Getting Faith --- Help

Discussion in 'Conscious Bible' started by shadeslayer16, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. shadeslayer16

    shadeslayer16 Guest

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    Hiya everyone
    this thread is about my problem:
    I want to beleive
    i do beleive in God but i struggle to understand some things and to be honest my beleif isnt exactly unwavering. i am not a christian, i would like to be, but i wud rather wait until i know, beyond any doubt, that God exists. so, to everyone, how can i get faith?

    Thanks, Shadeslayer16
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  2. Fastswitch

    Fastswitch Visitor

    Be sure to stay away from the religious nuts. They'll teach you a few 'ideas' and then tell you not to do anything til you get to heaven. Talk to other searchers, read fiction about religion, anything to learn about it slowly, slowly. Don't be in a great hurry. Grandma said, "God seems to be most happy with people who take their time." Christianity is ok, if you stick to the basics, but the Jews have a wonderful way of worshiping. Have fun with your search and meanwhile keep in mind that most of the 'restrictions,' are man made. Anything to do with hate, judgment, rules and some being more powerful than others is an indication of false religion. Hillel said the religion is doing to other people what you want them to do to you. Anything else, he said, "is commentary. " Jesus taught the same. So don't get caught up in rules and 'dogma.' Drop me a private note here if you have any questions. Good luck and God bless you.
  3. disappearindave

    disappearindave Guest

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    the key to understanding things is to firstly receive Jesus Christ within you: your inviting Him to enter your lifetime as Lord and Master to you! (See Revelations 3:20)

    Past that, being baptised in the Holy Spirit (Who "teaches us all things") is required, additionally.

    Many "forewarnings" Jesus Christ, Himself, gave themselves ourselves CONFIRMS WHAT we know by personal experience--as well as leading by the...Holy Spirit: "confirmed" within those scriptures, we have themselves, too. And, indeed, much of that was everything all about "religion", truthfully? (It doesn't take much understanding to be realizing: It was "the religious" among His own...people, the Jews, who crucified Himself. Yet, the same principles of things--as were one's as motivated...themselves--oftentimes "motivates" one's within...Christianity, likewise!!? [There's selfish...ambitions--lying...hypocrisy--and, so on about "Christians", often. Yet...? Many so-called "Christians" have never received Him--let alone having not been baptised in the Holy Spirit, either. And, NONE were called "Christians" before that "event" taking place at the time of...Pentecost, right?])

    Facts are many don't even realize what the "new covenant" it's...THAT (Jeremiah 31:31-34, and, Hebrews 8:8-12) wherein all are to know the Lord (read them, please). And, He came for His being mediator of that "new covenant", for our sakes, indeed.

    Being all caught up in "religion" can, indeed, mislead one there: whereas we DO NEED a "personal relationship" towards...Him, foremostly, also. (Just between you and God within a private place of yours, firstly, huh?)

    God...bless, always.

    P.S. The previous respondent (here) was...correct: addressing the needs for our "loving our neighbor as ourselves"--which is...indicated within our "doing unto others, as we would have them doing unto us"--is, indeed, something of a...bottom line there. Yet, we need Him within us, also: to where...ALL may be "sons of God" (male and...female) there. (indicated above) we are become as "sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal" (lots of...sound--but, no..."substance"?).
  4. ChangeHappens

    ChangeHappens Member

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    I dont believe god exists for one major reason; everything could have potentially always have existed, as in everything we can experience was always here. For example, imagine the world is a big piece of clay that has the characteristic of changing by itself and also to be molded by something outside itself. This world and the universe could potentially just be the mold and were molders. If this was true then asking whether god exists or not, is arbritrary and simply a part of the mold itself because the universe was always here and never needed to be put here by any creator. Essentially, you cannot create what is always here.

    I believe in fact; matter cannot be created or destroyed it merly changes form, reshapes itself and can be reshaped.

    Its that simple and the reason theres no need to ask who made matter, matter cannot be made, therefore there is no need to ask 'who it is that made it'
  5. InkShrink

    InkShrink Member

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    God said that faith the size of a mustard seed is enough to please him. Christianity isn't all about unwavering faith, at least not for me, it's about searching, finding, strengthing, and forming a deeper relationship with God. I am not some religious zealot, so my simple advice is to pray. There is no wrong or right way to talk with God, just talk. If you wanna know more drop me a PM.
  6. indydude

    indydude Senior Member

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    Good info! I too am thinking about a higher power. I've pretty much followed humanist thought. Lately I've met people who talk of the power of God. Being a searcher and curious about everything, it's just natural that I want to experience God.
  7. cisz

    cisz Guest

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    The Hindu religion has a God called "Soma" who was called, (in the Vedas) "the Creator of the Gods".

    Soma was a plant.

    This Plant was the Creator (equivalent of "the Father" in Christianity), of the Hindu "Gods" (Saints) according to the Vedas.

    After a period of time, the identity of Soma became lost and people started using substitutes for the original. Many people today believe that the original Soma was the Amanita Muscaria. Others think Psilocybin. (There are other theories as well).

    I believe that the "Flesh of God" (or Christ) that today's "Christians" ingest in their Communions is likewise a substitute, but not only has the identity of the original been lost, but also, that the "wine" and "wafer" are substitutes was lost.

    The Nahua Indian (Mexico) 2000 year old (at least) tradition calls Psilocybin Mushrooms "Teonanacatl" which means "God's Flesh".
  8. indydude

    indydude Senior Member

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    I can see the early Christians using psychedelic plants for 'Communion'. Makes total sense. My most influential 'religious' experiences have been under Psilocybin and LSD. The Greek or Latin meaning for magic mushrooms is 'Flesh of the Gods'.
  9. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    There is no problem then. We first dream of peace, then awaken to it.
  10. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    Yeah I may not be the best commentator. I looked at all kinds of what it was and finally went with what was in me.
  11. The Imaginary Being

    The Imaginary Being PAIN IN ASS Lifetime Supporter

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    the whole point is you have faith

    because there is no conclusive proof.

    what you're asking

    it kind of defeats the point.

    if we knew god existed

    you wouldn't believe in god - and rather

    it's just... god.
  12. twiggy148

    twiggy148 Member

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    The great Ron Bennington said "No one book, No one teacher" and I must agree. I was raised in the church and was content, until I grew up and began to see that while the book was being taught the fellowship was doing exactly what it said not to do. I began to resent the people and soon dropped out. Then I realized that you dont have to darken the doorstep of a church to have religion or be spiritual. Its whats inside you not what others expect of you. Take the time to do some research on the different religions and find one that fits YOU. There are tons of sites dedicated to explaining all aspects of spirituality and how you can become a "believer". It wont be easy but when you find that special niche thats just right for you its a magical thing.
  13. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    ^ Yes, that is excellent advice. Be around as much nature as possible and acknowledge the Master your heart and mind. < ^ these paths, opening yourself to a Higher Power can be the beginning of much comfort and strenth. At least, that has been my experience.

    Only I've read the bible...but just do those first 2 paragraphs, and you'll be well on your way. :sunny:
  14. cisz

    cisz Guest

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    "The word Cannabis comes from the hebrew or semetic words Kaneh Bosem in the hebrew version of the old testament this word combination is found in Ex 30:23 which Kaneh Bosem [Cannabis] is a principle ingreedient in the recipe for the Holy anointing oil of Moses which was used to render even the Arc of the Covannent, Most Holy, as well as anoint all the great kings of biblicial Israel.

    Also this term Kaneh Bosem [which literally means aromatic reed] is also
    found in Isaiah 43:24 where it apears in a list of things the Lord
    through the Prophet Isaiah complains that Israel does not bring Him
    such as offers of "Kaneh Bosem [Cannabis] and Money"

    Hemp was used as incense and sweet spices in the censers in the tabernacle. In Moses time the tabernacle was a tent filled with incense smoke which was in part Kaneh Bosem."

    (This was posted years ago in a few usenet newsgroups. The full thread can be found by searching google groups for "Re: Need bible quotes with MJ")
  15. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    Let this be good enough for you.

    God is a mystery. If God lacked mystery, God would not be God.
  16. papa wolf

    papa wolf Member

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    If we had all the answers , then what would be the point of being in this material realm ? What would be the point of having free will from God , to choose our own way . What would we learn here if we knew the true path to salvation to escape the material realm and its suffering ? And the true consequences for standing alone and believing in nothing but ourselves or man . If we knew the total truth we would play the game , and do what was expected of us to evolve to higher spiritual realms . But then would that be free choice ? Of our own making and will . Yet God's words are the guide to what we seek but Man has such little faith in what he can not see ,feel,see or hear he always strays back to what his senses tells him is real just the material realm , not the spiritual . So that's were most stay trapped in limbo of only the senses and pleasures or misery of the material plane . Our world is built by atoms and things we can't see , yet do they not exist ? Don't scientists have faith that they are the building blocks of life ? But would they if they couldn't see them through a microscope? That's why it's called faith . Belief in what we can not see .

    To seek God listen to your heart . Listen to no MAN but read God's words . I believe man's connection to God should be made alone . Listen to no man , who use religion for personal gain , power or control . The kingdom of God is within us all . Faith is all he ever wanted of us and asked for . Yes a "mustard seed's " worth , of which we can't even seem to muster .
    Angelmama likes this.
  17. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    It won't let me give you any rep :(, papa wolf...but I absolutely agree...well said.
  18. cisz

    cisz Guest

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    If Santa Claus lacked mystery, it would not be Santa Claus.

    Something which has existed since the beginning, that we have heard, and we have seen with our own eyes; that we have watched and touched with our hands: the Word who is life - this is our subject. That life was made visible: we saw it and we are giving our testimony
    --1St. John, 1,1
    Angelmama likes this.
  19. ay2lex

    ay2lex Guest

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    I'd say be open to wonder. Meditate on how much of a miracle is that you are even alive as a person and as a planet in a universe so seemingly lifeless. Take away everything you think god is and you'll find it right in front of your eyes. Eckhert tolle does a great job explaining the difference between thinking about god and seeing what it is for yourself check out his books. Faith to me is just a concept which is no longer needed when you place within and find what your looking for on the inside. Which all this bussiness about being present teaches you.
  20. Capt._Obvious

    Capt._Obvious Member

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    Just walk through life paying as much attention as possible. Something will show up.
    Angelmama likes this.

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