to know. Part of enlightenment is accepting the mystery, contradiction, and paradox of the human experience. If you are looking for all the answers, you are in for disappointment.

    Do you even know what it is you are looking for?
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  12. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    Sort of. I want to see/know the magic, the energy. I want to know where it comes from. The big question, what is our purpose.

    Realistically, in the realm of things we can know/experience, I want help finding MY purpose. What I'm supposed to do with my life now. I know what I want to do (as far as a career). It's like an essence inside of me that I wish I understood.

    I know it sounds confusing, that's the point!
  13. Shivaya

    Shivaya Y'a rien de trop beau pour la classe ouvrière.

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    Read up on the principle of dependent origination to understand how we are all connected. Not in a new age hippy bullshit kinda way, but in a scientifically undeniable kind of way.

    Once you realize you are part of ONE thing that encompasses all and everything, your purpose in life begins to be obvious. Be kind to yourself and others. Since everything is one - when you hurt someone else you hurt yourself. When you help someone else you help your self.

    Just exist. Go with the current, and practice love and kindness every day.
  14. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    I've always believed we are ONE. Everything is connected.

    I've said this before on here but I'll say it again.
    I feel like EVERYTHING has a purpose and a soul. Pencils, wine bottles, clocks. Everything with a purpose, has to fulfill it's purpose. And therefore, everything with a purose has a soul.

    The same soul, maybe? Maybe we don't have individual souls, it is just one soul for all of us!
  15. freethinkingcpl

    freethinkingcpl Member

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    Ouch that hurts.
  16. Shivaya

    Shivaya Y'a rien de trop beau pour la classe ouvrière.

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    It IS one soul for all of us. It is the EGO that separates that soul into individuals. The ego is necessary because that one thing could not survive if we would all just melt in to the scenery, but it can also be a bad thing because when the ego becomes too thick we lose touch with our spiritual selves.

    And this is why we meditate. We meditate to try and get the ''I'' our of the way and get back in contact with the ''everything''.
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  17. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    Will you be my spiritual guru?! :Angel_anim: OR :reddevil:
  18. Shivaya

    Shivaya Y'a rien de trop beau pour la classe ouvrière.

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    Sorry if I hurt you, I meant no disrespect. I am saying this because we've all heard ''we are all one'' too many times, and until you look into it, it doesn't really mean anything to most of us.

    When you start really looking into it, you realise that there is absolutely nothing in this plane of existence that exists independently of something else. There is no table - it is wood and glue and nails and paint. There is no ''wood'' there are trees, who themselves would not exist if it wasn't for a mixture of earth and sun and water and nutrients.

    And at the subatomic level (forgive me if I am wrong, I am no scientist), everything is made of exactly the same thing. And those particles are made of 99.9999% emptiness.

    I used to be an atheist, and it was this principle that sparked my spirituality.
  19. Shivaya

    Shivaya Y'a rien de trop beau pour la classe ouvrière.

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    No, sorry. I am far from enlightenment. I just think alot, as I struggle with my own demons.

    I will however be more than happy to discuss these things with you, should you want to.
  20. dixie_pixy

    dixie_pixy HighMandi

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    It's all wackadoodle! It makes my head hurt to think that far into it!
    All I know right now, I can't wait to get out in this fall weather, sit in a pile of leaves and close my eyes!

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