I Want To Go Back To My Dream Restaurant.

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by Jimbee68, May 7, 2017.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    As I said before, there is this restaurant that only exists in my dreams. I think I will add a few details, this time.

    It is a Sveden House Buffet. Sveden House buffets all went out-of-business about 10 years ago. And they had a lot of memories for me. My family and I went there often, esp. when I was a little child.

    My dream Sveden House is unique in many ways, though. It is in the city limits of Detroit. No actual Sveden House was ever in Detroit. It also has the red-and-black carpet Sveden Houses used to have long ago. And it kind of looks a little like my maternal grandmother's house (she died when I was barely 3--but I remember her house well).

    Anyways, I have dreamt of this restaurant for quite some time. And I feel cheated. I used to dream of it periodically. In fact, when I dreamt of it, I fully believed it really existed. I even wondered why I doubted that in my waking world. Then I woke up, and realized that wasn't the case.

    How do I get myself to dream of it again? Does anyone have any advice? I know I have found it almost impossible to control my dreams. But there must be some technique. Don't they call that directed dreaming, or something like that?

    I will be sad and forlorned while I am waiting for your advice.

    Thanks in advance, for trying though :).

  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I have tried to conjure up dreams, but nothing quite so specific.

    When I was little if I saw a scary show or something that night I might have bad dreams. Well I theorize that by watching something else before bed you could conjure up exciting, or pleasant dreams.

    it's never worked quite the way I want it to though. I don't know that this is actually possible. Good luck! :)
  3. I doubt there's any way to force yourself to dream of something, but what do I know. Plus I think it's probably more pleasant and surprising if it just comes to you.
  4. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    seems that way to me, but on the other hand hipforums used to be full of various threads on how to make yourself lucid dream. seems like the same general idea anyway.
  5. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    I don't know if any of you would want an update. But I have had some recent developments in this area. A couple of days ago, I did dream I was at a Sveden House. I don't remember the dream fully. So I don't know if I also dreamt of the Sveden House I mentioned above per se.

    Still it was an ironic dream. As I said, Sveden Houses closed down about 10 years ago. My family and I went there often. Many many dreams are associated with it for me.

    In my dream, they carved me some nice ham right from the bone. They used to do that there. And for some reason, I got this weird looking coleslaw for my father, in my dream.

    Quick side note: One thing about Sveden house, is I never saw the staff actually eat there. And they certainly could have, on their lunch breaks and whatnot. Also, the food did look a little old. I know their coleslaw was turning to sauerkraut. The rest of the food was passable, I think. And I never got sick there. Still, it was kind of weird.

    Hope you all enjoyed my update :). I will keep you aware of any other developments in the matter.
  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well there are still smorgis/buffettes. most places in my own dreams have different names or are in different places geographically then their equivalents in the universe we are awake/communicating in now.
    i would say if you remember the bus/transit routes that go there, you might be able to ride them to the same places in another dream.

    there's dream addresses, that aren't like addresses when we're awake, but sometimes little details or conditions, that can trigger teleporting to certain environments,
    favorite resteraunts included.

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