FAQs about Animism

Discussion in 'Animism' started by Meagain, Mar 28, 2005.

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  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    What is Animism?
    Animism is the belief that individual spirits that inhabit natural objects and phenomena.
    These spiritual beings are separable or separate from bodies.
    An immaterial force animates the universe and is manifest in individual objects as a separate soul.

    Does Animism have a founder?
    The British anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Tylor named this belief and stated that it was the most primitive type of religion found in the world. In his book Primitive Culture, 1871 he claimed that it derived from people's self-conscious experience of the intangible. The idea of a soul, according to Tylor, came from dreams about the dead.

    What does the word Animism mean?
    Animism comes fromthe Latin word animae, which means souls or spirits.

    How old is Animism?
    Animism can be considered to be the original human religion, if it is defined y as belief in the existence of spiritual beings. It dates back to the earliest humans making it the oldest form of religious belief on Earth. It is characteristic of aboriginal and native cultures.

    Who can be an Animist?
    Anyone who believes in spirituality and does not proscribe to any specific organized religion can call his or her self an Animist.

    What are some of the major beliefs of Animism?
    The basis for animism is acknowledgment that there is a spiritual realm which humans share with the universe. Humans possess souls and souls have life apart from human bodies before and after death. Animals, plants, and celestial bodies also these have spirits or souls endowed with reason, intellect, and violation. There is no difference between animate and inanimate objects; all belong to the universal One.

    Are there any gods in Animism?
    Animistic gods often explain the creation of fire, wind, water, man, animals, and other natural earthly things. Specific beliefs of animism vary widely, although similarities exist.

    What are some of the practices of Animism?
    Animism frequently has holy men or women, visions, trances, dancing, sacred items, and sacred spaces for worship. The worship or connection to the spirits of ancestors is also a characteristic of some animistic societies.

    These questions are offered as a simple introduction to the Animism.
    They are presented as an opportunity for further exploration and understanding. No claim is made as to their accuracy or validity.

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