Lesbians, would you date a bisexual girl?

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by Jerlene, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. WillowHill

    WillowHill Members

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    The thing about being bisexual is she likes both, will always like both. There is nothing superior about having a vagina or a penis, a person is a person. Straight and Gay people like only one sex because its hardwired in their brain, but bisexuals like both. That is how it works.

    She wont leave you for a man if she loves you, because your private parts doesn't matter to her and she's not missing anything.

    That being said, if a girl seems WAY too into boys. Like "omg he's cute", "Id totally do X to that celebrity"... she is missing the penis and she wont be faithful to you. (or she's ovulating, which only lasts a few days and is harmless)
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  2. 6 * Wanted Level

    6 * Wanted Level Members

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    I'd prefer to date lesbians but I'll take bi girl sure
  3. MomoEnds

    MomoEnds Members

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  4. Milina Lopez

    Milina Lopez Members

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    just msg am lesbiane
  5. Lesbian4Life

    Lesbian4Life Members

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    To be honest, if it was true love-- I definitely would. I would have no problems, and I would see past that. But on the other hand, I would NOT date a bisexual woman. Why? Because, I fear she will leave me to be with a man. I tried one relationship with a bisexual woman. Didn't work out, at all. D:
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  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    In social construct, if a lesbian dated a bisexual, and that relationship was monogamous, does the bisexual girl turn "lesbian" too? If they stayed together their whole lives and never slept with anybody else, what happens there?
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  7. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I disagree.

    I've ridden the pogo stick plenty in the past, and I have no desire to get back on.
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  8. LanaH102

    LanaH102 Members

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    It's very much as the new generation says.. I don't do labels.... So if you assume she is Lesbian then she may want her label of bi being known...LOL
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  9. LezLuther

    LezLuther Members

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    watch the prejudice there, ladies. bisexual ladies are yummy. ;)
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  10. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    OMG your screen name and av!!!!
  11. Puppylovegonebad

    Puppylovegonebad Members

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    Are you considered 'Asexual' if you're not in a relationship even though you're not dating anyone? My sexuality isn't determined by who I'm with or their gender. It's determined by who I'm attracted to, and who I'm attracted to is ...well...pretty much everyone regardless of what they have going on. That's never changed no matter who I'm dating and it never will even if I'm in a relationship with another woman. But here's the thing, just because I find people attractive doesn't mean I'm going to jump ship. I'm sure you've dated women and while dating them have found other women attractive but still stayed in your relationship. It's like that. It's literally just like that. I really hate this whole attitude of 'you're bi until your in a committed relationship' bullshit or the equally stupid 'bi is just a stepping stone on the way to being gay'. That's not how it works. If I'm dating a guy I'm still bi. If I'm dating a girl...YUP still bi. This is like when bi celebrities get lumped into the 'gay' or 'straight' categories and then have to keep telling people, that yes even though they're married to another guy or another women or in a straight relationship that yes...they are still 'bi'.

    You can't TURN gay right? That's what we're always telling the straight people. I didn't TURN gay I've always BEEN gay. Well dating another woman doesn't magically make me a lesbian just like dating a guy doesn't magically make me straight. I am and always will be 'bi' and this attitude that BOTH gay people and straight people have that somehow that's only true until I enter a relationship is frustrating and aggravating as hell.

    So to answer your question. No...the bisexual woman if married to another woman in a monogamous relationship for years would not become a lesbian. She'd still be bi. Ask Alan Cumming, he's been in a loving, committed, same-sex relationship for years and STILL tells the press 'I'm bi'. Because he's bi. End of story.
  12. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I'm in a open sort of relationship, but I've only been with women and I happen to be this rare case of I didn't know I was gay well into my teens even though I dated a girl, I was attracted to her and no other. But over time I've become much more attracted to females and now identify as gay even though I always state that, I probably would be straight had I not met her.

    I think it should come down to who you're physically sleeping with, not who you're attracted to. I mean I'm attracted to lots of things, even animals, but I'm not like some sort of inter species person or anything.

    Like some guys can be attractive but I've no interest in sleeping with them at all, I can just say oh yeah he's good looking. Good body. Everything aesthetically pleasing.. But no thanks, I'm not interested one bit.
  13. Puppylovegonebad

    Puppylovegonebad Members

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    Okay but the problem with this idea is that if you're not dating anyone then what are you? You're essentially saying that your sexuality is defined by your relationship that you're currently in but not by who you'd be interested in romantically/sexually. What about lesbians who aren't currently in a relationship are they asexual or straight until they're back IN a relationship? Because that's sort of what this logic sounds like.

    And there's a big difference between finding something aesthetically pleasing and wanting to be in a romantic/sexual relationship with a grown up human person.

    I find it really telling and more than a little disquieting that you would associate sexuality with an attraction to animals. Isn't that the same sort of argument bigots use when attempting to discriminate against the lgbt community or to deny us our rights? This is something I've run into a lot and it not only never fails to surprise me but also never fails to tick me off. People who would go from 'Well if you're attracted to the same-sex and/or both sexes then you might as well be attracted to animals and/or be a pedophile'. You're using the same sort of arguments/thinking that bigots use to discriminate against you so why would you think it's okay to use that same logic against someone else just because YOU don't happen to be that way?

    It's maddening and honestly I've run into this the most among the lesbian community and I find it honestly very sad. You wanna know why bi girls only seem to date guys even though they say they're bi? THIS. This is why. Lesbian women treating them just like the bigots who would happily burn us both. I love women and I'm attracted to them I don't need to be in a relationship to know that. I'm sorry if you feel like having somebody else defines you who are as a lesbian but honestly if that's how you feel you're not too far off from the people who think that gay people can be 'turned straight'.
  14. Gia Rivers

    Gia Rivers Members

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    I'm date bi girl here. Real good dating experience for lesbians
  15. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Mail order brides..


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