Iridology:2nd Week: Lesson 6: Lesions, lacunae and Crypts

Discussion in 'Basic Iridology Class' started by shameless_heifer, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    Good Morning Class,

    Todays Lesson will be on Lesions, Lacunae and Crypts.. the meanings of the spots you see in the iris. These are the sings that represent Aqquired or Inherited Weakness in the body. They can be reconised by their shapes, altho they vary in size and degree of darkness.

    Lesions are are open-ended holes enclosed on three side by trabeculae. The open-endness of a lesion indicates that the metabolic activities are still taking place altho at a reduced rate.

    Lacunae are clustered lesions ( two or more) closed at both ends.

    Crypts are small, closed single lesions, uaually very dark. Both Lacunae and crypts indicate encapsulated areas of toxic material in which metabolic function has ceased.

    A white line around the outside of any crypt or lacunae indicates calcifacation of the tissue surrounding the encapsulated area.

    Experience has shown that a lacuna or crypt with a black interior in the iris is frequently confirmed by an indepth to be associated with the precence of a tumor.

    An open lesion indicates a drainage of toxic material: a closed crypt or lacuna means that toxins are intrapped and cannot be expelled unless something is done about it.

    The nature responce of the body is to protect itself from trapped toxins by isolating them within a thick, protective layer of tissue. When a closed lesion is encountered during iris analyss, it is highly recomended that the client be told to get a thorough examination.

    From the Chart 'Crypts,Lesions' in my gallery please define the spots in your iris.

    Tomorrows Lesson will be on 'Mechanical Signs'

    Bright Blessings and Happy Healing
  2. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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  3. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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