Left-wing fascism

Discussion in 'Fascism' started by xAnonymousx, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I'd add an emphasis on out groups as the source of domestic problems. Populism+Nativism+Scapegoating+Fuhrer Principle+Statism=Fascism. It can be Right Wing (Franco; Mussolini) or Left wing (Peron; Chavez), depending on the rhetoric and the attitude toward the well-to-do.Right-wing Fascism has a nationalist emphasis downplaying conflict with privilege and property; Left-wing Fascism claims to be the instrument of the working class hostile to the privileged, propertied interests. The closest we've come to Fascism in U.S. history is the Trump movement. Given Trump's economic policies favoring tax cuts for the rich, this would be best classified as Right-Wing. The only thing missing is Statism, which Trump has only hinted at. We may see that happen after January. Already Trump is talking about doing things to "terrorists" which are unconstitutional, and is confident the military won't say No to him. The beginnings of a police state are implicit in policies of rounding up and deporting millions of undocumented aliens, "extreme vetting" of immigrants from threatening countries, and surveillance of mosques. You can't do those things without massive police involvement, and the predictable resistance will only escalate that. Just give him time!
  2. Kerri

    Kerri Members

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    Ummm no. It’s this -
    The other stuff is fairy tale
    scratcho likes this.
  3. Varader

    Varader Members

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    I assume most of you are Americans, and don't have a direct experience of what is fascism. I am Italian and I live in Italy, my maternal grandfather was a fascist himself. Let's put it like this. A fascist regime is a one party regime. So you have three kinds of political thought: left wing fascism, moderate fascism and right wing fascism. Otherwise you can choose either jail or leaving the country. But now try to imagine a fascist America (awful I know). How can such a complex country be simplified by only one party? In the US you have rich, and poor people, many ethnicities, California and the Bible belt, metal workers and computer scientists, etc. No political regime can be "totalitarian" in the sense of completely lacking of diversity and complexity. Not even fascist Italy or Nazi Germany. The "left fascists" would be the "leftish" people who chose to live in the fascist regime, that is "the metal workers", "the cinema actors", "the stylish architects", and let me say "the hippies" who chose to live inside the fascist regime and not to face concentration camps or exile.
    And now I will tell something that comes from our experience. Sadly left wing fascism is not better, but even worse than the rest. The most fanatic and intolerant were left wing. When Mussolini decided to join the war with Hitler the king of Italy and the representatives of the factory owners were contrary. They saw too many risks, and no real advantage. They were not democratic, but let us say more conservative and less fanatic than Mussolini. They didn't really believe in the "cause" they were just opportunistic people who thought fascism was a way to stop the communists and to get some easy money since the government was so powerful at the time. But when "the cause" is fascism, opportunism is an advantage

    The lesson is

    Just keep away from fascism, left center or right is crap and left perhaps even worse than the rest
    Last edited: May 15, 2018
  4. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    We just like to use words we can't define to put down people we don't like. Racist, fascist, etc. We just shout these terms out at people who disagree with us.
  5. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Typically on this site, the political left is not fascism and is more associated with a more liberal than moderate agenda. :)
  6. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I love these little diagrams.
  7. Varader

    Varader Members

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    Mussolini and Hitler are supposed to be together with Communists and Anarchists. What you call fascism, is more like Francisco Franco, or Von Papen and Federzoni for those of you who would like to know who they were (no need anyway). Mussolini was the director of the "Avanti!" newspaper and the leader of the left faction of the socialist party of Italy before the revolution in Russia. In other words, Mussolini was a communist. He was the leader of the leftist faction of the Socialists, just the same one that later became the communist party of Italy.
  8. Varader

    Varader Members

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    It's the same here, even worse. In Italy we have a saying. There are two kinds of fascists, fascists and antifascists. It means that many of the supposed freedom fighters of the democracy were actually fascist fanatics who turned to antifascists. Two remarkable cases: the Noble prize winner Dario Fo, who in his youth was a volunteer in the infamous Decima Mas (the equivalent of the German SS). He spent almost all his life calling fascist the christian democrats (let us say "the republicans"). And Gunther Grass, another Nobel prize winner, and another nazist who made his coming out after a whole life spent in antinazism. Perhaps they should investigate better before they give a Nobel
    Last edited: May 15, 2018
  9. OrleansWordsmith

    OrleansWordsmith Moderate anarchist

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    As a moderate anarchist, I am not a slave to anarchism....but can embrace positive factors of most political tenets... though admittedly, some political mindsets, such as Nazism, have nothing much to embrace.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  10. Varader

    Varader Members

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    This must be some kind of anglo-saxon understatement
  11. OrleansWordsmith

    OrleansWordsmith Moderate anarchist

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    the anglo and saxon in me is so muddled up with practically every other group on the planet just say I was making a joke, as I make a joke by saying I am moderate anarchist....I am moderate humorist too... if more groups practiced moderation, in fact... world would be a lot less messy... more funny.... and peaceful... that I do not practice in moderation at all... peace, I mean, and love.
    Varader likes this.
  12. Varader

    Varader Members

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    I would like to be a moderate anarchist like you
  13. OrleansWordsmith

    OrleansWordsmith Moderate anarchist

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    I have sent you a conversation Varader. Feel free to join my tiny party of one at any time!

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