First time sex: are condoms enough to protect me from pregnancy?

Discussion in 'Birth Control' started by strawberry17, Dec 25, 2017.

  1. strawberry17

    strawberry17 Members

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    I have decided to lose my virginity to my boyfriend next weekend (he is not a virgin). My plan is to go see my doctor after New Years and get on the pill in the long run. I was wondering whether it is safe and responsible to use only condoms as a contraceptive method in the meantime? I can't get an appointmen sooner than later next month and would prefer not to have to wait until then. I didn't think to be concerned about using just condoms for a few weeks but one of my friends seems to think this is irresponsible and very risky. Is it truly that much riskier than using the pill if the condoms are used correctly and we are very careful?

    Any advice?
  2. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    As a man and my opinion of only, here’s my take.
    You should “strongly”insist on him using a condom and keep using them during your first full month on other contraceptives(the pill).
    No condum, no sex! Period! He may not like it, but he will get over it if he wants to play in your garden. You be the smart one. Stand your ground.
    After your body has adjusted to sexual activity and contraceptive’s, then you may allow him to go bare back.
    iamjustme, GLENGLEN and Eric! like this.
  3. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Being on the pill AND using condoms is a dual line of defense. Condoms break or slip off during sex, and pills do not always a guarantee that you won't get pregnant. But if you really don't want to get pregnant and want to go without condoms, there's always good ol anal sex:) Why aren't you researching this and getting reviews about this topic from medical webpages on the Internet, or asking adults that are around you?
  4. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Let me teach you a few facts of life that they never tell you about.
    I assume that having chosen this time to have sex with your boyfriend, you are feeling strongly in 'the mood'. This is a simple biological process and means that it is your peak fertility period.
    When you start getting 'wet' you probably assume that it is natures way of helping you enjoy sex. While true, it is only half the story. It is also natures way of giving all his sperms a passage to swim home. It also means that you can become pregnant without penetration and has been the cause of a lot of pregnancies over the years. Although rare, their is a recorded case of a pregnancy when both partners were still wearing jeans.
    Regarding condoms. Those bought at a proper pharmacy work as a barrier. The novelty ones bought elsewhere do not and are just intended as a fun item. Since proper condoms are expensive to manufacture and the novelty ones can be made in a balloon factory, you can see why they are sold.
    I am not trying to frighten you, but just be careful. Make sure that you use decent condoms and never remove your underwear until your boyfriend is wearing one.
    I have been able to explain all this without any 'dirty' talk. It simply amazes me that these facts are hardly ever highlighted during sex education in schools and colleges.
    Regards, Wills.
    johnshearing likes this.
  5. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    this kind of "friend" is commonly known as a "cock block." just because she's jealous doesn't mean you shouldn't have sex if you're ready.
    Irminsul likes this.
  6. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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  7. bunnygirl

    bunnygirl available in taiwan

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    i have two girlfriends that got pregnant by guys that were using condom. depending on the brand they are 70% to 98% effective . double protection of pill and condom is safer.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    The more protection one takes the less, but not fully assured, chance there is for pregnancy.
    Protection also needs to be considered against other factors ("he is not a virgin")
    Although there may be a need felt to experience the euphoria 'of the moment' - just remember there are always consequences to the actions we take - the key phrase being - "Be Safe"!
  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Just go on the pill. I don't even sleep with guys and I'm on the pill. :p my pull stops my cycles, so I still get the emotions but not the mess.
  10. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    And some good ol booty sex:)
  11. stillinthegroove

    stillinthegroove Member

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    Nothing is 100% effective, just ask the Virgin Marry....
  12. Bobbie52

    Bobbie52 Members

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    If you are planning on becoming sexually active get on the pill or use an IUD. However, condoms are still important to prevent STD’s. If you use a condom use a spermicidal lubricant.

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