How NOT to get busted!

Discussion in 'Busted!' started by skip, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. andallthatstocome

    andallthatstocome not a squid

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    lavender overwhelms all odors. if you double-bag everything, then put it in a bigger bag with lavender surrounding your li'l buddies, no smell. anything sniffing near your bag will get a strong rush of lavender scent then be effectively anosmic for the next five minutes. it's an effect called olfactory fatigue.

    also, don't spark your bowl during the national anthem at a football game lol.
  2. MarcoWasRight

    MarcoWasRight Member

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    :rolleyes: Do you believe every stoner myth?

    Too stupid to simply google how a dog's nose works? Why don't you try your little trick before you get pulled over by a K9 unit.
  3. hv444

    hv444 Member

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    if you can buy shoes or a hoodie with stash pockets.....use a spoof at your house
  4. legal_rasta

    legal_rasta Member

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    Dont smoke in your house period, and only smoke outside when no ones home. Best way yet.

    Clean up your shit before you do it so you dont forget all that shit. Just have the essentials. Dont leave stuff where it can easily be found.
  5. hv444

    hv444 Member

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    NEVER have weed in 2 seperate bags.....they could get you for intent to sell and it could go from a simple fine to probation or anything like that...bad idea!!!
  6. t0ke

    t0ke Member

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    dont ever lie or run from the cops.
  7. Captain Chronic

    Captain Chronic Member

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    the above statement is false, you just need to know when you can run and when you can lie..
  8. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    you can run but you can't hide, I see so many people on cops trying to run
  9. MarcoWasRight

    MarcoWasRight Member

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    It's not really that hard to get away from the police. Of course, shows like Cops don't show you that.
  10. largeamount

    largeamount Senior Member

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    you can hide after you run
  11. xcandykidx

    xcandykidx Member

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    i don't know about all that I think it's easy as hell to run from cops through the city. I've ran many times and never been caught, just find somewhere to lay low for a while then get out of the area when possible or have someone pick you up in a car. This is running on foot though, I wouldnt try running in a car cuz I don't think I'd be able to get away.
  12. aesther

    aesther Member

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    Here is a little compilation I made, use at your discretion. Some tips may not apply in your state. I made the tips format from the hiding of the stash all the way through an encounter with an officer.

    make sure all registration and insurance is up to date. make sure headlights, taillights, breaklights, and foglights signalers are all working.

    #1 first of all, obey all traffic laws and make sure all lights are working.
    #2 put your stash in a air-tight glass jar in a backpack in the trunk or secret spot
    wear latex gloves when handling marijuana because microscopic particles of marijuana transfer to anything you touch
    #4 carry alcohol wipes to wipe the outside of the jar and throw them away along with the latex gloves
    #5 bring a cat along with you if you're picking up mj(cats will make a dog smell prey)
    #6 Never put your stash in the outside of the gas tank, as k9 dogs can smell it very easily.
    #7 when a bag of marijuana is touched, microscopic dust is transferred to your hands. whatever you touch after that you're transferring this microscopic dust and the dog can and will alert. bring a cat in the car, his/her scent will remain even if the cat is removed.
    lavender overwhelms all odors, so spread the smell of lavender in your car
    #9 never smoke anything in your car(even cigs or hookah) - a cop can mistake the smell of tobacco for cannabis
    #10 stop at all signs, don't turn right on red, follow the speed limit, make sure all lights are working, don't drive at odd hours(middle of the night).
    only carry what you can eat(its not illegal to smell like marijuana, only to possess it)
    #12 spray deer/rabbit piss on your tires
    get the dealer to deliver
    #14 try to pick-up during the daytime, it is easier to blend in.
    #15 try to go to someone's house rather than picking up in a public parking lot.

    #16 stash your stash as high as possible, as dogs have a harder time smelling up high.
    #17 hide the stash towards the interior, not the exterior, of the vehicle because it is easier for k9's to smell something on the exterior of the vehicle.

    #1 get a medical card

    police officers are not your friend, PERIOD.
    #18 if pulled over, calmness, good manners, and luck goes a long way.
    #19 if pulled over, say officer instead of sir or ma'am
    #20 do not let your eyes wander to something you don't want them to see. police are trained to read body language.
    #21 Give a reason for where you were, and where you are going, if pulled over.
    #21 leo's can't ask you for a search until after they've written you a ticket. Don't give them a reason to give you a ticket. Just politely say 'I'm sorry, I don't have the time, I'm late for an appointment. AM I FREE TO GO?'
    #22 Say, Thank you Officer, and Ask if you are free to go? if given a citation.
    #23 use the right to remain silent(if a cop asks if you have marijuana, say no, I do not.)
    #24 If an officer asks you to step out of your car, make sure the windows are up and lock the door behind you.
    #25 "Do you have any illegal drugs in the car? NO SIR! Do you mind if I take a Look? Yeah I DO! (4th amendment)
    #26 keep your temper calm and make sure you do not get another charge for resisting arrest.
    #27 If the officer threatens to bring a K9 dog after you do NOT give consent to the warrantless search, ask "Am I being detained?". If he or she says no, ask "Am I free to go?" If the officer says you are being detained, ask "What are the clear and articulable facts in this situation?" Keep asking if you are free to go.

    Get a lawyer that tries cases, not just plea bargains, and plead not guilty with a jury trial.
  13. Moondoggy

    Moondoggy Member

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    Fuck the fascists and move to Amsterdam!:ssmokeit:
  14. goldfishboot

    goldfishboot Member

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    good guide, aesther.
  15. MarcoWasRight

    MarcoWasRight Member

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    Where did you go to law school? Some common sense advice but you need to understand your state laws. The best advice I have ever heard was:
    ONLY BREAK LAWS ONE AT A TIME. You only need to get busted for one to get charged for however many you are breaking.
  16. bluesensation

    bluesensation Member

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    thats kindof a good idea but to smoke it you have to rip off the filter. at this point it looks like a j anyway. but as far as a search goes it might get passed the pigs if they dont have dogs sniffing the thc in your blood.
  17. xcandykidx

    xcandykidx Member

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    always have a plan if possible
  18. joyfulsara

    joyfulsara Member

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    i've heard dogs can't smell it if you put it in a tiny little tupperware dressing container, since it's like airtight, and then have it floating in water inside of a small tupperware.
  19. OneLove:)motherfuker

    OneLove:)motherfuker Member

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    be friendly with cops and dont freak out or look suspicious
  20. Morg_9

    Morg_9 Member

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    This kind of makes sense to me, it reminds me of stories I've heard about tracking dogs loosing a scent when the people they're tracking go into water. They can pick it up on the other side, but as long as the person is in the water they're as good as gone. Scent-wise anyway. Don't know how true this stuff is though.

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